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Carving with a 1 year old


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My son Giorgio will turn one year in about 2 weeks and I'd like to take him along and dig some trenches together this coming season.

Has anyone ever carved with a young child in the back? Would love to hear your experience, particularly about any baby backpack or other contraption you have used and you would (or would not) recommend.

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I'd think patrol might seriously consider yanking your pass. I'd get a Chariot or a pulk sled and give cross country skiing a go. Our little one loves it. It's super cheap for a few years and a good intro to the sport. We'll probably bring her along on the little skis that buckle to her boots this year.

Think about the idiots straight-lining on skis and softies too!

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23 years ago got away with using a backpack by signing a waiver but with todays " Nanny State " you would be more likely to end up in jail. Was using a beginner chairlift and dropped off his skis at the top of run and put my son in the back pack when he was fussy or a little tired. After pulling a few G's he would want to get back on his skis and try some more. Perhaps a front tandem harness like you would use for skydiving might be more appropriate. Funny you could probably put you kid in a toboggan and crash into something and it would be an accident but put him in a backpack and ski and your a bad parent ! Snowboard with a child in front ( sliding slow speed maybe ) Skiing on a bunny hill I have no issues with. Let us know if you need bail money !

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There are plenty of good back protectors on the market. You don't have to use your child for that purpose. ...

haha, good one...

seriously, I wouldn't do it.. I did a few run with my 2yo daughter to show her, but no carving.. then I bought her a burton 80cm chopper.. she have way more fun that way...

my 2013/2014 team.. Emily (right) is 2 yo and she did pretty well...


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Funny you could probably put you kid in a toboggan and crash into something and it would be an accident but put him in a backpack and ski and your a bad parent !
Kid in a toboggan crashes, it's just the kid and the toboggan involved. 1 year old in a backpack and Dad biffs, it's potentially 200 lbs of Dad slamming that 1 year old into the hill/tree/other skier. Big difference.
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It's not only your abilities involved here. What about the proverbial straightliner, the first timer yelling "I can't stop !" You would be going slower thus having less control to avoid falling. While I can appreciate your wanting to involve and introduce your young one to the joys of snoboarding, the possible repercussions could be really terrible. IMHO it's just not worth it. You also run a risk of a bad experience souring him on the whole idea. I took my son @ 2 on a mountain bike ride. A deer came out of nowhere taking us out. HUH ? on a mountain bike ? Poor kid was terrified of bicycles until he was 14. Wait one more year and then get him on his own board. Be prepared tthough... My sons first ski day wasn't all that. I spent a small fortune getting him clothed, rent skiis, get a lift ticket, etc... After 1 short slide he was done and just wanted to build a snowman. Well we built a snowman. I tried to make the experience as good as possible on future trips. As it turned out that he never caught the love, bummed me out. He does like peg scraping on a sportbike though. That's my boy !


Feed the Addiction...

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Kid in a toboggan crashes, it's just the kid and the toboggan involved. 1 year old in a backpack and Dad biffs, it's potentially 200 lbs of Dad slamming that 1 year old into the hill/tree/other skier. Big difference.

Your assuming the father puts the kid in the toboggan alone ! If the kid is in on toboggan it's a safe bet the parent is sitting behind them.

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My point about the back protector is that most of us ride with one not planning to use it. If you do fall on your back, it takes a pretty punch. Mine has taken a few heavy knocks, that is for sure!

I've seen one or two people using a backpack with skis--still not sure how they navigated the lifts. Unless it's the bunny hill, doing it with a snowboard just seems like a really bad idea on multiple levels. Just thinking about having that added weight on heelsides, the impact on your balance alone would make me worry.

I've waited until 2yo--almost 3 for my son. Just got him a good board this year. I plan on bringing that, some strap on, Nordic-style skis and a sled to the local hill, as well as no preconceived notions or expectations about how it will all go! BTW-"Hawk" makes some really nice snowboard boots in toddler sizes (which are rare), available on Ebay for cheap.

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Your assuming the father puts the kid in the toboggan alone ! If the kid is in on toboggan it's a safe bet the parent is sitting behind them.
In that case, you're already sitting down so no big fall, speeds are low, there's no obstacles like trees involved, etc. You can pretty easily protect the kid by cradling him in your arms even if you do tip over.

With the kid on your back, there's nothing you can do if you catch an edge, which happens to the best of us on the easiest of slopes. Add to that the risks of the straightlining idiots, etc and no thanks. Once the kid is older and can ski/ride, you can be above him watching for danger, blocking traffic etc.

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If you were 1 and conscious and "someone" strapped you to their back and took you out in the cold, (you have no way to generate heat) and just makes your world of vision go nut's, (putting the board on edge) how would you like it? Just asking the question is problematic.

If it were a life emergency I would consider strapping a child to my chest, I wear a water bottle on my back and am familiar with the weight involved with a bit of water, 18-32lbs of blood filled mammal would be ridiculous to put on the back.

My son would've loved it! Most definitely. From the time his fontanel started to close, I would throw him as high as I possibly could. He loved it. I would dearly loved to do this with him, but would not dare it. I do do other things that parents say "you're crazy"...

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My son Giorgio will turn one year in about 2 weeks and I'd like to take him along and dig some trenches together this coming season.

Has anyone ever carved with a young child in the back? Would love to hear your experience, particularly about any baby backpack or other contraption you have used and you would (or would not) recommend.

Why the heck would you start this thread? Does this not seem like the worst idea in the world to you? Your kid is one year old! Why?!?!!??

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My son Giorgio will turn one year in about 2 weeks and I'd like to take him along and dig some trenches together this coming season.

Has anyone ever carved with a young child in the back? Would love to hear your experience, particularly about any baby backpack or other contraption you have used and you would (or would not) recommend.

I hope you are kidding... I think it is a bad idea. I wouldn't even walk on snow or ice with a 1 yr old on my back.

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