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OT:Gas jokes


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actual costs in here:

France diesel: 1.20 / liter

France premium 98 unleaded: 1.45 / liter

for you US non metric ( i know u are officially but..in real..)

a gallon is 3.78 liters

1.20 is in USD> 1.5 USD x 3.78 = 5.67 USD / gallon

1.45 is in USD> 1.81 USD x 3.78 = 6.84 USD / gallon

Seems you have margin before reaching those prices... At least it might lead you guys to use fuel efficiency cars, and begin to save energy....might even lead to the US signing the Kyoto treaty!

My car drives 1200 km with 75 USD and the car has seven seats and a quattro transmission...the non quattro drives 1300 km with same amount i heard!

What's your scores...?


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We shouldn't own cars? That's a weird one.

Not so weird.

Cars spew out pollution that kills people and otherwise makes them sick. They kill millions of people directly in collisions. They use up resources that certain governments wage war to control, causing massive death and destruction for people in resource-rich lands, while reducing available funds in the war-mongering countries and thereby reducing their ability to do things like plan for rescue operations, and alleviate the poverty that exacerbates the effects of natural (or global-warming induced) disasters. They're a major cause of global warming, with all its flow-on effects. They require large swathes of land for roads and parking which could otherwise be used for housing or agriculture. They cause suburban sprawl, with its associated obesity, poor health, and "weird" (to use your word) social attitudes.

Of course cars are quite useful, and I use them myself from time to time (although I don't own one). But like guns (another useful thing), they have massive negative externalities when owned by a large section of the population.


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Not so weird.

Cars spew out pollution that kills people and otherwise makes them sick. They kill millions of people directly in collisions. They use up resources that certain governments wage war to control, causing massive death and destruction for people in resource-rich lands, while reducing available funds in the war-mongering countries and thereby reducing their ability to do things like plan for rescue operations, and alleviate the poverty that exacerbates the effects of natural (or global-warming induced) disasters. They're a major cause of global warming, with all its flow-on effects. They require large swathes of land for roads and parking which could otherwise be used for housing or agriculture. They cause suburban sprawl, with its associated obesity, poor health, and "weird" (to use your word) social attitudes.

Of course cars are quite useful, and I use them myself from time to time (although I don't own one). But like guns (another useful thing), they have massive negative externalities when owned by a large section of the population.


Right on bro!!! :D I didn't reply earlier because it's not always fun to be against the popular opinion for these things (guns and cars). I do own a car (a compact), but I don't drive agressively and I don't use it a lot (less than 10000km per year). My bicycle is still my main means of getting around and commuting to work from April until November. In my opinion, if gas prices stay high, maybe then the driving habits of the population will change (drive smaller and slower). I'd direct you to my blog, but it's in French.

BTW, gas here is 1,39$CDN per liter for regular. I was lucky to fill up at 1,07$CDN last week and I am not even at the 3/4 of the tank because I use my car so little.

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Kyoto doesn't take into accord India or China's pollution contribution and thus is worthless until amended

Cars, even in my smoggy city of Houston, only contribute 3% to pollution woes-look to chemical plants and power plants-all of which are grandfathered out of the Clean Air act. The companies that own them have bided their time for the last 30 years while the authors of the act thought a gradual replacement of outmoded plants would take place in the last 30 years...

Now Bush is not inforcing the act and stating going green would throttle our economy...

And our press reinforces the misperception but NOT publicizing efforts to go green in very vibrant economies like Germany

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Baka, I was just out visiting a friend of mine who is a farmer.

Next time I see him I will suggest to him that he get rid of his pickup truck and ride a bicycle. But he's probably going to ask me how he will go into town to pick up his groceries, or to the John Deer place to get a part for his tractor.

What should I tell him?

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Kyoto doesn't take into accord India or China's pollution contribution and thus is worthless until amended

Cars, even in my smoggy city of Houston, only contribute 3% to pollution woes-look to chemical plants and power plants-all of which are grandfathered out of the Clean Air act. The companies that own them have bided their time for the last 30 years while the authors of the act thought a gradual replacement of outmoded plants would take place in the last 30 years...

Now Bush is not inforcing the act and stating going green would throttle our economy...

And our press reinforces the misperception but NOT publicizing efforts to go green in very vibrant economies like Germany

No doubt!! Before we give up our cars.. (yes, we are fat & sassy gas hording Americans!!:cool: )... how about doing away with all the *&^%$# 18-wheelers - you want to talk contribution to smog?!? I can't figure out (other than the fact that we have oil moguls running the country) why the rail system can't be better used. One or two filth pumping locomotives can move hundreds times more product than one black-aired semi. I've seen way too much filth pump out of those semi truck stacks, and seen way too many HORRIBLE acidents caused by "professional" drivers.

In the mean time, I am driving less, combining trips, and driving very conservatively.

a very timely subject...but oh so close to political!:freak3:

Happy Labor Day weekend!!

p.s. It so happens that we live (o.k., it is by choice) in a society and corresponding infrastructure that almost requires the use of autos. Should we choose not to be upwardly mobile, or have the luxury to work in a location that is accessable by something other than an automobile, then sans-auto living is feasable. Where I CHOOSE to live, without a motorized vehicle I would not be gainfully employed and I certainly wouldn't have the ability to carve come winter.


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Baka, I was just out visiting a friend of mine who is a farmer.

Next time I see him I will suggest to him that he get rid of his pickup truck and ride a bicycle. But he's probably going to ask me how he will go into town to pick up his groceries, or to the John Deer place to get a part for his tractor.

