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C5 Golfer

Does cigarette smoke smell bother you at work  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. Does cigarette smoke smell bother you at work

    • Do not care - the smell does not bother me
    • I care but can't do anything about it
    • I do not have a work place stink from smoke issue
    • I am pretty vocal about it and won't work around smokers

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Guest Mark Jeangerard

Better judgement tells me to stay far, far away from this. But then, I've never been afflicted with as much.

There are many things equally as offensive as the stench of stale smoke in an enclosed area. Such as incessantly whining about something not because it bothers you, so much, but because it's hip and you can get a lot of back up from others who would rather not think for themselves. Note the reluctance to whine about B.O.. It is made unhip by the same petty mentallity that makes whining about smoking hip. Go ahead, complain about the B.O.. Unless it's a chemical imbalance or a construction site, it's just plain rude. Same with bad breath.

What even more annoying still, is people who whine about smoking that drive cars, use laundry detergent, electricity, computer chips, chemical cleaners, pee on public toilet seats, smoke MJ in locker rooms, kill bugs outside, or talk in theaters.

Yeah well... we all have our joys and sorrows. I like meat and smoking cigars. I LOVE swearing. I KNOW others don't so, I smoke outside, eat meat in meat houses, brush my teeth, shower, swear around my swearing freinds. If that's not enough then sooooorrry!

Do have considerable trouble keeping my mouth shut though.

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Coming from a guy that has quit smoking for 10 months, after smoking about 15 years - smokers do not realize how bad they smell after a cigerette, even if it is outside.

Now being smoke free for almost a year - I really notice the smell and it is truly disgusting. Never know how bad it was when I was smoking.

Best reommendation, talk to those involved and explain this to them - I can guarantee that they do not know how bad it smells. I think an suitable arrangement can be hammered out - as long as they are not a$$holes.

It is a different world when you are not addicted to these nasty things

Just my 2 cents


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. I think an suitable arrangement can be hammered out - as long as they are not a$$holes.


Other than not smoking during the day - what possible "suitable arrangement" can you think of?

Moving them which will happen is only a bandaid - I still need to work closely with them and sometimes with them at their computer in thier office. :barf:


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Coming from a guy that has quit smoking for 10 months, after smoking about 15 years - smokers do not realize how bad they smell after a cigerette, even if it is outside.

Now being smoke free for almost a year - I really notice the smell and it is truly disgusting. Never know how bad it was when I was smoking.

Exact same experience - it took me a year, until my sense of smell fully returned, before I realized it.

Best reommendation, talk to those involved and explain this to them - I can guarantee that they do not know how bad it smells. I think an suitable arrangement can be hammered out - as long as they are not a$$holes.

It is a different world when you are not addicted to these nasty things

Diplomacy has failed me many times on this one... Nect time I hear the words "smokers rights" I'm just going to walk away...

I actually found it really easy to quit when I decided "this is bad for me" - I've never understood why some people have such a tough time giving it up. Sure, I had cravings for nicotine for about 2 weeks, but the fact that I could climb the 6 flights of stairs to my aprtment (lived in NYC at the time) more easily after 3 days made it easy to not cave.

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Found out it was all in a diet of what he was eating - bad Ph maybe - but anyway I do not remember what foods did it to him and what foods he needed to bring into his diet but if I remember right it sure helped.

Diet can tell you a lot. What you put into your body is just as important as what you do to the outside. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This would be a completely different topic, but eating crappy food (fast food, lots of trans/hydrogenated fats, sugars, etc) will manifest itself outwardly in terms of BO, Bad Breath, Horribly can-kill-you farts, and skin discoorations. Smoking will do this as well. From some recent personal things I have learned smoking will completely send your PH levels off the charts, and if you are smoking the smell is probably the last thing you should be concerned about :rolleyes:

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Coming from a guy that has quit smoking for 10 months, after smoking about 15 years - smokers do not realize how bad they smell after a cigerette, even if it is outside.

Now being smoke free for almost a year - I really notice the smell and it is truly disgusting. Never know how bad it was when I was smoking.

It is a different world when you are not addicted to these nasty things

Just my 2 cents


Yeah it is amazing how smokers don't realize how bad they smell after smoking. My sister-in law is a smoker with 3 kids. She would say, by smoking in the basement bathroom she is protecting them. Yeah Right!

