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WTF 2010 Daily Rub a Dub Dub!

Shred Gruumer

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The dude in the black at 1:20, Why are his feet SO close together. Just wondering cause it looked kinda odd to me.

He has one leg that is not fully functional and the stance makes it easier to balance and control the board with his strong leg.One of the coolest guys with the best spirit you will ever meet.

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Here's some of the video from the first couple of days. No soundtrack yet. I've got more footage to add, but it's time to go ride now and I probably won't get back to it until Sunday...

Some great footage in there johnasmo - was this taken with the famous tooth-cam?? Can you share a photo of this thing?? Seems like it allows you to ride and keep the camera on the subject without using your hands?? Clever.

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I just talked to Russ on the phone, he's riding the backside with his boss(selkirk powder company) & called while waiting for the cat, perks of his job as a snowmobile tour guide. Russ, Mark & I will be sitting down with Brandon from marketing to dail in Rutapalooza'11 details next week:biggthump

He's got the WTF'10 pics (350 of'em) downloaded and ready to burn discs, I'll get the camera card and post some pics sun. night or Mon.

All you WTFers Email your mailing addy to me thru BOL and I'll get unedited discs of Tanya's pics & what little video I got.

There's a couple good clips but I sure need some practice as a videographer:lol:

As a side note Russ's board has added inserts to accomidate his 12in stance, He'll be getting a custom Prior with the insert pack set for his needs. Russ's motto, real men were stiffies:biggthump

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Some great footage in there johnasmo - was this taken with the famous tooth-cam?? Can you share a photo of this thing?? Seems like it allows you to ride and keep the camera on the subject without using your hands?? Clever.

It's a dental catastrophe waiting to happen, but it lets me use a plain old digital pocket camera (Canon SD960IS in this case) instead of a helmet cam like the GoPro. I often use a little 3 inch tripod for hand held shots, but I like my hands free when I'm carving on alpine gear.

Here's the best picture I can muster while still here at the ski hill. It's Saturday, so I do day and night riding. I'm just taking a break to switch gear and I fired up the netbook to load new music on my MP3 player. WiFi connected so I just had to check BOL while my feet were warming... doesn't everyone?


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What a fricken wonderful week. It's 12:00am est having one last hoo raaa. Till work Monday. I plan to post a one time re order on the WTF shirts. So pay attention. Look on classifieds by monday or Tuesday. I hope to post or talk to people who want my full ride experiance on the Coda 170.

Cheers to all that made this trip and vacation a one to remember. I can't remember any better snow conditions. To all and everyone who showed up. Yep even Kinpa. An now I know what the hell it means!!! Ohhhh you have to meet her to find the secret meaning of this !!!!

Kudos to all. Right said shred

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Sucks being home !!!!!


Hope you guys had safe travels. We almost didn't make it to the airport. The gal who gave us a lift was looking to the right as she was pulling out of a gas station and didn't see the truck from the left bearing down on us at about 60 mph. I did... and quite loudly yelled STOP at her from the back seat. We all agreed that if I hadn't yelled we would have had some fatalities. Other than that... smooth sailing back to the mundane.

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Yep even Kinpa. An now I know what the hell it means!!! Ohhhh you have to meet her to find the secret meaning of this !!!!

Now, now Shred..... besides, other than one blurry picture from the Stube, there is no photographic evidence that I even made it to this event! Maybe it's just fate, but why do I always seem to miss picture day? and I actually felt I was riding well the first day I was there too! At least I kept up with the boys (well, kinda at least).... that was my ultimate goal!

And thank you so much BJ and Mrs. for your hospitality.

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It's a dental catastrophe waiting to happen, but it lets me use a plain old digital pocket camera (Canon SD960IS in this case) instead of a helmet cam like the GoPro. I often use a little 3 inch tripod for hand held shots, but I like my hands free when I'm carving on alpine gear.

That's a pretty funny photo - thanks for posting! So do you have this thing attached to some kind of mouth guard?

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even though I wimped out the next day and went home to Lookout to avoid the fog.It was great to meet the man(Dr D) and his son as well as BJ's beautiful new wife and Shred and Cuban for the first time.Especially cool to ride with you Cuban.You ride the Mad 180 fantastically well.That was a great session!

You have a great mountain Dr D! I will be back;I have to to use my rain check ticket.I can't believe I hadn'tbeen there before as it is so close.I'll be bringin the wife and groms next time.

Thanks again!

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I wanted to thank everyone. We had A good turnout. Shred for A great design of the WTF shirts. Johnasmo and Steve P great riding with you sorry I slowed you down. You guys rip it up. Good to see old friends and meet new ones. West I hope you are well and get riding soon. Kram sorry i missed you on the last run. Let me know if you can make the trip to Heavenly.




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yep, That's Kinpa! Nestled right in there between Kram and the good Dr.

Great photo! Man, I picked a bad day to hang out with Dawn! Missed the best video and photo ops.

Here is Dawn getting a bit too friendly with one of the local snow ghosts. One of the best bluebird days ever!



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Thanks everyone..

Is that Kinpa?


Yikes! ya got me!!!! Boy.... that jacket makes me look fat.... hahahahaha..... but at least I can still reach my binding!!!! (Shred....) and of course, I'm sitting around.... guess that's what I've always done best since my very first season on a snowboard when I was too scared to move! Allee, there's the HOT board!!!

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