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Mike Jacoby Injured in Mt Bike Accident

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Hey guys. I found this forum by searching Mike's name. I was one of the volunteer firefighters on this call and was in on the extrication. Once we got him out of there, we rarely hear back on patients. It's really good to hear that he's making a recovery, we were all really worried. I'm watching this thread to keep they guys updated. Best wishes to Mike, I hope he makes a full recovery.

Thank you wraithevolution for your efforts in helping Mike, I am sure that was no easy task. Mike is a big solid guy and carefully bringing him out of that Mt Bike trail was tricky. Thank you for your care and kindness! Bryan

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Mike was an early inspiration of mine, it was an incredible thrill to meet him at SES05. Get well soon!!

A photo I snapped at SES05 of Mike Jacoby and Chris Karol:

Nice shot Jack, that was a very good time for sure. Mike had hiked one of the upper bowls (forgot the name) to get the fresh deep powder. Hence the Winterstick swallowtail. He went on to ride it a good part of the day like it was any other freestyle board. Being able to ride with Mike and Chris was a highlight of my trip for sure. Chris doing serious moguls on a Madd with Cateks and ski boots. Mike pure carving on a swallowtail and flow soft boots. Put these two together and it is , well, watching two of histories best snowboarders having a ball just riding. Both just in the moment enjoying pure snowboarding as it should be. BIG FUN!!!

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From Facebook this morning; Adeena Jacoby Mcburney Update! Mom was so high from being with Mike I couldn't possibly list everything she told me about Mike's day. He muttered " I love you." Denise (thanks so much!) printed 16 pages of your posts and read them to Mike. His eyes were open while she read and were enjoyed. When he can cough, Mike will be moved into ano...ther ward and visits can commence! Denise is helping manage the list. I will post tonight about today.

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From Facebook this morning; Adeena Jacoby Mcburney Update! Mom was so high from being with Mike I couldn't possibly list everything she told me about Mike's day. He muttered " I love you." Denise (thanks so much!) printed 16 pages of your posts and read them to Mike. His eyes were open while she read and were enjoyed. When he can cough, Mike will be moved into ano...ther ward and visits can commence! Denise is helping manage the list. I will post tonight about today.

This is great to hear Bryan. And I was more than happy I could help him, that's why we all do it. I'll pass this along to the guys at the fire department, this is good news. We still talk about him and hope he makes a full recovery. Thanks for the continued updates.

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Denise Ward: Docs are super pleased with his progress. He has jaw surgery tomorrow. Docs said about 5 visitors on Sunday so that's all lined up and we'll keep you posted with when he gets moved to the normal ward and can start seeing all of his friends! We left a card at the front counter at Ground Coffee for everyone to sign. ...It'll probably go to Portland on Monday. Please come send him a little note or bring one of your own. We're happy to get it to him. And keep the posts coming he really loved hearing the stories. Oh happy day, Mike really is back!

Denise Ward: I got to see Mike and his baby blues! It was so awesome to see the recognition in his eyes as they lit up and he smiled. He loved hearing all of the posts, laughed and you can just tell that he had so much to say and it came out as a whisper. His arm movements are slow-mo but everything seems to be working great. H...is mom, Pat, handed him his

Iphone and he immediately rubbed the face - you know how he loves that thing - he'll have his favorite toy working in no time! Mo and Trish visited and Mo played his Ukelele - such a wonderful idea! Mike said their names and I know it moved him to hear Mo play.

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I had a head injury in 1993 that freaked my whole family out. Me, I just felt half-awake and groggy for a month. The doctors told my parents that I would probably improve very slowly, possibly back to 100%, but don't expect me to wake up normal any time soon. And it took about a month.

Nobody told my girlfriend, however. She was completely freaked out for weeks, thinking that her boyfriend would be a vegetable... well, maybe just crippled... well maybe just mildly retarded... and so on. I didn't find out about what she went through until about a year later. It still ticks me off that nobody told her that my recovery would be slow. I am sure that would have saved her no small amount of anguish.

So, to Mike's friennds and fambily: take it one day at a time. Give his brain some exxercise and you'll probabably see little improovements every day. With a little lucck, he'll be back to 100% too! Jus like me!!1!!one!!!

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Facebook Public "Mike Jacoby's" link

Mike continues to improve each day.

Surgery was done on his jaw.

Most recent update:

Marshall Jacoby Sunday, July 18, 2010. (Mike's Dad)

Mike's mom says that he looks great this morning. Eyes wide open. He replies to comments with a clear "awesome" etc. Then they wired his jaw shut. The rubber bands broke when he sneezed. He did listen on the phone and responded. It all looks good. We hope that the wire can be removed in a week

Amy Ackerman - I visited Mike for a few minutes today on my break. He had those big baby blues wide open and stared at me for a minute or two when I was talking to him. I couldn't understand what he said when I asked him if his jaw hurt (not sure if they have his jaw wired shut after surgery). It was probably something like ' duh, of... course it does'. I got a little smile when I told him Jeanne and Erin send their love! I got to meet Mikes mom- Mike- what an awesome mom you have! Does the whole family sport those beautiful bright blue eyes? Short visits are probably a good idea (per below post) as Mike needs some time to rest and heal. Mike! Keep healing all those circuits- you are on your way back!!!

