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Got hit by a skier thursday night.


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Got a separated AC joint this pas thursday. Shoulder injury. I was finishing a carve on my heel side and going forward when BANG the mountain did 2 flips and I landed on my ass. When I rebooted I knew that something was wrong in my shoulder. Never saw him coming.

Worst timing, it's my x-mas break for 2 weeks and I was really looking forward to doing snowshoeing and playing outside with our 15 month old son. Very disapointed in this. And there is the snowboarding season, lets hope it's not down the drain.

I guess I'm lucky that he hit my shoulder and not my back the results could have been a lot worse..

Doctor said at least a month before anything. I'm starting physio next week.

Lets pray I'll be OK for my march Colorado trip.

first time in 20 years I have a serious injury so it's not that bad but still a bummer.

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Darn those Rushin' Rockets and Bee-linin' Brainiacs.

This happens to me on a heelside about once a year. The one last year actually knocked me out a bit I believe.

I'd say look uphill every backside before initiation but even so, like you said, you never saw him coming.

Was he wearing an unbuttoned Starter jacket?

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Thanks to everyone. After 3 days of icing and pills I'm showing some improvement, less pain / swelling and I can move it a little so lets hope it's a good sign for my recovery.

Before that I never tought about body armor... starting to consider it. In this incident I doupt that it would have changer anything. Separation was most likely caused by him hitting me in my back shoulder / arm and my arm extending forward to break the fall. But I can't remember for sure.

All I remember is the immage of my Coiler upside down and my front boot booted out from my TD2... and then landing. From there I knew it was either collar bone fractured or AC separation.

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Thanks to everyone. After 3 days of icing and pills I'm showing some improvement, less pain / swelling and I can move it a little so lets hope it's a good sign for my recovery.

Before that I never tought about body armor... starting to consider it. In this incident I doupt that it would have changer anything. Separation was most likely caused by him hitting me in my back shoulder / arm and my arm extending forward to break the fall. But I can't remember for sure.

All I remember is the immage of my Coiler upside down and my front boot booted out from my TD2... and then landing. From there I knew it was either collar bone fractured or AC separation.

Heel Fast. Take it easy. Don't go under the hot shower too long/too hot.

I cud have injured real bad and another off session this season if I hadn't use my full body armour and helmet http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=27105&page=3 . Too many idiot up hill straight liners.

U can get a mountain bike body armour "KUMBAT" full body protection Protect your spine all the way to above tail bone, your arms (elbow) and upper body (shoulder etc). U can get new for CAD65, it's worth it.

Heal well,


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2 weekends ago I got clipped by a skiier who was Bombing the hill. You'll never see them coming! The trail i was on was at least 50 yds wide! Same deal, finishing a heel side turn, then bam! Impact on the backs of my boots. I had stayed in the carve for a half a second longer I probably would have punted her off the trail, ( i was near the edge), and may have gotten hurt. I went down after her (she did'nt stop), and nicely explained that she was skiing dangerously. I told her I cant see you, and no snowboarder can see behind that easily. she basically shrugged and that was it!! :smashfrea You can look uphill before you start riding all day, but you'll never see someone coming who is straight lining the hill. They really should do something about this. Case and point with the shoulder injury. Sorry to hear you got hurt:(

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hi ho,

I hope you're healing. Had the same thing happen to me last year only by a HARDBOOTER! How's that for sucky? Dislocated shoulder then and 5 weeks (yup, count 'em weeks) later I had my brain drained for a subacute subdural hematoma. Just glad to be here and hoping for some snow.

Heal fast and don't let the bastards get you down.


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on a busy day like the weekends its sometimes hard too look up the mountains because of so much traffic. I usually just wait for the rush to pass but even then thats not full proof. I hate it when skiers use people as passing pylons, its just dangerous.

Anyways. I hope you heal fast and have as much fun with your kid during the holidays.

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Got a separated AC joint this pas thursday. Shoulder injury. I was finishing a carve on my heel side and going forward when BANG the mountain did 2 flips and I landed on my ass. When I rebooted I knew that something was wrong in my shoulder. Never saw him coming.

Worst timing, it's my x-mas break for 2 weeks and I was really looking forward to doing snowshoeing and playing outside with our 15 month old son. Very disapointed in this. And there is the snowboarding season, lets hope it's not down the drain.

I guess I'm lucky that he hit my shoulder and not my back the results could have been a lot worse..

Doctor said at least a month before anything. I'm starting physio next week.

Lets pray I'll be OK for my march Colorado trip.

first time in 20 years I have a serious injury so it's not that bad but still a bummer.

