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On 6/18/2019 at 1:24 PM, AcousticBoarder said:

Will be at mammoth on Mon and Tues, June 24th and 25th. Anyone around? 

Hi Karlen, Unfortunately I won't make it up next week, but July 2 - 7. Would you please post the snow & grooming conditions while you are there? Thank you! 

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Conditions were typical spring today. Chair 2 was fine for a few runs in the morning, then when they started running the cat on it it got variable, and I switched to Broadway. Bottom of stump is getting low on coverage in some places but it is really either a dirt patch or snow, not really a "yeah its snow..." with rocks everywhere which is good.

There were a whole bunch of racer hard booters (atleast 10) though doing training, so that was fun to watch. Saw 1 other hardbooter too.

Heres a quick vid from today. Not my best run, and first time trying to hold a gopro so sorry its not a great video. I also realized my color temp was off which I was able to fix a little in post, and camera was set to linear instead of wide so not the best.


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Update from yesterday, @Ldbaustria I'm not sure if the bottom of stump will be open, coverage went down on skiers right. If it is it may be narrow and they will have to move some snow around to make it happen. Broadway should be open though.

Rode a chair up with one of the racers training there, sounds like they are there for another week or so. They were from all over the US, Canada, and even someone from Europe. Did not sound like it was any one thing in particular that they were training for. Either way, again very cool to see all of them ride being national level athletes.

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Yes!  The slopes are still holding up incredibly,  considering the high temperatures! Chair 1 is still open! Skied for two days and did not hit any rocks! 🙂

July 4th was definitely a highlight on the slopes! Hilarious costumes & super festive atmosphere! 🇺🇸😆🎉

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Alterra is using this Covid-19 as an excuse to shut down the unprofitable running off its lifts late season .


CURRENTLY:There are ZERO cases of Covid -19 in Momo county ( where Mammoth is) .

Given that 40-70% of the population will likely get infected in the first wave - having a few people take up a few Mono county respirators  would slightly  lighten the INEVITABLE  respirator load elsewhere in less rural areas.

Frankly if they put a bunch of portapotty stalls spaced 15 feet apart with Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer and some spray disinfectant and a  bunch of food trucks and sandwich wagons. They could have honored our season passes at zero Covid-19 risk just by not running the gondolas and using the chairlifts and having a bunch of sanitary wet wipes Iike in the supermarket to make sitting in a chairlift no more risk than pushing a shopping cart . In fact it’s safer than going to the supermarket because your chance of contracting Covid-19 outside with large spacing is almost impossible .

The more hours you spend on the slopes vs being inside the less likely you are of contracting Covid-19 or passing it asymptomatically to someone else ... which is how young people are infecting elders.... keeping young people inside with elders is a very bad bad bad idea.

This taking away our ability to ride the lifts ultimately puts us at greater risk than staying inside in closer quarters.



Edited by John Gilmour
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On 2/22/2022 at 5:07 PM, slopestar said:

Riding Friday-Sunday March 4-6. Early ups on 3/6… I’ll have alloy AZX and DO with me. Probably be on the AZX though in case someone wants to try the DO


Wish I could join you! At June this weekend (now) for a last minute trip with my fiance before our wedding, next weekend is a no go, too many appointments and last minute planning stuff haha. 

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56 minutes ago, AcousticBoarder said:

Wish I could join you! At June this weekend (now) for a last minute trip with my fiance before our wedding, next weekend is a no go, too many appointments and last minute planning stuff haha. 

 Congratulations! Maybe you come visit CO sometime

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