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Everything posted by lamby

  1. I do a lot of cross country skiing. It is a blast, a super workout, and I feel that it is good for my snowboarding. Likewise, I'm a better xc skier for the snowboarding I do.:)
  2. Thanks for conditions report and pics:)
  3. Good to hear you are getting the goods. I'm in Sun Valley. We have had a great week of storms.
  4. Snowman - I beleive I read an earlier post by you (on another topic) that mentioned that you sometimes ride a Fish with TD 3s. Is that fish an older model with three hole binding pattern, or are you mounting TD 3s to the channel system. Would someone looking to buy a Fish need to look for an older model if they wanted to mount up a plate binding on it? Thanks
  5. Thats great - thanks. Great carving and love the airs.
  6. by your gps it looks like you were staying on the groomers. I was approaching the mountain a little differently yesterday (and today). I was mainly ridding off-piste, enjoying one of our rare days of significant snow fall. We have been skiing the groomed runs that are open over and over again, so a chance to get under the lifts, touch into the trees a bit on a bump run or two, and generally ride powder is what I was looking to do. By the end of the day I'm beat and often the groomers beat me up more on the way out. Going to go check the radar as there is a chance we might get some more snow tonight (thus the short day today to try and not have noodles for legs in the a.m.) Hope you had a blast up there today!
  7. What deck are you riding? I have some softer decks that you are welcome to try (165 burton fusion, 172 burton coil...).
  8. Hi Fastskiguy, I was up on Baldy yesterday riding plates and hard boots - riding an old 163 Burton e-deck. I ride plates almost all the time (was on soft gear earlier in the week - just for fun - but my soft bindings and soft boots hurt my feet). Yesterday I had my bindings set back a bit further than usual. I love riding plates and hard boots on "new snow" days. As the day progresses and things get chopped up I find myself slowing down quite a bit. If I try to go fast when it is all crunched up and bumpy I get bucked around too much. The skiers seem to have some advantages - having their legs attached to independent skis seems to help them suck up the bumps. Have fun. Going up today? See you on the slopes!
  9. Welcome Eric. Good luck finding that tanker. What part of Idaho are you in and how are the conditions there?
  10. Enjoyed the video - great vibe
  11. I'll often have the rear foot real close to the front, almost hanging there, not really on the board. Sometimes I'm on the stomp pad. The board I ride almost every day didn't have a stomp pad and it was fine, but now and then I'd stick my foot down where a stomp pad might sit and slip off. That deck now has a stomp pad, which comes in handy from time to time. I also like a stomp pad for clearing snow off the bottom of my boot.
  12. love this vid thread - thanks
  13. My pleasure Oldschool, We actually had great groomed conditions, but I failed to get any video of us on it. http://lh3.ggpht.com/_mnLEkpV3z7o/S0PLxROGyxI/AAAAAAAAAgQ/ZD2NUOga3Tg/s400/IMG_0581.JPG
  14. I was fortunate enough to get good early instruction from Carvedog and others, and I did what you are doing too - trying to pick up every tid-bit of info I could and working on it. It is such a blast because it only gets better and better. Have fun and keep picking the brains of those here as you will get a lot of helpful advice. I'm pretty out of it as far as how people are teaching carving, but something that helped me was to think about being dynamic on the board throughout the turn. To start the turn I want to move my weight to the front of the board, to engage the edge and get things started. As I move through the turn I'm getting into a more centered position on the board, and ending the turn with my weight perhaps more to the back of the deck. Long winded and perhaps not how others would describe turn initiation, but thought I'd throw that out for the heck of it. Of course, weight at the end of the turn may not be back under all circumstances - depends on the turn you are making. Anyway, good luck and have a blast! Pretty soon it will all feel like second nature and you will be going
  15. My wife and I took a little trip from Idaho to S. Calif. recently. We divided our drive up with a stop at Brian Head Ski Resort near Parawon, UT. Prior to our trip we had asked if anyone from the BOL community had ridden their, and what their impressions were of the place. Everyone's input was really helpful (thanks!). It helped us decide to give the place a go, and we are glad we did. The place lacks for vert (about 1000') and steeps, but is still fun. It is a large area so lots of parts of the mountain to explore. The lifts can be long and all of them are slow, so it takes some time to get from one side of the place to the other. We had fun hunting up the steepest groomed runs - it hadn't snowed in a while - they had about a 40 inch base during our visit. The terrain is very mello - a great place for a beginner or low interm. carver I think. For the rest - a nice place to visit, especially if you are looking to break up a long drive. Here is a little footage from our trip:
  16. Hope your healing up - I've hooked toes on furniture like that before, but your encounter sounds like a bigger hit than I've ever taken. Good luck and hope your back on the sno soon
  17. Thanks for posting the video and explaining in detail the situation you are dealing with. You are clearly in control and traveling at a safe rate for the conditions and the people you are overtaking. You're spot on - its a damn shame about some people's bias's about our equipment and how we ride the mountain. Appreciate this discussion.
  18. We have also been super pleased with the level of service Bomber has provided to us. We have also been real happy with the boots we have purchased through BOL. What a great company!
  19. Thanks shawndoggy, oldvr, philw! Great input. Still considering which way to go - thru UT to laid back Bhead, or thru Nevada and Bishop way to Mammoth or June Mtn. Well, it will be fun to take in some new sights and terrain in a new place, a great way to break up the drive. I rather like the idea of Mom and Popping it and being underwhelmed at Brian Head, but the attraction of a big mountain experience at Mammoth also has us thinkin', thinkin', thinkin'.
  20. Yep CD, another crappy day in paradise. I was so beat from yesterday that I was sort of dragging today, but the mountain was beautiful. We only lasted a few runs. Been getting up much Jer? hope so:D
  21. A skier behind me in the lift line today gave me a poke and said, "nice carving." The wife got a "nice turns" earlier in the day. Lots of posivibes from other snowboarders and skiers here.
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