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Everything posted by pebu

  1. So do you have to put sunscreen on the skylight when you go out on a bright day? I mean, you wouldn't want your brain getting sunburnt.
  2. I just heard on the radio this morning that vail is planning on opening again for another couple of days. Said they still have up to 3 feet on the upper mountain. Anyway, I forget the details, but it was something like 7 runs and a couple lifts, or maybe it was 7 lifts.. I don't know, I took a nap in between now and then so I forgot most of it.
  3. I wish I had your problems... Our golf course is soaking wet. It's normally pretty wet, even on the dry days, so now it's like treking through a swamp. Oh, what I wouldn't do to go snowboarding right now...
  4. Take it easy too. You don't have anything to prove on the hill.
  5. We have a kegerator of big bud on tap at all times. Really, it's so much cheaper than bottles. And it doesn't take up room in the fridge either.
  6. pebu

    Home Birth

    Vaccinations though are (among other things of course) just weak forms of the virus. By taking vaccinations you're exercising your own immune system. Unlike antibiotics, which take over for your immune system, vaccinations are just "practice". Not to mention they'll give you limited, and more importantly, controlled exposure to viruses that your body hasn't even considered yet. I don't know about anybody else, but I'd rather get a small weak dose of some new flu bug and let my body kick the **** out of it and then be ready for what could come up instead of having a huge dose of the same bug attack my system. Bottom line is vaccines don't kill viruses. They ARE viruses. Antibiotics are NOT some sort of infection. They attack the infection so your body doesn't have to. I forgot about page 2, so this is a little bit old.
  7. I've heard of goldbrau but I've never been in a situation to try it. Another good beer I've had was one of those fruity ones... It was a blueberry wheat in a brewery in Marquette MI. I forget the name of the brewery. Anyway, it was a winter wheat in which they put frozen blueberries (and I'd imagine a little blueberry juice). As the blueberries thawed they'd sink and float. Between the frozen blueberries, the thawed blueberries and the co2 attaching to the blueberries, at any one time about 40% of the bberries would be at the top, 40% would be at the bottom and the rest of them would be somewhere in between, on their way to the other extreme. Yeah, it was pretty gimmicky, but had a pretty good flavor. (I'd love to see it done with raspberries )
  8. pebu

    Home Birth

    A girl here at work just had a kid at home in a tub. The kid turned out fine luckily. But this chick is insane. Not only did she just have a midwife and all that stuff, but her family was there... And her friends... And friends of the family... I swear, there had to have been 20-30 people in that damn room by the sounds of it. That's effed up! I've seen the videos in health class! I don't need to see that! I don't even want to see it when it's MY OWN kid! I'll stay up by her head and let her squeeze my hand.
  9. Wouldn't a bimoose be one who is interested in both genders??
  10. I'm sure my taste buds are a little juvenile compared to some, but I like the stuff like Bell's Oberon. For those of you who don't know, Bell's is a brewery in Kalamazoo MI. By far, my favorite brew so far is from the Keweenaw Brewing Company in Houghton MI. Their Pickaxe Blonde Ale is absolutely awesome. Their Redjacket, though getting a little bitter for my taste, is still pretty damn good too. People who are into it really like the Coal Porter and the like, but those aren't for me. They always have some seasonal, one time only beers, but those are mostly porters and dark reds.
  11. Ugh... I don't particularly like ipas. I guess some are alright. And there is NO U in favorite!!!
  12. I guess I'm out. Loincloths chafe me so...
  13. That's what I was thinking. I mean, come on, c5 GOLFER... Just remember that money doesn't buy happyness. Sure seems like it could help, but evidently he didn't have it... Whatever.
  14. Those are RAB from Raichle. They look in real good condition too. What I feel with them is they really smooth out the toesides (and help keep the edge on the snow). But for heelsides you're still just limited to boot flex. I've never tried BTS, but I do like the RABs.
  15. Oh yeah, I forgot about Foosball. As for the bocce, we always just played it wherever we were. As far as we were concerned you could throw or roll them, so that's why I assumed they were the same. Another game I liked that got outlawed was lawn darts... Probably not something that you want to play with TOO much alcohol in you... For the same reason it got outlawed. Oh, I forgot... This one party I was at we were playin horseshoes and bean bags... Then we got a dozen or so people together and played kickball with a massive ball. It was like one of those 30" diameter balls... Freakin awesome.
  16. I'm taking the day off. I'm not sick or anything, but I am meeting with the banker and having a house inspected. In the next couple of weeks I'm actually gonna be a homeowner. I moved in with my brother a little over two years ago and since he found a wife... So now I live with them... I cannot wait until this deal goes through.
  17. In the USA (at least the part where I'm from) we call it Bocce (pronounced Botchee) Ball. That's a pretty fun game too. Call them what you will, but I just love the leisure sports. Bocce, Curling, Darts, Horseshoes, Beanbags, Ladderball, Pool/Billiards, bowling, ping pong (table tennis to some)... But yes, I really do love curling. Mmmm, mad Aussie girls...
  18. Oh my gosh, give me a break. When I drink beer I'd rather DRINK the beer, not chew it. Call me what you will, but I love a good wheat or some pilsners or somethin, or the occasional red. I don't want my beer tasting like coffee and I hate when it's so freakin bitter. Hoppy over bitter any day.
  19. Holy 275 bucks for a key ring, Batman!!!
  20. I just wish I lived near a suitable road for some longboarding. The best thing I have is the wave board and my dog with a harness. That board gets a little squirrely around 15 mph though (Freya can run 40ish, untethered) so it gets a bit scary. I forgot where I was going with this. Anyway, I don't particularly like the summer olympics. There don't really seem to be that many events I'm interested in. In winter there's the snowboarding and the skiing and the bobsleds and luge and speed skating... I freakin LOVE curling...
  21. Make sure the hydration pack is insulated all the way to the mouthpiece so it doesn't freeze up on you while riding.
  22. It's $50 a day per adult in the holiday season on our massive 350 feet of vert. Oh, it's lovely! Luckily they have a pretty good deal on the seasons pass. Previous seasons pass holders can get one (unlimited) for 230 bucks. And non-previous seasons pass holders can get 4 at a time for 230 bucks each.
  23. It's kinda funny seeing all these parents getting their kids into boarding. I sure will when I'm a parent. But the reason I find it funny is because I actually got my dad on the snow. We took snowboarding lessons together and he boarded for a few years. I wish I would have known about hardbooting back in the day because that was the kind of boarding he did. Even though, I guess he didn't do perfect half circles as much as he looked like a sailboat going down a small lake (tight corners, but no definitive transition anywhere). A few years ago (Gosh, probably 6 or 7 by now) he buried the nose in some soft stuff though and went over the handlebars, landing on his shoulder. He tore the ligament that connects to the clavicle and even today he can make his clavicle pop up over the rest of his shoulder and it looks real nasty. But those were some good times. Now we stick to golfing together (which I also got him into). He teaches me about business and mechanics and building houses and jewelry making and such and I try to teach him about what to do in the time he's not doing that.
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