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Cant Angles - Plated vs Direct Mount


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I have a 5mm BoilerPlate, to which I mounted a pair of TD3's. The whole set-up felt a bit wonky and uncontrolled, compared to my other rig with a AF Plate, and F2's (no riser thingy).

My guess is that I need the BP disk kit. So my question is, do you find your cant angels change, when using a Plate? I run 3 and 6 when directly mounted to the board. I didn't change anything with the F2 setup, other then removing the plastic riser piece. But that just also has a different canting system (read: didn't want to dick with it).




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With a plate- F2 bindings, Apex Race V2 plate on a Kessler 168: toe lift front, heel lift rear.

Without a plate- F2 Titanflexenstein on a 21.5cm wide Donek Nomad 164: toe lift front, heel lift rear, inward cant front.

I have never felt any wonkiness in these set ups, though, as you have mentioned, so I doubt this is any help.

Edited by daveo
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I actually think the Apex is hella stiff but honestly never caused any trouble at slow speeds. Actually, it feels brilliant at slow speeds. :biggthump

I can never figure out what people are talking about when they have these slow speed complaints with plates. 🤷‍♂️

@barryj might have some back to back input since he has just installed a Boiler Plate on his board...

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I've owned a gen 1 5mm Boilerplate until it was stolen. I currently own a 4mm Boilerplate and an original duckbill Apex plate. The original 5mm bpp was tortionally much stiffer then either of the two plates I now own. All of them reduce ones ability to peddle the board and, of course mute board feedback... It's what they are designed to do.

I don't change my setup when I ride my plates. I admit I ride them far less often now than I used too.  My geckos are enough to deal with crappy conditions while being super light and allow me to make my board into a Mobius strip.

Edited by lonbordin
Look up old BPP modification threads...
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I had the same impression of the 5mm Boilerplate as lonbordin.  Fin used to offer the service to cut a slot down the middle of it to give it some more flex which was especially welcome torsionally.  This could be a relatively easy DIY project.

I use the same cants on a plate or not.  Bomber BP lower kit helps to reduce stack height, I prefer using them with plates.

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18 minutes ago, lonbordin said:

and allow me to make my board into a Mobius strip.

Surf's up.


6 minutes ago, Jack M said:

Fin used to offer the service to cut a slot down the middle of it to give it some more flex which was especially welcome torsionally.  This could be a relatively easy DIY project.

Use a carbide cutter. Carbon fibre will quickly dull HSS.

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8 minutes ago, SunSurfer said:

the best performance comes from setting the axles as far apart as possible. 

Hmm. I tried this and it kind of made my board ride super long. I brought them in 1 UPM notch and things felt more natural.

Edited by daveo
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