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Time to play "Know Your Bomber Buddy"


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Sunday Night Trivia: For all You regulars, it's time to see if You know You friends out here on BOL by the clues given below.

I;m your host Steve Bored ( to death cause the rain here is NOT snow )

Ok, Your first mystery Bomber friend is

1st clue: He says "Aye" when he speaks.

2nd clue: "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad world"

3rd clue; he has been hard booting since the early 80's

Clock is ticking, and You will win a fabulous brand new custom Titanal hand made NOTHING 187 made by the No 1 maker of nada for playing, lol.

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Woo hoo, what do I win?

It's ok, you can donate my prize to my favorite children's charity, "Bombers For Babies" :biggthump


Ohhhh sorry Dan The Man, its not Shaggy, but good guess, well, we have some fabulous parting prizes for You and here is the beautiful Marilin ( manson :angryfire) to tell You what You won as a looser on "Whose That Bomber".

( Maralin Manson speaking ) Hi Dan, just for stepping up and playing our little snowboard preseason game while we arew all sitting around waiting to pack the ski hut ER next week, we have an all expenses paid trip to Hells Canyon Ski & Board Resort !!! ( audiance clapping vociferously ) yes at Hell Canyon the snow is a whole 1 inch deep year round,with lots of jagged lava rocks to rip the Ptex of your favorite boards and the Blue bird days are endless with an average of 120 degrees, thanks again Dan The Man for play our game. ( audience ) clapping as a demon leads a smiling Dan out the back door.

Our next & 4th clue to the identity of the Mystery Bomber is: "My bicycles pay for my snowboards addiction"

Our next contestant to step up and take a guess is ???????

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Mr. E?

SORRY Me E is >>>>> incorrect

Charlie do you wasn't to tell our second "looser" what he has in store for him.

( commercial announcer voice ) Why yes Steve ( trap door pulled open, announcer grabs your board as you fall so we can ride it after Your "gone" ) as you suddenly fall into a vat of common Olympia beer :barf:

Our 2nd looser wins a nightmarish near drowning in a pool of piss poor pislner "Olympia " , oly the beer of the 12 nooner snow park rat & Homer Simpsons every were enjoy an Oly when you bonk that Olie

( audience clapping like mad as 2nd looser struggles to climb out of the beer pool to retrieve his nice alp board form Charlie the announcer as Charlie says)> "Ooooo he is hopping mad Steve" . Give him his board back and an a case of Fin Butter audience says > "Yaaaaa".

2nd looser is now been mellowed and bit drunk and now buttered up and ready for the lift line.

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Yes Ladies and Bomber jocks we have a winner.

Our winner is Puddy Tat :biggthump

The proper name of the mystery Bomber is "The Big Canuck" all other nick names may apply but rules are rules folks, so the Canadian Kahuna, the Psycho Cycle Slasher, the Board Monster , the Coiler Mnt Sasquach, and any other non proprietary personal colloquialisms do not apply.

Charlie do you want to tell our winner what he has coming.

I sure do Steve, Puddy you and Your board are going to go to HAWAII , ( audicance goes mad,YAAAAAAA )

Side Note: we just got this audience from the next studio over they came over from Oprah and they are a wild bunch of air head yuppie chicks.

Continuing: Yes Puddy the majic islands,and we are gona dump you out of a low flying helicopter in the winter surf on the north shore of Oahu into 50 foot rollers with your longest alpine board buckled in of course and You Puddy , You are gona make history and set a new trend "alpine surfing" !!!! oh yaaaaa and when You done Puddy owning the big gun surf on your snowboard, Outside Magazine is gonna want to a full page shoot and intensive interview ( while your in intensive care:freak3: ) don't worry about the tracheal interbation tube we have a blind nun who knows how to interpret leg and finger twitches so You entire story will be read at your epitaph.

( mean while back on the beach as a Japaneses tourist with Nicon 20 D in hand looking thru a teli lens says )

" I thin I sees a Puddy Ta, I dee I dee I saw a Puddy Ta":eek:

Join us again next week forrrrrrrr another Sunday Night "Mystery Bomber"

Oh and the other guy who guessed the big Canuck 2nd >

> ( buzzer ) > AAAAGGGGGGGGZ > to late:(

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It's really time for you guys to get on snow. WOW.

"Hello Clareese",

Yes I agree, in fact my Dr said the same thing thee other day to me when I mentioned that I am going a CRAZY staring at my newest not yet rode alpine board while locked up in this hockey like mask contraption, while the ski / board mnt outside my tiny window hasn't yet opened this season.

He's not really my personal Doctor he is the prison Doctor, well he is a psychologist so I guess he is still a Doctor of a sorts , I mean he only works with us guys in ward 1, we affetionatly call it the basement, would You like join me in a bottle of Chianti :angryfire


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