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What do you love more, snowboarding or your spouse??

Jack M

What do you love more, snowboarding or your spouse??  

98 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you love more, snowboarding or your spouse??

    • Snowboarding
    • Spouse

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I showed this poll to my wife, and her answer was "Snowboarding is one of the things that makes you who you are...I would never want that to change"

Damn, I married a good one!

11 1/2 years married, 14 years together, and she gets better every day!

(I voted spouse, btw, but I never would have married someone who would give me an ultimatum)

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Wow, what a result so far.

For me not a question. Married for 18 years (in June) and we are both carving since ’90.

I would stop boarding tomorrow, if she would ask me to. Off course only for a serious reason!

So I obviously voted spouse


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I will not bother voting on this one... In a functional marriage no one gives the ultimatums like this, or leaves wife for sport/passtime. Yet, the board wouldn't pose any ultimatums - it would just quietly wait for you in the closet ;)

Now a funny real story:

In my university days, one of my buddies was quite into booz (beer for breakfast, etc). He hooked up with a hot chick (she loved beers too, but not quite as much as him). Ower the few months they were together, she realised he was really drinking too much for her taste. So, one evening (while they were having some shooters), she told him to choose between her and alcohol. He grabed the bottle of brandy from the table and quietly walked out of the apartment...

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I will not bother voting on this one... In a functional marriage no one gives the ultimatums like this, or leaves wife for sport/passtime. Yet, the board wouldn't pose any ultimatums - it would just quietly wait for you in the closet ;)

Now a funny real story:

In my university days, one of my buddies was quite into booz (beer for breakfast, etc). He hooked up with a hot chick (she loved beers too, but not quite as much as him). Ower the few months they were together, she realised he was really drinking too much for her taste. So, one evening (while they were having some shooters), she told him to choose between her and alcohol. He grabed the bottle of brandy from the table and quietly walked out of the apartment...

Having spent a good deal of my residency taking care of cirrhotics, she was lucky...

Best of my knowledge, snowboarding never left anyone dying of uncontrollable bleeding in a hepatic coma....

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this reminds me of when i let my friend demo my pogo longboard. he was supposed to be teaching his girlfriend to board, but quickly forgot about her and was completely absorbed in the board. When he rode the lift back up, she was waiting there for him, and she was MAD!:angryfire . I've never seen anyone so mad at their signifigant other!

i know his choice, and its mine too.

snowboard, most definately:1luvu:

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The answer to the question "What do you love more, snowboarding or your spouse??" is easy for me: spouse. One of the things I love about her is that would never give me such an ultimatum. (One of our 'secrets' - raise flags before things get out of hand...) She would *really* never give me such an ultimatum about snowboarding, since she's the one who got me into it in the first place, and owns 9 snowboards to my 8. (Although I ride more of mine :D )

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I picked my spouse - easy choice. I'm bloody lucky - here's why:

My wife's Mom's group, has been reading Dr Laura's "Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" recently. My wife is going along with it - she's smart, and although there's much in this book that is irrelevant to us, from what I understand, having quickly skimmed through the book, is that Dr Laura advocates women can achieve a harmonious marriage by simply keeping their husband's tummies full, and their nuts empty.

This seems brilliant to me, and the guys I ride with think it intuitively obvious - but just try to suggest a reading of this book to any one of your emancipated, empowered modern wives or girlfriends, and you might be ripped to pieces.

How is this so? Shouldn't I be offended? Dr Laura suggests that a man's desire for a wonderful, working marriage, can be so easily satisfied. Am I really that uncomplicated?

I think I am.

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Most people I meet on the slopes are either single or divorced. With women you have to choose one or the other. If I even consider new gear I have to listen to crap about changing the fabric on the couch or new curtains. Guess what, I'm getting a new board.

Even when women don't object and say nothing, they will make you feel bad by making it obvious that they are not having a good time.


W.A.F. a new term that applies to big speakers (other things too) - wife acceptance factor. I love them, right?

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I made it crystal clear to my lovely bride BEFORE we were betrothed that this is what I do. After ten years of marital hiss....err...I mean bliss she has not once asked me to forego snowboarding in the winter or kayaking in the summer. Of course it helps that she also skis and kayaks but she's not nearly as fanatical as me. With me it's a definite need. Without my periodic fix no woman in their right mind would want to be around me anyway. It's really a moot point.


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Guest VBrown

All you folks who voted snowboarding just haven't found the right wife yet. If I can deal with up to 13 snowboards sprawled throughout my living room and wax shavings everywhere... not to mention a motorcycle IN my bedroom (!!!) even if it is the spare bedroom, then there's gotta be someone out there who can as well.:)

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Not to worry Mrs. Brown, it was a trick question. Asked the way I did, the answer is simple, snowboarding. But if something or someone other than my wife forced me to choose between snowboarding and her, she wins. Like, if I had to give up a leg to save her life, I'd down a fifth and hack the thing off myself.

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it would have been some years ago. Today i know: whomen come and go, boarding will stay. Although I might survive one or even some winters without carving, I would immediately know what to do with a women, who forces this decision. So without hesitating I vote for my board(s) in the situation discriped in the first post.

I's like to add something to the answers above: Obviously everyone of those, who voted for spouse did this, because their are totally sure that she would not di this... so maybe this doesn't count ;)


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