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Well, I doubt I will ever have to worry about it but if that day comes, I will definitely have a very small ceremony on a beach on a secluded island with just me and my new hubby. None of this big chaotic parade of nonsense! It is for some people, and I know it's important for most people, guess it's just not for me at this point in my life.

Good luck Noah!

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Clipless pedals-in the 80s the rage was shoe cleats. But, walk around with your bike shoes at all with the cleats and you scrape up the sides to where they don't slide off the special pedals. Now cleats have been replaced by clipless pedals.....I'll stick with my toe clips. Nerdy, yes....but who's laughing when the cool rider slows to a stop, can't un-clip and falls over??????

As for eloping....my dad paid for wedding #1. 5 years later he told me he was going to give my brother the same amount he'd spent on my wedding so my brother could spend 2 weeks in Italy for his honeymoon:freak3::AR15firin:eek:

If I'd had the option....

For wedding #2, we went to the church and had a catered party afterward....definitely, less stressful.

Like they say, you don't enjoy your wedding, you enjoy the next one you go to....

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Well, I doubt I will ever have to worry about it but if that day comes, I will definitely have a very small ceremony on a beach on a secluded island with just me and my new hubby. None of this big chaotic parade of nonsense! It is for some people, and I know it's important for most people, guess it's just not for me at this point in my life.

Can I get an amen? Blowing an obscene amount of money on a single day of your life, and on a dress you will never wear again? And especially where you put yourself into debt to do it? It makes no sense to me at all. If I'm stupid enough to get married again, it will be the beach all the way.

When I was with the ex, he talked about his wedding - in proper Nova Scotia style, with every relative on the planet invited (300+ people) and a 50K price tag! The very thought of that, and all the associated BS, was enough to make me run screaming from the room and hurl myself off the balcony ...

Good luck, Noah. Hope you have a GREAT day - it's been a long time coming.:)

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when my wife got incredibly frustrated at all the BS that goes with planning a wedding and suggested for the 3rd time (yes, I wanted to be sure she was serious, knew and would remember that it was her idea) that we just visit a JP I said hellsyeah. couple hrs later we were honeymooning in the Bahamas.

21 yrs later we're still in the game. :1luvu:

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In other OT news, I got clipless pedals for my bike this weekend and have the scars to prove it :smashfrea

Assuming they are run of the mill Shimanos, either you can loosen them a bit or they'll break in, and then no more owwies.

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Can I get an amen? Blowing an obscene amount of money on a single day of your life, and on a dress you will never wear again? And especially where you put yourself into debt to do it? It makes no sense to me at all. If I'm stupid enough to get married again, it will be the beach all the way.

The very thought of that, and all the associated BS, was enough to make me run screaming from the room and hurl myself off the balcony ...

Amen to that too!!!

Funny how most men think that all women want these big obscene parades for their wedding but a large portion of us just want it to be over so we can move on to the fun things in life like the honeymoon :1luvu:

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Is there room for somewhere in the middle? We did dinner for just the wedding party and close family (no speeches/toasts etc) and then a dance/party for everyone else at a cheap hall. No fancy hotel - their prices are outrageous. I bought a suit for the occasion - my wife's dress cost less than the suit. She never wore the dress again but the suit was my marry 'em/bury 'em outfit for years, so good value. I think the total tab was about $6k, but that was 20+ years ago...

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Yeah, there is for sure. I got married on a 50ft boat, which restricted the guest list to 30 close friends and family. Finger food on board, we supplied the alcohol, my mother made my dress and the bridesmaids dresses and the suits were hired. Limo hire, some flowers and a few odds and ends, I think all up the entire shindig cost 4K. And yes, that was also 20 years ago ... but still a cheap day, and we saved the $$ for a great two weeks in Aussie.

And when I got divorced, I didn't have to feel bad.:lol:

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One nice thing about the way we went is that because the dinner party was small (ish, about 40 IIRC), we could have it in a restaurant. We got a meal for about the same price/plate as the hotels wanted to cater rubber chicken, and it was wonderful. The hotel wedding deal is quite the racket around these parts.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

so running... its been awesome.. i've great heart health and my lungs are performing better than they have in years for this asthmatic...

and i LIKE it... my body craves it... soooo there i was going for my morning run friday at 630a... when my foot hits a hole in the road, I completely roll my ankle and fall 180 degrees around... ankle is toast. i hobble back grab an ice pack and go to lean back in the chair in order to get my leg up and the back of the chair snaps. i kid you not. hopped over to grab a towel and i look down to see a black cat in the house... the neighbour's who had scratched his way through the screen door. as i wrapped the ankle i waited for the rain cloud to appear over my head :p

going for xray today as i'm getting shooting pain up the calf which is worrisome to me. it may just be aggro'd muscles/tendons/ligaments but better have it viewed just in case..

so now what to do? i'm off running for at the minimum 2-3 weeks to rehab a sprain.. :p

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