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OT: waaaaaaay OT....


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That last part definitly left me speechless and sure is one hell of a weekend, Michelle! :biggthump

EDIT: Oh, its a hot springs -- a "naturist" hot springs. Figures. Ive heard of this place... is it that good ? (the hot springs, itself)

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Alright, so what's the difference between a "naturist" and a "nudist"? It seems like now all of a sudden "nudist" has a negative connotation and "naturist" is some new politically correct term now... What's the deal?

I moved into my house over the weekend. I still have alot of crap to move (my room at my brothers house is a MESS) but I spent my first night there last night. I was laying there in bed in the dark and it was all quiet when the ice maker dropped a load and I almost did the same thing. But this morning I woke up and was walking the dog and it really felt like home. I'm gonna like it there.

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That last part definitly left me speechless and sure is one hell of a weekend, Michelle! :biggthump

EDIT: Oh, its a hot springs -- a "naturist" hot springs. Figures. Ive heard of this place... is it that good ? (the hot springs, itself)

Careful, I didn't say I was participating! :) OPTIONAL means you have the option to have clothes or not....it's just that most people here opted for the "not".

This one was listed as "clothing optional" which most natural hot springs in CO are - after dark. I expected people to be in the pools after dark without clothing. However, I didn't expect it to be clothing optional while you are walking around the grounds, BBQing, eating lunch, hiking, etc all during daylight hours! Not sure what the difference in terms between "naturalist" and "nudist" are, I think it's just technicalities. Anyway, was definitely interesting and....um....eye opening.

Yes, and Congrats Pebu!

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However, I didn't expect it to be clothing optional while you are... BBQing...

Ok, now THAT sounds plain dangerous and I wouldn't risk that at all...

Anybody ever watch Seinfeld with the "good naked" (such as brushing hair) and "bad naked" (such as trying to open a pickle jar)?

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Ok, now THAT sounds plain dangerous and I wouldn't risk that at all...

Anybody ever watch Seinfeld with the "good naked" (such as brushing hair) and "bad naked" (such as trying to open a pickle jar)?

LOL yeah... like coughing naked, never good. hahahaha:lol:

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since this is the giant OT thread... i would like to protest about being too damned young to have early developing osteoarthritis in my knees... ( i presume from years fo dancing... *sigh*.. could also be the bad spill took riding... tore some cartilage... or maybe the gymnastics... ... )


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you might want to pop in those shark cartlidge pills for 'em knees. I swear by 'em. I can't really spell it out on what they're called -- gluamate ? Glucosamine Sulfate. Turns out its not shark cartlidge. -shrugs-

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i think you mean glucosamine (sp?) and i can't take most of the ones found in CVS, etc cause they contain shellfish which i am allergic to. someone told me they sell versions without shellfish in organic type stores... gota check those out

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Ais, go with the glucosamine-chondroitin-MSM if you can find one without the seafood additive. I started taking it about six years ago and it's fantastic, made a huge difference to my poor bodybuilder knees. I know they have liquid and powdered glucosamine too.

Look after those young knees of yours, and then you'll still be rocking when you're old and derelict like me.

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since this is the giant OT thread... i would like to protest about being too damned young to have early developing osteoarthritis in my knees... ( i presume from years fo dancing... *sigh*.. could also be the bad spill took riding... tore some cartilage... or maybe the gymnastics... ... )


Sorry for being OT on the OT thread...

I was showing symptoms of osteoarthritis in my knees over the 05/06 and 06/07 seasons, symptoms are mostly gone after some structural integration - rolfing, tuina, and sotai (sp?). Not always the most pleasant stuff - especially rolfing - but IMHO much better than recovering from surgery and gets to the root cause.

My sense from doing some reading is that everyone has some osteoarthritis in the major joints, it's just a question of when it starts to fly above the radar. Read "Pain Free" by Pete Egoscue. Even if you don't like his exercises, it shows how much you can do to improve your situation pretty much on your own.

Now, if only all this body work would solve my hip and pelvic problems... my feet have been unflattened, my knees don't hurt anymore, but my plevis is still not moving the way it should be, I have to twist in an undesirable way to get a good low toeside :(

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did someone say drinks in new england? I'm in...

yep i did!! getting more than 4 people together though can be like herding cats... :rolleyes:

let's try to set dates with a poll and see when people can come out... i'll try to get on that today

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