Boardistan Website Report

I have placed some links on www.oldsnowboards.com to make getting caught up easy.

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Recent update on "Mike Jacoby's" Facebook page;

Sara Whitner- Had a long & wonderful visit with Mike on Wed. and HE IS BACK!!! He is tough to understand b/c his jaw is wired shut (try to talk like that...not easy) but can use a pen totally normally. About 50% of what he wrote was very legible and for the other words he could easily "type" them out on a letterboard for clarificati......on. PT came to get him up and he leapt to sitting and then right to standing by himself before they were even ready! He walked on his own with a spotter and was just a tad shaky (ever been in bed with the flu for a week? That kind of shaky). He seems to be 100% there & looks great. He dropped about 30 lbs this Spring and has shorter hair so as his cousin Tom put it, he looks like he's 30 again. His mom says he should get out of the hospital tomorrow to start rehab. YEA!! YEA!! YEA!!

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Denise Ward -- Mike is leaving OHSU! He's headed for rehab at Good Sam in NW Portland. He'll be in evaluations most of the day and then probably can have visitors again tomorrow. We'll post the visiting hours but his mom said she thought it was 2PM-8:30PM. I know he's over the hospital scene and will get through rehab like a rock... star! More as we know it for sure...

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Denise Ward-- Mike is at Good Sam in NW Portland in the RIO building 6th floor room 15-1. He's busy with rehab until 3ish but would love 2-3 visitors today & tomorrow from 3-8:30pm for short visits 1 at a time!

Julia Boss Jones --Just to let you know, the Rehab Institute of Oregon at Good Sam has a fantastic rehab program. (I worked with their teams for almost 10 years as a case manager for Multnomah County, and they are impressive.) They only accept people with the best rehab potential. That's you, Mike

These are very good signs for sure!! Bryan

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Sara Whitner- Each day is way better. He is in a really intensive rehab in NW Portland. He said it is way tougher than any athletic training he's ever done! But it is working. His speech is a tad slower than usual but otherwise to see him and talk to him, you can't really tell he got bonked on the head at all. His balance is... stil...l off and he will tell you that straight up, but they expect that he will be darn close to 100% when he is fully recovered. He walked for 15 minutes today though and this time last week 15 feet was the max. Today his parents met with the therapy team and they said Aug. 10 he should be able to go home (with help)! Pretty unreal from where he was 2 weeks ago. I will try to take pics and post them tomorrow. He looks the same though - the young and skinny version of Jacoby. He has been starving after weeks of tube feed. :)


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Trish Dixon- Good visit with Mike. We got outside, he scooted along in a wheel chair by himself. Talked a lot. Counting the days until he can go home. ( tentative release date: Aug 11th). Seems to understand what he's facing, but "going crazy", re-hab is intense, on restricted liquid and/ or puree diet, jaw is sore. Doesn't need an...y flowers, but loves cards and short visits. Parents are there!! Wonderful family...Keep sending the love and prayers

Marshall Jacoby- Mike has good news and bad news. Mike is recovering just as you would expect. Every day we see vast improvement both physically and mentally. He is movated and aware of the situation. We expect him to be out of RIO the 10th of August.

Here is the bad news: we got the word yesterday that he will be restricted for one ye...ar. No activity that can result in a concussion. He will be back 90 to 100% but another concussion recovery may only be 60%. No bike no snow boaRD etc. etc etc.

Also no alcohol. No biggi there.

He will need everyone's support on all of this!!!!!!

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Woo Hoo! Mike is now posting on his FB page himself. Boy is it good to see

him back posting. He should be home in the next couple days.

Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers. From I see, he is really feeling it. Bryan

From MIKE: Mike Jacoby- I'm almost back. Hope to see you all soon. Thanks for the words. See you all soon

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Recent post on FB / This is great news!!!

Kishari Sing Report: I've spent a few days with Mike and his awesome parents at his home! As expected, Mike is super excited and relieved to be home instead of the rehab unit. He's physically getting stronger by the day, and impatient to get back to 100%. He can go along at full-steam for a short time, but tires easily a...nd takes frequent naps throughout the day to recover his strength -- especially as he's continuing his rehab therapy which wipes him out. He'll be working hard at it for the next few months, since his balance and fine-tuned motor skills are still off. No exercise more vigorous than walking and swimming, which he enjoys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My thoughts are with you J Tear....

One of the most consummate professional riders I have ever known.

You should teach a class that all wanna be pro's should have to attend. You could call it " How a pro should behave".

Interesting, I did just decide this year to go to an all carbon full face helmet on dirt and snow. The possibility of a jaw buster has been haunting me for the past couple of years.

You Will be back and better than ever !


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  • 5 weeks later...

Got a call from Mike today!! He really sounds great (normal). Visiting his folks in CA. May even head back to work in a month of so. He said he had little memory of the accident. The circumstances of how he was found and rescued are simply amazing. He spoke in detail with the gal that found him.

Short term memory still needs time. If you see him in person he appears and acts completely normal (well at least pre-accident :)

He is pain free. Some aches from the shoulder injury and scar from where they did surgery to put the jaw back together.

He was well aware of all the kind, positive posts here at BOL.

Thanks again, Mike is back and well.


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