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Thanks to all you Veterans

C5 Golfer

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and a big THANK YOU to all the veterans out there. I'm somewhat of a military history nut, my Dad was in the Navy as a mechanic so I have him to thank for my interest. Trikerdad I'd love to hear some stories about your sub duty, maybe this is the year we finally get to make some more runs together? I've even got Derek fired up for this season! Again, thanks to all our service men & women, and C5 thanks for starting this thread,



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Guest rick ferguson

Did my 8 year obligation, U.S.ARMY, 3rd.of the 9TH., 7TH.ID, light infantry, jungle expert. security in honduras. To all those vets, who had to pull the trigger and those that built the body of the worlds finest, we have earned the right to comment on anything we choose!

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Guest dudleydudley

I am a Captain in the Army (O-3) and work at the Pentagon, building math models and doing statistical analysis. I live right behind Arlington Cemetery and get a daily reminder of the consequences of my work, if not done properly. I was a tank platoon leader, tank company XO, and an air assault infantry company commander before I came out here. Definitely a whole different world working in the puzzle palace.

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  • 1 year later...

followed in my bro's footsteps RICK FERG . . The only thing is, he was a straight leg ground pounder..

I was death from above, eighty duce baby , knees in the breeze.. M-60 gunner.... get sum

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