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  • 3 weeks later...

snowreport: sat jul 23, 2022
howdy all

well, no snow, but we had a cooler, windy, rainy spring so not much fun, but now summer is here and it gets too hot in the noontime so again not much fun. try to do things in the evening as it cools down... the weather has been good for the installation of the new chair and they poured concrete a few days ago. so far it is on schedule. you can see where chair4 is going to be with updates... stay cool... see you soon...


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  • 1 month later...
On 7/23/2022 at 5:44 AM, west carven said:

snowreport: sat jul 23, 2022
howdy all

well, no snow, but we had a cooler, windy, rainy spring so not much fun, but now summer is here and it gets too hot in the noontime so again not much fun. try to do things in the evening as it cools down... the weather has been good for the installation of the new chair and they poured concrete a few days ago. so far it is on schedule. you can see where chair4 is going to be with updates... stay cool... see you soon...


If you get updated photos.. please share...  as im not finding many updates.   sure hope it makes it in...  it changes everything!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

snow report: wed nov 02, 2022
howdy all

it has been snowing all day and there is at least five plus inches of snow on the fence railing... just as i logged on the power went out probably from a tree branch loaded with snow. there is still alot of trees with leaves still on and with the snow on them it gets really heavy. shovled some wet heavy snow on the sidewalk earlier and looks like i need to do it again. funny how seeing all this snow puts me in a good mindset and a good mood. boards to come out soon... update on chair4 from the thirty first...

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Sneak Peek, top terminal.

Was going to film the lift line, but GoPro batteries didn't like the cold.  The strange Mountain flag flying at the end is a 10th Mountain Division Flag.  Whitefish Ski Museum just added an exhibit.  https://flatheadbeacon.com/2022/08/31/whitefish-ski-museum-unveils-10th-mountain-division-exhibit/

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snow report: mon nov 07, 2022
howdy all

so raked my yard on tuesday evening then wednesday we had some wind with a lot of snow, about six plus inches of heavy snow and leaves mixed in. then thursday and friday was kinda nice and most of the snow melted so i could rake again on saturday and was ready for more snow, but sunday afternoon got super windy and the last of the leaves got blown off the trees and scattered everywhere, all my hard rake work for not. sunday night the wind was blowing hard all night and thru the early morning. now monday morning a lite dusting with leaves underneath and the temps are really cold. there is a huge low on the washington coast so more cold windy days to come... the walking path near my house has a lot of willows and the heavy snow on wednesday broke a lot of branches and fell on the path and it was hard to walk thru cause there was so much down branches...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

snow report: mon dec 05, 2022
howdy all

well, word from the street is that the new chair 4 will not be ready for opening. second hand word from a good source that works on the mountain says that hopefully the cable will be up soon and that the chair maybe good to go before christmas... forecast is some snow tonight and on opening day (thursday8th). will take it easy and check out conditions on opening day...

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snow report: thu dec 08, 2022
howdy all

opening day! ... yeah! ... it was a good opening day with pretty good coverage everywhere and most chair running. there was an inversion and a high overcast, but mostly clear on the mountain. snow was mostly good and carved well, but there was many sticks, twigs and rocks everywhere, but still manage to avoid hitting anything, a few more dumps and it will be good. with most chairs running and good snow coverage it was really busy in the morning and the line for season passes took me about 40 minutes. got a late start and they were loading chair 1 already. so got on chair 2 and there was hardly anybody there which is how i like it, no lift line wait equals empty runs and i can enjoy myself and not fear the masses. i was going to take it easy, but the snow was really good for early season and could really push it and made some really good turns. rode the amp5 with softboots and remembered how to ride it, just stay low and have good body position. carved a nice section then sit for a break cause i was out of breath and softboots are hard on the feet... really fun first day... oh yeah, temps was good too... made a couple laps with johnasmo in the afternoon... chair4 update...

rode the amp5 from 9:30 till 12:30...


here is the bigs snow report...

