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The Forum is BACK!! Let us know of any issues....


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Internal PM system

MEMBERS GALLERY!! Very cool!!  I hope you bought some additional data memory space with the new forum :)

No more "double post" , I had to remove an extra post everytime I posted anything.  Got old. 

Rating features, lots of new features!! 


Not so hot on:


I miss it showing "where" they were from.  Maybe I am just missing it. 

Having to relearn my way around , this too will pass. 

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I breathed a sigh of relief when I just tried logging in and the forum was up!


I have only one complaint (and this might even be customizable (?)) but I wish there was more contrast/definition when browsing forum threads, especially in the classifieds section. When I go to the classifieds section i feel like I'm looking at a big wall of text, rather than individual posts.


Functionality-wise everything seems to working great! Thanks for getting the forum back up and running!


EDIT: ok at the bottom of any forum page (scroll down) there's a little link that says "Change Theme" - I'm using the "pro blue" skin now and it's better. I'm a big fan of black background, white text. I still wish there were more clearly defined "dividing lines" between posts but this is really sleek looking

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 OR use the internal PM system.   Make sure your email is correct and that you have made appropriate selections in the "Notification Settings".   Learning too. 

Thanks, but how do I access it...on the top I see "Forums, Gallery, etc etc" but don't see a PM link or anything obvious...I must be missing something? or going blind? ;-)

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Good job.  That message about backing up the database is amusing.  It forgets to mention that you should never restore from the backup before copying the backup, just on the off chance that the coders didn't do any better on the restore program than they did on the main program.  If they hosed up the backup program - well, too bad...  If possible, copy the database with somebody else's software or your OS utilities.


Is it possible to sort messages in "most recent first" order?  Want ads seem to be that way automatically - a good thing.


Thanks again!

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A couple things...


Most (if not all) the members who joined Dec.8/9th appear to be illegit/spammers.

Many have spam URLs in their profiles and the usernames follow a similar format.

Mr_Orange joined on November 17th and is real, and then nothing, until Dec 8th when the floodgates opened through until Dec.9th.

On Dec.9th the last user to join was UPBBobbie whose profile appears legit and the name format is different.


What happened to ExcelsiorTheFatheads account??

It has Guest in front of it and appears disabled.

I had the pleasure of meeting EtF in person on a CO trip and really enjoyed his daily posts.


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A couple things...


Most (if not all) the members who joined Dec.8/9th appear to be illegit/spammers.

Many have spam URLs in their profiles and the usernames follow a similar format.

Mr_Orange joined on November 17th and is real, and then nothing, until Dec 8th when the floodgates opened through until Dec.9th.

On Dec.9th the last user to join was UPBBobbie whose profile appears legit and the name format is different.


What happened to ExcelsiorTheFatheads account??

It has Guest in front of it and appears disabled.

I had the pleasure of meeting EtF in person on a CO trip and really enjoyed his daily posts.




Fathead fell into the twilight zone during the problem ed period prior to the new forum install.  They are working on getting him back up and running. 

He made a change in email address and it ended up in limbo.  Repair in process



SPAMMERS are a PLAGUE!!  Blocking bots is tricky if not impossible.   Wack a mole. 

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I noticed that too!

You can change your display name once very thirty days as well.

Not to mention , change it and know one will recognize you , good or bad. Just an FYI!!!

Good rep? You should try to keep it. 


Dumb id or having regrets, change it. Carefully!!

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ExcelsiorTheFathead is back! he fell into some forum black hole and we just dug him out.


Still a few kinks we are working on folks so stick with us while we work it all out. But please use this to tell me of any issues you have.

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Aloha   :1luvu:   have not been able to post any Pics on the Tracks or Milkland threads...  :eek:

SBS,  create a gallery and then you can use them in your thread. 


Or you can host them somewhere else and then use the hyper link  


It appears there is no longer a way to directly upload to the post/thread.  

Check the "Help" file link under my post for more info. 

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SBS,  create a gallery and then you can use them in your thread. 


Or you can host them somewhere else and then use the hyper link  


It appears there is no longer a way to directly upload to the post/thread.  

Check the "Help" file link under my post for more info. 


I think you can still upload to the thread.

In addition to the "Gallery" option, if you go into  "my settings" then "manage attachments".

I can see all my previous pictures there.

The problem is we only get 500 KB each.

It appears that the migration allowed us to move everything over even if it was more than 500KB total.

The issue is anyone that has uploaded a few pictures is over 500KB and the system will not let you attach more.

See screen shot of mine below.

I'm using 3,17MB of 500KB; hence I'm over and cannot add. I suspect if I deleted them all I could upload again but I would max out at 500KB total not 3.17MB.

We need more space to attach per user or you have to use the gallery option, or an image hosting service.

I'm not a fan of the image hosting service (imgur,photobucket,picassa,etc) route because the content on BoL is lost if the image hoster moves/gets bought etc.

I would strongly recommend people take the time to create a gallery. That way the images become part of the site and get captured in backups etc.

I hate reading an old thread and then finding it devoid of all the pictures that were originally there because the image hosting provider is gone.

Some forums allocate attachment space based on the posting frequency of each user. The more active users get more space, new users less.

I do understand that storage costs money and with 5000+ users it can add up in hurry!

What's the limit per user for the gallery?



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Thank You Bryan and Loopback ...my Gallery has 43.8 MB stored, which is 43.3 MB over the allotted space... :eek: ... I could delete those 2 threads and start over...I see no delete buttons though in edit mode, also I tried to post a vid. to the Minds in the water thread and was not successful there either  :confused:


anyway Milkland was unbelievable today...best Grooom of the year so far with 3" dry fluff over 2nd day groom  :biggthump

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Don't delete anything,
Your attachments show 43.8MB out of 500KB and is way over.
The  Gallery is separate. At the moment only 3 members have created galleries. I just created mine for the post above to hold the screen shot image
You need to create a gallery. you can then upload pictures to your Gallery, then when you post, you can select the picture to attach from the existing gallery photos
It does not seem to work with the mobile version of the site if you are trying to do this directly from your cell phone though...I had to switch to the full site version on my mobile.

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I just figured out you have to resubscribe to a thread ... responding doesn't necasserily mean you are following it. People might want to flag this.

Also; love the mobile version ... so much better than TapTalk! Easy to get around.


OK everyone, stop playing on the computer and go SNOWBOARDING!

The place close to Bruce's as "throw-back" pricing tomorrow. $5.00 plus a donation to the food bank! SWEET!

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