What should I tell him?

Thats easy, tell him:

To ride his horse and buggy :p

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Its actually making me contemplating purchasing a motorcycle. Im absolutely uncomfortable to use a motorcycle for the road purpose as in transportation, cuz of those idiotic retards who can "drive."

Baka's got a very valid point. Oil. Kinda "fked" up that we're fighting over oil, when in the near future, we -WILL- be fighting over fresh water. We, as human beings, are just simply that -- cockroaches.

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Its actually making me contemplating purchasing a motorcycle. Im absolutely uncomfortable to use a motorcycle for the road purpose as in transportation, cuz of those idiotic retards who can "drive."

Baka's got a very valid point. Oil. Kinda "fked" up that we're fighting over oil, when in the near future, we -WILL- be fighting over fresh water. We, as human beings, are just simply that -- cockroaches.

I've been on two wheels for over a decade and will be buying a 4wheeled vehicle for the first time in 14 years...for standard transportation on two wheels one must make a simple assumption...no one can see you!!! plan accordingly even on my scooter I wear full coverage...on my Buell I wear full leathers except in the summer.

As for my 4 Wheeled vehicle I chose a Liberty Diesel...with luck the USA will embrace europe's low sulfur and biodiesel trend...

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We're in a bit of a mess. We're all guilty to some extent. We need to make restitution to the nation and the world in whatever way we can. We can start by driving as little as possible with the most gas efficient vehicle we can.

How many trips can you eliminate a week? It all helps.

By the way if you buy a hybrid after the first of the year, I hear you get a $3000 tax credit (which means if your total tax bill is $10,000 for the year, you subtract the $3000 and pay $7000 to the Government), and make sure you read the fine print. You need to act quickly because it will evaporate conditional on response. This is not to even mention how much you'll save on gas at $3/gal, not to mention $4 and $5 which is coming.

Let's see 15000 miles / 17 mpg = 882 gals, 15000 miles/ 48 mpg = 312 gals for a difference of 570 gals at $3 = $1710 extra dollar a year, at $4/gal = $2280 extra dollars a year, and at $5 = $2850 extra dollars a year. Do the math on different miles, say 30000 and it's going to cost you up to $5700 extra dollars a year to drive that pig, and that's pretax dollars so let's figure you're going to take $7100 or so off your gross income.

I drive a sissy car whenever I can 33mpg.

I feel sorry for the people that can't afford it for one reason or another, but it will stretch out the worlds's gas supply and help clean up the air, so I'm all for it. It has always pissed me off to see all those shiney, never taken off the road, gas hog suv's (Stupid Urban Vehicles), lined up at the Dairy Queen.

The Ford Excursions new motto: Go for a Sunday drive and take an excursion to your wallet

Remember those SUV's may be taking $7100 off your gross income a year in the not too distant future.

PS, It doesn't matter how many vehicles you own, just which one you drive the most, as I assume most people can only drive one at a time.

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As for my 4 Wheeled vehicle I chose a Liberty Diesel...with luck the USA will embrace europe's low sulfur and biodiesel trend...

I have no problem with diesels - Albeit, I wish they made them with the exhaust pipe coming over the front of the car so the driver gets the black smoke first.

I think it may improve MPG and make the diesel autos more friendly to all.


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Cars spew out pollution that kills people and otherwise makes them sick. They kill millions of people directly in collisions. They use up resources that certain governments wage war to control, causing massive death and destruction for people in resource-rich lands, while reducing available funds in the war-mongering countries and thereby reducing their ability to do things like plan for rescue operations, and alleviate the poverty that exacerbates the effects of natural (or global-warming induced) disasters. They're a major cause of global warming, with all its flow-on effects. They require large swathes of land for roads and parking which could otherwise be used for housing or agriculture. They cause suburban sprawl, with its associated obesity, poor health, and "weird" (to use your word) social attitudes.

How about Meat?

Cow**** creating methane, Land use

Do you heat your house?

Do you use styrofoam? Electricity?

You're no environmental angel. Non of us are.

Stay off your gas pedal. Get to where you're going intelligently.

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Which points to the very irony of our embracement with the hardboot alpine industry. Aren't you aware snowboards and skis have a half-life (i.e. thousands of years before it disintergrate naturally) ? What about ski resorts? Bunch of plastics are used to make signs, as well as lifts. They use out electricity by means of manipulation of our natural resources: river, coal, natural gas, wind, etc.

Looks like we, mankind, have a long ways to go to improve quality of life for ALL lifeforms on this only habitable planent in entire solar system, perhaps the universe, before we even get as far as to colonize the space.

I once again rest my case we are the cockroaches of earth.

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actual costs in here:

France diesel: 1.20 / liter

France premium 98 unleaded: 1.45 / liter

for you US non metric ( i know u are officially but..in real..)

a gallon is 3.78 liters

1.20 is in USD> 1.5 USD x 3.78 = 5.67 USD / gallon

1.45 is in USD> 1.81 USD x 3.78 = 6.84 USD / gallon

Seems you have margin before reaching those prices... At least it might lead you guys to use fuel efficiency cars, and begin to save energy....might even lead to the US signing the Kyoto treaty!

My car drives 1200 km with 75 USD and the car has seven seats and a quattro transmission...the non quattro drives 1300 km with same amount i heard!

What's your scores...?


It's great that you bring this up becuase I was having the exact conversation last night. It's all relative $3+/gal is a lot of money for gas over here.

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