As reported on (December 8th, 2022)

Summit (6,817 ft./2,078 m)

Overnight Snow: 0"/0cm
Settled Base: 50"/127cm
Total to Date: 54"/138cm
6am Temp: 23°F/-5°C

24hr Snow: 0"/0cm
7 Day Snow: 12"/31cm
Current Conditions: Cloudy
Visibility/Wind: Low/SW at 14mph


Lower Mountain (4,464 ft./1,361 m)

24hr Snow: 0"/0cm
Village Settled: 15"/39cm
Total to Date: 21"/54cm
6am Temp: 0°F/-18°C

7 Day Snow: 2"/6cm
Current Conditions: Partly Cloudy
Visibility/Wind: Good/0mph


Deep thoughts by Rhyan*:

Thursday, Dec. 8, 2022:

12:45 p.m. update:

We're seeing classic Big Mountain weather today: some scattered sunshine on the front, and cold and gray conditions on the summit and backside. Still plenty of fresh turns out there! Tonight's forecast calls for a good chance of snow with 1-2 inches possible. Think snowy thoughts!

9:45 a.m. update:

Visibility has gone down this morning, but the stoke is high! The top layer has set up a bit more in some areas, but there's still plenty of fresh lines to be had. There is certainly no shortage of smiles and "yeeeeews" up here!

Please remember that early-season conditions still exist. Those sticks and twigs will come out and bite ya if given the chance. Steer clear of those suckers! 

6 a.m. report:

Happy opening day, everyone! The 75th year of winter sports on the Big begins today. Our little community here in the far north of Montana has been brimming with positive energy, anticipation and pure stoke for the first day of the winter ritual that we all know and love. 

And it's going to be a doozy, for sure! Early-season storms have built one of the deepest base depths we've seen in years for opening day. We're looking at over 4 feet on the summit! Cold temperatures have preserved relatively dry powder on top with minimal wind buffing. We're looking at a forecast high of 19 degrees on the upper mountain, moderate winds and cloudy skies today.

Let's get down to brass tax: Chairs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 11 and the Bigfoot T-Bar will be turning today. Majorities of front side, north side and East Rim terrain will be open. Please be cognizant of spot closures on the lower mountain, and respect the ropes! The Hellroaring Basin remains closed for the time being. Chairs 4, 9 and 10 and the Carpet will not run, and be aware there will be limited beginner terrain as snowmaking operations continue to fill in the lower mountain. Please note runs between Lower Inspiration and Russ's Street will be closed. Lower Inspiration under Chair 9 can be used to get to the Clinic and Base Lodge.

Remember folks, with great powder comes great responsibility. As good as it is for early December, there are plenty of unmarked hazards hiding under fresh snow. Early-season coverage still exists on the lower mountain. Early-season muscles exist as well! It's a long winter ahead, so take it easy before gettin' steezy.

We are disappointed that the new Chair 4 will not be ready to turn today, but hope it will be ready to fire before the holidays. Keep an eye on this snow report and our chairlift blog for periodic updates on the construction process. 

Daily snow reports begin today. The first web report as well as snow totals are out by 6 a.m. with periodic updates throughout the morning. We list scheduled lifts and open runs on this report, but our electronic map boards and signage around the mountain are the most current source of info. Also keep in mind our webcams page is a great resource for the most up-to-date visibility conditions across the mountain. 

A little about us: My name is Rhyan, and this is my fifth season of bringing the good word of powder to the people in the Flathead Valley. I've been skiing since I was 2, and now spend most of my time dabbling in the dark arts (snowboarding). One of my favorite things about being on Big Mountain is the views of Glacier National Park. I'm a sucker for stunning landscapes.

Heyo! My name is Jenna, and I'm a newbie to the snow reporter office up here at Big Mountain. I grew up in Kalispell and learned to ski here, so it has a pretty special place in my heart, to say the least. After a brief hiatus in Missoula for school, it seems that things have come full circle for me on the Big! I love to hike, bike, ski (duh) and fly-fish. Enough about me, though. Let's go shred!

