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The Mountain Biking is Way More Dangerous Than Carving Thread


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I took a tree branch in the eye in some singletrack. I was wearing glasses but it knocked them to the side. I thought I had lost my eye, holy crap did that ever hurt! It scratched my cornea just under and barely into where you look through. I now have a V on top of any point light source at night in that eye. Ophthalmologist says the gouge is 1/16" away from me not being able to read the A on the top of the eye chart. I can feel it while putting in contacts.

I watched a guy go through a 3-tree chicane just a little in front of me in an XC race. Bumped the second tree, hit the third tree head-on with his knee. *CRACK* "UUUWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" Most blood-curdling scream I've ever heard before or since. Medics and a bunch of spectators were right there so I rode on. Broken femur. That was 15+ years ago and I remember it clearly. That one slowed me down...

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11-11-14, got the bad news from MRI. Right rotator cuff torn (not bike related) needed surgical repair & scheduled surgery ASAP.

11-12-14, may as well 'hit the trails' with some buds for 'one last ride' before surgery.

Well, hit a jump faster than anticipated, more air than ever and a worse landing, head & neck, shoulder. Crushed AC joint Left shoulder, deep bone bruise knee, cracked ribs & hand & probably when Right Bicep was torn. Rotor cuff surgery postponed until left shoulder is 'useable'.

Surgery, Rotator cuff & bicep 12-26-14 (Merry Christmas) had to bail on SES 15 :( .

PT started 12-30-14, 3 months later and just starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Got the 'risk vs. reward' talk from my Son. Guess I'll need to forget about the jumps and log rides for a while :( .

Edited by jp1
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Took a little nothing fall on flat dirt at moderate speed and had full arm road rash and heavy bruising / strained shoulder. On snow, you wouldn't even have slowed down. 


I ride road a lot more than MTB...much likelier to get hit by a car than wipe out, so I'm probably trading more severity for less frequency. 

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Took out my previous significant others brand new Trek bike to Walker valley with a couple friends. Had a great ride till the way out. I got ahead of the others riding a logging road that was a long series of whoops. Each air was progressively larger and the speed built until...I hit that one whoop and unicycled the bike on the front wheel-right at the perfect balance point...and smacked head on a nice sized fir tree on one side of the road. I ended up along side the tree-un injured. The front fork fared not so well. I had to ride out about a half mile to the car with the front wheel binding on the down tube. Mrs. significant other was very unhappy with me. I added insult to injury by buying a non-paint colored shiny chrome fork to replace the bent one. Boy, no sense of humor. I think she would rather I got bent and not the bike. I've injured more stuff carving but the fun level for me was much higher too.

Edited by Jon Dahl
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Took a little nothing fall on flat dirt at moderate speed and had full arm road rash and heavy bruising / strained shoulder. On snow, you wouldn't even have slowed down. 


I ride road a lot more than MTB...much likelier to get hit by a car than wipe out, so I'm probably trading more severity for less frequency. 

 +1 this!  Many years back I was riding on pavement on the way back from a mtn bike trip in late fall when I hit a patch of leaves in a fast turn. I left a couple square feet of skin on the pavement.  Will never forget the delight of scrubbing out gravel/sand and later peeling bandages out of the resulting gook on my arm and leg.


Surprisingly my worst injury ever has been while wakeboarding.  Crushed a couple small bones in my ankle that time.  

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***Warning, graphic story***


Three years ago I hit a rock hiding in a shadow, I heard my front shock compress and flew like Superman for about 15 feet.  Made it home, showered and started picking the remaining rocks out of my skin.  Then I went to the bathroom and peed blood.  I rode in 3 ambulances and one Lifeflight airplane that day ($25, 000 for that flight.).  I ended up hemorraging an adrenal gland which happened to be attached to my kidney by an artery.  Internal bleeding, looked like I gained about 40 lbs. in one day due to the blood filling my insides.  Doctors said they had never heard of an injury like this without an impailment.   Went in for a follow up about a week later and told the doc my testicles ached, she said that the blood has to go somewhere, so it follows gravity.  The next day I woke up with two giant eggplants between my legs.  Couldn't sit or walk normally.  These days I use my disc brakes more routinely.

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I took a tree branch in the eye in some singletrack. I was wearing glasses but it knocked them to the side. I thought I had lost my eye, holy crap did that ever hurt! It scratched my cornea just under and barely into where you look through. I now have a V on top of any point light source at night in that eye. Ophthalmologist says the gouge is 1/16" away from me not being able to read the A on the top of the eye chart. I can feel it while putting in contacts.

I watched a guy go through a 3-tree chicane just a little in front of me in an XC race. Bumped the second tree, hit the third tree head-on with his knee. *CRACK* "UUUWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" Most blood-curdling scream I've ever heard before or since. Medics and a bunch of spectators were right there so I rode on. Broken femur. That was 15+ years ago and I remember it clearly. That one slowed me down...


Reading that makes my eye hurt. 


I've only had soft injuries. 


A few years ago while riding on a mellow trail in NorCal with my GF, I washed out the front and decided that I could use the motocross leg/tripod to save the front end.  Don't do this if you are not wearing MX boots while mountain biking.  My foot dug in and got sucked into the soft dirt and pine needles and I ended up riding over my own foot.  Toe side carves are not the same, it takes me a while to enter and exit my boot, certain yoga poses are a lot more difficult than they used to be.


Got stabbed/punctured in the leg by a branch, Feb 2000.  I broke off the branch, rode home and pulled out the rest.  I did not have medical insurance, so a hospital visit wasn't financially possible.  I had an oozing leg for 6 months and then finally I found the source.  A small sliver of tree bark still in that hole.  Pulled it out while sitting at my desk at work and it healed up in a few weeks.


Split a helmet in half in the late 90's while bombing down "The Mt Wlson Toll Road" on my new 4" travel Santa Cruz Heckler.  This was my first dual suspension bike and I was just having a blast jamming down this fire road.  The perfect storm hit when I had to brake for some hikers while riding over some sand dusted on top of a flat rock and ended up falling head first, face up into another rock.  I heard the EPS crack/crush/split, and then saw this tunnel closing in on me.  Nap time.  When I came to, I saw a combination of stars and birds circling over me with people talking in slow motion.  All I can remember was having the overwhelming sense of urgency to get to the bottom of the trail because my GF was meeting me there, I left those hikers and they were probably thinking "WTF?".  She was waiting for me at the bottom and had hot cocoa for me, asked what happened.  I said "nuttin, why?".  I had one shoe off of my foot, but still clipped into the pedal, my helmet was dangling on the side of my head, jersey and shorts covered in dust, scrapes on my arms and legs and I could barely formulate a sentence.  The sight of me would have made an amazing FB/Instagram photo to go along with a tweet.

Edited by breeseomatic
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