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how many of you here can ride like this

Guest mrdogboy

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on a monoski that I am betting is gonna be a task

on a alpine snowboard most people can layout a turn like that the key is coming out of it and starting the next turn that is a hell of allot harder

I do have to say I am more of a fan the compact and low but not dragging type of style

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Guest mrdogboy

I've touched the ground with my hand in the past but I have to be flying.

Here's another issue: I have POLES !!

yes POLES !!

hummm, going to have find something to do with them...

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Guest mrdogboy

I already did, that's what caused this post. I studied them for a while, and I think I can swing it, but I wanted to know if this is a common riding style for all alphine snowboards.

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Gee guys isn't what everyone's been talking about on this forum for years (yes despite my low post count I have been hanging out on this forum for years) to EXPAND the carving world and not "carving" out a niche and being an elitist poo-pooing little gang of specialists?

Yeah I get that some folks don't think that "that other" technique as being necessarily the most efficient but is that why we slide down the hill, to get down the hill the fastest in the most efficient manner? If it is then I don't want anything to do with this "hardboot" lable and just ride on my own on whatever thing I can slide on and enjoy the G's (at what ever angle I can get it).

What is you guys' problem with a possible alternative to the status quo? Is the hardboot/carving world SO conservative that there can be only one way of doing things???:confused:

It just gets me a bit steamed that what really excites some folks and what might actually get alot of people excited about this sport is so dismissed by some that are somehow threatened by an alternative viewpoint. I was riding with a friend of mine that just got a hold of his toeside EC and overheard a kid (13,14?) that saw it who said simply "awesome" then skiied away:cool:. I wonder if he'll want to try it someday because of that sight.

Again, I understand there might be one way of doing the carving thing that provides the most stability in the most conditions with the most dependability but sometimes doing it another way is REALLY FUN!

Yeah, Garry McCoy crashed alot while going around corners with his rear tire lit up and he actually used to win sometimes but he looked AWESOME doing it and it also looked like a sh**load of fun. Valentino IS the fastest riding 250 style with long smooth turns riding both wheels or sliding the rear like Mick Doohan on his best day.

I'm not saying that anyone has to accept the new religion but just that if this forum expects to be the thing that was romanticized in Snowboard Journal as a "community of carvers whose exchanges are ... as welcoming as snowboarders were in the early days" there might be room for some more open minds.

Sorry for the length of the post. Just adding MY 2cents:D

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maybe not always the best looking, though! I've been like that a few times, but I remember the moments at SES last year, as low as that pic of JJ , face almost to the snow with nothing touching. Yes, even the skid is useful in a carve, and I use it too. Lets not get closed minded about EC, or cmachine, or race carve. I love it all. My $.02 amero Jon

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Are you guys kidding me? If that picture doesn't look like fun, maybe you're in the wrong sport? He's low, he's carving, he's feeling the G's, and it looks like he's having fun to me.

Maybe he's thinking to himself, "Man, the speed and the G force and riding around on my own rocket powered roller coaster really sucks ass. What I really need to make this a totally awesome day is more angulation. Yeah, more angulation and ice. That would be perfect."

Sheesh, people.

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the main guys at EC.Com look absolutely gorgeous in the vids

Ive seen some other vids of "EC" style carving, and theyre nowhere near as graceful. many are downright ugly even though the laid out turn is present, but so are plenty of pictures of other carving styles, too:)

I love this photo:


nice one.

bashing other styles is kinda lame, no doubt. EC guys do it to "us" too tho;)

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I can on a snowboard, but it's much harder on my monoski...

I think the main problem is that my monoski has much larger sidecut radius than my snowboard - I can't get near as low, because I'd have to be going insanely fast. I've been itching to get a Snowshark Hammer, it's got a sidecut around 13m like my snowboard. Most monoskis I've seen have had radii up on the 20m range, which means you have to get moving really, really fast to get that much inclination.

The other problem is, there's not as much leverage to shift my weight fore and aft, which basically means that it takes a smaller bump to upset my fore-aft balance and then my edge blows out. Even with the better sidecut I'm not sure I could do it on a mono.

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Originally posted by astrokel

...being an elitist poo-pooing little gang of specialists...

What is you guys' problem with a possible alternative to the status quo? Is the hardboot/carving world SO conservative that there can be only one way of doing things???...

It just gets me a bit steamed that what really excites some folks and what might actually get alot of people excited about this sport is so dismissed by some that are somehow threatened by an alternative viewpoint.

People like what they like - you'd expect that guys who are racers/race coaches would prefer a race-oriented technique. Your "let people ride how they want" vibe should be extended to include a "let people criticise what they like" vibe.

Personally, I find laid-out turns impressive in a kind of abstract way, the same way that I'm impressed by people doing flips and spins in the park. The pic of Jasey Jay that bobdea posted - now that's the sort of thing that I go "WOW" at.

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I have to agree in principle with astrokel. As a relative newcomer to the carving scene I have noticed some "rift" between different styles -- particularly so-called "bomber" and EC.

It seems that our sport is niche enough as it is -- do we have to micro-niche it further? I hope the sport grows and we can get more boarders, skiers, and plain newcomers into it. Hope we can all agree that there are many ways to skin the cat and that part of the fun is the freedom to express yourself with whatever style(s) you like to use. Personally, it is one of the things I find most attractive about snowboard carving versus skiing (where in the latter case there always seems to be a big push on the "proper" technique).

BTW, by monoski do you mean where the bindings are side by side? (in contrast to a Skwal where the bindings are end to end)

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I saw folks laying on the snow in turns at Okemo for the first time (live). Though I wouldn't mind being able to do it, I don't aspire to it.

I honestly don't know which is harder---EC-style turns (laying on the snow) or JJ's racing turn...but JJ's racing turn looks harder---which is why I aspire to that!

The reason it looks harder is because when you lay on the snow, it appears (to a casual observer) that you've gone too far down and are actually using the snow for support (like a kind of crutch). Yes, I know---this isn't really the case...but it looks like that.

On the other hand, when you're just a couple inches off the snow, and the casual observer can see daylight between your body and the snow with nothing touching, that's impressive! :) Pure Gs and torso/leg strength, with nothing else "messing up the equation."


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