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Man, this apple analogy can take a dirty meaning pretty fast.

First thing I think of is eating apples...

The next thing I think of is the apples on the ground... They've been down there where it's easy to pick up bugs and all that other yucky stuff. Yeah, I don't want an apple with bugs...

How many other dirty minds are out there?

Man, I'm not even drunk or anything. Hell, I'm at work talkin about this!

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Now men ..... men are like a fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it's up to the women to stomp the crap out of them until they are acceptable to have dinner with.

Although like wine, some grapes are just from poor vintages or the vines they grew on were no good in the first place, so no amount of stomping is going to produce a worthy product.

Sorry, I didn't really need to post here, just that the thread was last on the page, and I didn't want to see it fall off page 1.....

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Saw this on another board and thought it might be appropriate here:

Women are like apples on a tree. The best ones are way up at the top. Most men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they sometimes take the apples from the ground, which aren't nearly as good, but they're easy. The apples at the top think something is wrong with them when in reality, they are amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who is brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.

Now men ..... men are like a fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it's up to the women to stomp the crap out of them until they are acceptable to have dinner with.

Thats funny

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You mean the helmet thread isn't enough entertainment?


You're right - this forum needs more women. :ices_ange

Hey now... I'm tryin' my best to keep it civil and informative over there...

it's not easy you know. :smashfrea

maybe we should just talk about angles, fall lines and SCRs to keep the underrepresented groups entertained. :ices_ange

Yeah I'm gonna git' a whuppin'.

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Olympic boss tells women's hockey they have to get more competitive or else! Or else what ? kick them out like ski jumping ? I think female competition is always played at a higher level than mens. It's just that as a man i don't understand it. Enjoy your hockey girls it may not last much longer! Canada leads 2-0:biggthump:biggthump

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Is this another attempt to try to get me to go out somewhere tonight? :p

Angie, if you're having a VERY slow day - try putting yourself on ignore - just for fun! Just tried it myself - maybe I'm too easily amused, but it got a good chuckle out of me! :lol:

But for now I'm sure you're better off with a fun night on the town with Michelle cheering on our hockey team! Go USA!! We love 'em no matter what the score! :biggthump:biggthump

(p.s. How does one get on Angie's list? :confused::rolleyes::ices_ange)

Hey now... I'm tryin' my best to keep it civil and informative over there...

it's not easy you know. :smashfrea

maybe we should just talk about angles, fall lines and SCRs to keep the underrepresented groups entertained. :ices_ange

Yeah I'm gonna git' a whuppin'.

lonbordin - good luck with that! :eek::eek: And since you brought it up, I too am curious what SkES would look like without me - still don't know, but it was fun trying! :rolleyes:

Seriously though, if we all rode like girls, there would be a lot less brain damage going on out there! :biggthump:ices_ange

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Men's freestyle pretty awesome tonight....

Okay, a question...I started skiing 'cuz I got sick of having reconstructive surgery due to riding injuries. I bought some skis, of course, because I was used to having a quiver of snowboards...and they sent me some sticks with a handle on one end and a pointy thing on the other end. I use them to get over flat spots only right now....should I take a lesson to learn how to turn with them? Frankly, my skis turn just fine with taking advantage of their side cut.

I would ask the guys over at epicski but they already think I'm a gaper because I bought Atomic skis....

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lonbordin - good luck with that! :eek::eek: And since you brought it up, I too am curious what SkES would look like without me - still don't know, but it was fun trying! :rolleyes:
I had a misunderstanding and I cleared it up. TR is off my ignore list.

...You slate is clean two_ravens. It was a short ride... like a rope tow. :D

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Last post i claimed womans hockey was played at a different level. Well maybe it was but the party after is of the same low quality all jocks enjoy. Cigars and beer rink side with Canadian olympic uniforms on oops! isn't this what used to get the ski patrol in trouble in the old days???

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:D I am a licensed RN !

I've told Michelle and Dan but wanted to let you guys all know. I am super psyched... and now back to sending out resumes!

congratulations! My fiancee is currently trying to transfer into Nursing School, hopefully three years from now she'll have something similar to say :biggthump

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