When I leave the house and go to my car, I am like "HOLY SH**!! I smell like an F***ING animal! When I get home, my mom is like, "Oh were you at your brother's house?" All I got to say about smoking is --> :barf:

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is one of those topics with potential to end friendships and start flame throwing posts back and forth. But hey we're mostly all grown ups so I figure I could throw in my 1 cent!<O:p :boxing_sm

I detest the smell of habitual smokers. It’s a smell that can make you feel ill. Second hand smoke to me is like a drive by shooting. I didn't ask to be shot at and I have every right to walk on the street. Same with second hand smoke I have a right to walk the streets without being covered by clouds of toxic waste. Well gee does that mean I have to start getting mad about the toxic cloud that's hanging over Oregon right now? Should I blame smokers for that? Well no but since their not helping any their a easy target. :AR15firin


I'd like to see the cost per box of cigs doubled and the tax for it tripled and all smokers pay a higher premium on their insurance so I don't get stuck paying for their medical bills.

<O:pAnyway I love everyone smoker or not as long as I don't have to smell that smell or breath that smoke! Get some help and just think if you stop smoking you'd have all that money for boarding!:1luvu:

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back in the mid 70's I was on a trip with my family. We had rented a motor home. The plan was to attend a relative's wedding (500 mile drive there) then take a couple of weeks vacation around northern Wisconsin and Canada.

I was the only person of my family of 5 that did not smoke. On the way to the wedding everyone was smoking up a storm and I thought I would croak from the smoke. I was starting to have serious concerns about my ability to breathe. They basicly said 'quit your whining'. I spent 499 miles at a window directing air my way.

When we arrived I was as sick as a dog. After the wedding I asked my family and relatives (more smokers) to borrow me some cash so I could take a bus home rather than put up with 2 weeks of poision. They basicly said 'don't be such a baby'.

I realized I would not be able, in good concsience or good spirits continue on with all that smoke. My miserable state would not be good for anyone's vacation.

At that point I took my bicycle off the rack, packed the one pannier I had brought with a few items and set off, peddaling the 500 miles back home. (I had done a few long bike tours over the years so this wasn't anything unusual)

what really pissed me off was all the smokers that did not care to concern themselves with the effects smoke was having on me. :smashfrea

To this day I have a distinct sensitivity to smoke and typically will not associate with smokers.

I am really blessed to be in a work envirionment which will not allow smoking.

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Actually, the cost to society is such that a pack of cigarette would have to be taxed $7 to recoup med expenses...

But, most of the states that sued the tobacco companies did not use ANY of the proceeds to fund health care in their respective states.....

To me, truly sad is getting off the lift, taking a lungfull of clean, crisp air getting ready for a run and having the whole experience tainted by a smoker lighting up-yuck..

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I don't think of it as whining really since this particular habit actually causes harm to others in a very physical sense where as some other bad habits may only affect your close relations or loved ones.:1luvu:

So if someones habit affects anohter person directly causing them harm then I think they have a right to say something about it. Right?:confused:

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Cool clean mountain air, polluted by the smoker in the chair ahead of you. I used to be that guy,and I had no clue of the effect I was having on others, I was outside in the fresh air. I smoked for fifteen years, and quit ten years ago. I feel like I have five more years of pennance (lasped catholic) before I can tell others how I really feel about thier second hand smoke :



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Guest Ninjette

.......the way I look at it there are much more pleasurable things to be sucking on rather than a c-butt :D

btw..... go easy on the "jersey" jabs..... them is my roots you are talking about ;)

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Now I get to go out and have a break for smoking every 30 minutes or so.. before I could only watch and be envious that they don't have to work for about 2 hours out of the day.. sounds like a good deal to me.. hey your probably going to get hit by a bus anyway! and then you will be saying to your self "and all this time I could have been smoking , having unprotected sex and living a life of debauchery!!" man! like those people who don't do anything with thier money cause thier saving for retirement.. **** what the hell you gonna do at 67 learn how snap your bones like tooth picks trying to learn how to snowboard ! odds are you ain't going to make it to your 60's and all that time you saved your money waiting till ya retire to buy hookers and strippers and hookers,, and more hookers! Thats why Im retiering in reverse!!! spend it like a cheap crack whore! buy 20 custom boards travel the world.. Then after you can't do it anymore.. then work till your dead! and then you won't have to work as long.. Cause You'll be dead in a few years anyways! :ices_ange

Oh yea sex change! I figured Id get one so I can get pregnent and get time off and then come up with excuses why I have to go home and take care of my kid.. or better yet stay home cause the sitter called in and you can't get a replacement..

Thats the trouble being a WSM with a salaried job.. you ain't got no benifits what so ever..

Cinco De Mayo!!! hurray!


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