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Everything posted by carvin29

  1. That's awesome, I wasn't sure if she would crack under the pressure.
  2. 164 or 165 has always felt like the perfect size, with a 26 cm waist. I could go up to a 168 or so but nothing shorter, feels too small. I'm wary of rockered boards because I worry how it affects carving performance.
  3. Tanker is a big board isn't it? I'm looking for something at 165, that's my perfect size. I've heard a lot of good thing about the steepwater, would like to try one some day.
  4. I've come to enjoy them somewhat. I watched a skiing technique video on them, it was saying to turn before the mogul then go around it. Sounds simple but it really helped me and now I like em.
  5. No, I ride burton C02's and Driver boots.
  6. I'm on my 4th season with my Burton T6, I love it but it beats the crap out of me in choppy snow. What freeride decks would you guys suggest for a fast, damp ride?
  7. Yeah that would help, this ruined it for me.
  8. I felt bad for the guys having to ride that course, it looked brutal.
  9. did you guys see the new bindings with suspension at SIA? Interesting idea, they are made of magnesium:eek: www.manicsnow.com
  10. It definitely is nice to see a focus on freeriding. Seems like it's been forgotten sometimes. I really like the look of the new boards too. The deeper trailer looks nuts:eek:
  11. Wow that's awesome. I googled and someone said they retailed for $300 which seems low compared to the $400+ C60's of today:mad:
  12. Bob- what were the X base bindings? Surprised I never heard of them.
  13. The jacket I use is an Arcteryx Matador, there's some great deals on them on ebay. It has 150 g of primaloft insulation, it's really warm but not bulky. Another jacket I like is the Oakley battalion, I tried it on and has a nice fit, not tight but not baggy. It has a zip in tricot insulation, about $270.
  14. That's good to hear big bump. Rocker intrigues me but I worry what it will do as far as high speed freeriding, etc. People have said the Lib Banana boards are squirrely and have poor stability.
  15. I look up the mountain because someone always tends to bolt out of nowhere and pass me at what seems like 80mph. At A-basin on Sunday, I was really enjoying this natural gully, carving side to side like it was a halfpipe when 3 or 4 skiiers decided to do that.
  16. Let me know when you're going to Whitetail Pius!
  17. The Catek's really intrigue me but I wonder about the aluminum being too harsh and unforgiving going through chop. Also, how do they compare in weight to something like a Burton C02?
  18. I was out riding and saw something I'd never seen. The board was barely wider than a powder ski and the angles were almost parallel to the board, feet right behind one another. What was it?
  19. carvin29


    Saw it twice. I'm wondering if the Imax theater makes it a lot better...
  20. The leverage, security issue has always bothered me. I would never, ever use a disc mounted binding on it. Interested to hear from more people who've used it.
  21. My favorite rider ever. Was watching footage of him last night, so great all around.
  22. Thought you guys would enjoy this http://www2.macleans.ca/2010/01/12/olympic-secrets-revealed/
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