Have a great opening day and we will see you on the mountain!

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snow report: fri dec 09, 2022
howdy all

classic big mtn fog down at the village first thing in the morning. lighting was flat with maybe two inches of new over firm groom. push piles had icy marbles mixed in so not a fun day. cruised around in survival mode and took it easy cause my legs hurt from yesterday. did not bother to go up to the summit, but did go to chair 3 to kill some time. there is a road and a bunch of huge homes on the top of chair 3. my legs were toast and wasn't feeling it so called it early... forecast is some snow this weekend and i will be working weekends all ski season...

rode the amp5 from 9 till 10:30...

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snow report: mon dec 12, 2022
howdy all

a nice mostly sunny day and good comfy temps. has not snowed in many days and groomers are really bad. lots of dips and rollers and very uneven. snow is icy firm and just barely holds an edge. not to busy so was kinda fun... forecast is temps to drop in the single digits by the end of the week...

rode the 157fp from 9 till 12...

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snow report: tue dec 13, 2022
howdy all

same conditions as yesterday with a little more fog halfway up. took it easy and cruised around and did a few runs on the backside. with no new snow all the twigs and rocks are popping up again mostly on the lower front sections. was not feeling it so just rode around to work the legs...

rode the 157fp from 9 till 12...

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snow report: wed dec 14, 2022
howdy all

light snow all morning... woke up to an inch plus here in town. the mountain looked foggy, but it was snow and visibility was good on the hill. a couple inches over groom made it pretty good as the new snow meshed with the icy bottom. today carved pretty good as the new snow mixed in with the icy groom. it got colder in the later morning. was a fun day cause could let the board fly and just hang on. on my last run on toni matt a snowboarder comes by as i am sitting waiting for a window and says "hi" then rips some nice carves ducky style, he knows whats up. wanted to stay a little longer, but try to not over do it so little by little work the legs into shape... today was fun... forecast is single digits next week...

rode the 157fp from 9 till 12...

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snow report: thu dec 15, 2022
howdy all

a nice morning, but a little on the chilly side with a cold wind from the north. the new snow made it much better, but still we need so much more. still so much rocks all over the place. i picked a bunch today and throw it off to the sides. went to the backside and cruised around and made some good turns... today was fun...

rode the 157fp from 9 till 12...

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snow report: fri dec 16, 2022
howdy all

i almost wasn't going to go up cause i was tired. was on the fence and decided to go and take it easy and took the amp5. as i got on the snowbus it started to dump huge flakes all the way up the hill then it stopped as i got off. the plan was to cruise around and work the legs, but the snow was kinda good and the groom was so so, but very carveable. the groom had little dips and rollers and small push piles of soft snow and would rattled you around, but still it carved good and held the edge. so much for taking it easy, chair 2 was empty after chair 1 opens and i could enjoy myself and pushed it hard. there were many times when i sit and take a break on the run and there was nobody around. today was not busy at all and takes the fear factor away, but it will soon change with the holidays... carved hard on the little amp5 with softboots and had a super fun day...

rode the amp5 from 9 till 12:30... 

hi cuban, they were running the new chair really slow today and all the chairs were on. i heard they were to run the diesel backup for 18 hours straight and will load test on monday... see you soon... 

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snow report: tue dec 20, 2022
howdy all

i did not ride yesterday and today cause it was on the colder side. so yesterday i shoveled about five inches of snow on the sidewalk and driveway and it was clear in the evening. today woke up late and it was dumping snow and there was about four inches of snow so shoveled the sidewalk in the morning and the back deck then took a long break then shoveled about eight inches on the driveway then about four more inches on the sidewalk again... forecast for tomorrow and thursday is negative highs. they may close the hill on these two days... staying home... the new snow is much needed...

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