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Damn snowboarders!!!


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My chick and I want to Liberty last night for a little night skiing. She's a skier. It was fun. But then, while we were going down a blue run, an out of control snowboarder straight lining the hill hit her right in the back and launched her down the hill. Unfortunately I was ahead of her so I didn't see anything.

Bottom line, she twisted her knee pretty well. We're both hoping nothing was torn, but we'll know better once she visits the orthopedist today. What kills me is we have a trip to Jackson at the end of this month, and there's a good chance she won't be able to come now.

What makes people go on slopes they have no business being on? Is there zero thought process there?

I'm equally pissed and worried right now. :mad::(

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I'm pretty paranoid so I always reverse block for my clueless kids and lovely wife.

I've been "hit" doing this several times at moron-mountains such as Wachusett, usually by clueless kids or some entitled douche. Usually they see me and make adjustments before I have to deflect them.

I hope she's OK.

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.... once she visits the orthopedist today. What kills me is we have a trip to Jackson at the end of this month, and there's a good chance she won't be able to come now....

This is a good reason for chasing down the person and getting name, address, phone, etc. They should be made to pay for the Dr. appt and all follow-on care. If you have to cancel her trip they should be made to pay any costs you cannot recoup. If its a kid that slams you... parents get the tab. This is getting to be like hit and run with a car! It could be considered assault.

If you are in a group having someone chase down the offender would be possible. Not really possible if you need to stop and care for the victim.

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She just finished up at the doctor, and it's about the best news possible.

There's no damage aside from a blunt trauma. When he first saw her knee and heard how she'd hurt it he was very concerned, but after examining her he said basically her knee took the entire force of the fall (I'll see if I can get a picture of her epic bruise), and the tenderness and swelling were all from that. She's not allowed to ski for two weeks, but he cleared her to go to Jackson! WOOT! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Still, stupid snowboarders. :angryfire

Her doctor is a skier, and recommended she visit Alta.

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...yes because this is the reality for the modern resort. It is disneyland of fun and privilege...a big playground, but beware!! you are very lucky she is not hurt, but each run at any resort is a spin at the dice, yea? Too bad there is no concern for basic control to ski on your equipment of choice, however.

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This is a good reason for chasing down the person and getting name, address, phone, etc. They should be made to pay for the Dr. appt and all follow-on care. If you have to cancel her trip they should be made to pay any costs you cannot recoup. If its a kid that slams you... parents get the tab. This is getting to be like hit and run with a car! It could be considered assault.

If you are in a group having someone chase down the offender would be possible. Not really possible if you need to stop and care for the victim.

Agree 100%. The offending party should cover, at least, any out of pocket expenses of the injured.

We had an out of control missile coming at us today that we had our eye on so we could get out of the way. He blew up magnificently in a puff of flying gear and snow before making it to us.

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My chick and I want to Liberty last night for a little night skiing. She's a skier. It was fun. But then, while we were going down a blue run, an out of control snowboarder straight lining the hill hit her right in the back and launched her down the hill.

That sucks, sorry to hear about that. Did the snowboarder at least apologize? I've been in a similar situation, and it's pretty infuriating. Wonder if ski patrol would do anything in a case like that, where they don't see it happen.

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the fastest most manly way down the hill is to point it straight:smashfrea
DUH it's the fastest way to the park DUDE - I mean Old Dude on old gear, man sorry.:freak3:

This is, unfortunately, the mentality of a lot of the yo-bros that we have here. They are probably paying more attention to keeping their pants above their ankles and their hat on sideways to worry about OTHER people on the slopes. Do you actually expect them to be doing 2 things at once??

Had one of these almost hit Ms Pink Pants last spring at Buttermilk. Luckily I knew the mtn manager, called him immediately and had ski patrol catch him at the top of the lift. Pass Pulled.

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