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Shopping - Buyers Guide Can we get a somewhat controlled dedicated area

Shred Gruumer

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Its always been scattered around and not really in one place..  I need the MFR or store links to get stuff ...from across the globe nowadays...  I hate to have it turn into where you can post...we already have that.. looking for links... Like UPZ to buy (Dan Yoya site), Virus link, Thirst link, Gloves, Boots...(all carving stuff..even G-Style)...   I remember the second issue of "Carving" had a center page that listed all or most of what was known at the time for everything releated...it was kinda nice...   for kicks I went back and tried them...only about 30% at best worked due to no link or no longer around, but since then stuff has surfaced...ie....Thirst... Plates...etc..

It probably needs a Moderator to keep it simple..and doesn't become a place for posting...just links to buy and find product...  "Shopping"  like that center page of Carving ..

Thanks in Advance Jack for putting it together...Sorry you missed the meeting so you got assigned the action items...


Right Said Fred..

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4 hours ago, Shred Gruumer said:

Its always been scattered around and not really in one place..  I need the MFR or store links to get stuff ...from across the globe nowadays...  I hate to have it turn into where you can post...we already have that.. looking for links... Like UPZ to buy (Dan Yoya site), Virus link, Thirst link, Gloves, Boots...(all carving stuff..even G-Style)...   I remember the second issue of "Carving" had a center page that listed all or most of what was known at the time for everything releated...it was kinda nice...   for kicks I went back and tried them...only about 30% at best worked due to no link or no longer around, but since then stuff has surfaced...ie....Thirst... Plates...etc..

It probably needs a Moderator to keep it simple..and doesn't become a place for posting...just links to buy and find product...  "Shopping"  like that center page of Carving ..

Thanks in Advance Jack for putting it together...Sorry you missed the meeting so you got assigned the action items...


Right Said Fred..

Awesome idea Shred... 

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I love it when long standing members like Shred come up with great ideas and volunteer to see them through. Instead of going golfing, shining up their bike and causing trouble ripping up the street on weekends. Expecting quite a list by Monday Good Luck !

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14 hours ago, lowrider said:

I love it when long standing members like Shred come up with great ideas and volunteer to see them through. Instead of going golfing, shining up their bike and causing trouble ripping up the street on weekends. Expecting quite a list by Monday Good Luck !

Excel.. Right.. 

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  • 4 months later...

Hey Shred and Jack, 

Just ran across this thread. I'd be happy to help put something together. I take a lot of notes when I'm going through a buying process, and I'm pretty much creating this content right now anyway. I'm getting back into alpine riding after about an 11-year hiatus. As I'm building up my gear again, having a buying guide with a fairly exhaustive (and current) list of links and other advice would have been helpful.

I'm imagining something not quite as verbose as the alpinecarving.com pages, formatted in a more user-friendly way, and containing information like key contacts (if applicable) at the retailer / manufacturer, some key purchasing info (e.g., what is customizable / what is not, best times of year to order, lead times required, etc), and advice like consider this if you are <this type of rider>. I'm sure this could develop into a pretty extensive resource, but we could start with most valuable info first, keep it simple, and add to it as needed.

Anyway, just throwing some ideas out there and happy to offer my time to work with you all to organize and compile this info.


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