Bummer :AR15firin. Feel (or felt) your pain. A few yeasrs back, on day 1 out of 7 at Vail, I fell on my second run for the day. Fell on the shoulde and separated the AC joint. Yeah, it really hurts. I did snowboard for the rest of the vacation, with one arm almost immobile and ibuprofen Q4 hrs. This painkept me awake for the next >1 year :eplus2:. I wasn't able to sleep on that side for >1 1/2 years after that.

Wish you luck :biggthump

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Got a separated AC joint this pas thursday. Shoulder injury. I was finishing a carve on my heel side and going forward when BANG the mountain did 2 flips and I landed on my ass. When I rebooted I knew that something was wrong in my shoulder. Never saw him coming.

a bummer.

A big bummer... but get well fast.

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I had roughly the same thing happen last day of last season. Straightlining skier didn't notice the only other person for 100 yards in any direction on a wide-open face. That would be me.

I had some impingement bone spur growth into my rotator cuff that was going to need surgery sooner or later - I had my left shoulder overhauled in '06, but I could have done without a couple of full-thickness rotator cuff tears and a partially detached bicep resulting from the accident. These didn't show up definitively on the MRI, but my orthopod warned me that there was evidence of them and that I'd be risking some serious damage and much more complicated therapy if I finished off what the idiot started. I put off getting it evaluated for awhile, hoping that RICE would fix it, and by the time I got it looked at it was too late in the summer to get it done before a trek in Bhutan my wife and I had planned. So - I got worked over at the end of October and am out for at least three months until I regain range of motion and some strength.

The bill from the medical providers looks like ~$30K so far. Fortunately, I have good insurance and am only going to be out of pocket a grand or so for PT copayments.

I think I'm going to stick with tighter turns at lower speeds for awhile after this. Use half the run or less and hope that makes it easier for them to miss me. It's too bad that turning seems to have gone out of style, but we have to cope with reality, no matter how ugly. Having the right of way (being downhill) doesn't seem to provide any protection anymore.

Good luck healing!

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hi ho,

I hope you're healing. Had the same thing happen to me last year only by a HARDBOOTER! How's that for sucky? Dislocated shoulder then and 5 weeks (yup, count 'em weeks) later I had my brain drained for a subacute subdural hematoma. Just glad to be here and hoping for some snow.

Heal fast and don't let the bastards get you down.


I will follow another carver, keeping them insight at all times. If I loose sight of them, It's time to stop. Now days, this applies to carving skiers as well. Problem is, most skiers don't understand this new reality


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I had roughly the same thing happen last day of last season. Straightlining skier didn't notice the only other person for 100 yards in any direction on a wide-open face. That would be me.

It's messed up that this happens so frequently - best of luck to everyone for a full recovery.

I'm afraid it's time for us to take protective gear to the next level:



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hi ho,

I hope you're healing. Had the same thing happen to me last year only by a HARDBOOTER! How's that for sucky? Dislocated shoulder then and 5 weeks (yup, count 'em weeks) later I had my brain drained for a subacute subdural hematoma. Just glad to be here and hoping for some snow.

Heal fast and don't let the bastards get you down.


I've been thinking about you.I didn't know about the 'brain drain'.Holy crap.Anyway,Merry Christmas to you and yours.

The only time I've been really knocked for a loop was years ago while teaching a few groms at Vail.I was looking down at about seven of them all kneeling watching me demo a position,when all their happy little eyeballs got big and I found myself in the air literally knocked for a pretty clean backflip.The gal who hit me was on the blue run for her second day of skiing and couldn't get the snowplow to stop her.Needless to say,I 'thanked' the kids for the warning.

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It's a shame we need to look uphill every turn or two just to try to stay safe. And even looking, if a straightliner is going fast enough you never see them until it's way too late.

I wonder what is safest...

slower turns using < 1/2 of the run

going faster so they don't overtake us a fast

flatter runs so they can't go as fast

steeper runs so "most" people "can't" straightline?

or maybe big penalties for crashes?

No easy solutions, hopefully you'll heal fast

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And even looking, if a straightliner is going fast enough you never see them until it's way too late.

I think the point there is that looking up the hill is not to protect yourself from a hazardous skier/snowboarder, it is to prevent you from being the hazard and becoming a moving roadblock for the person above you. There have been countless times since I first started skiing at 10 where I have watched someone come down the hill, lose it, and hit me or come close because they overestimated their skill level.

It's just like driving a car, you can drive as cautiously as you can, and be aware of your surroundings, but all it takes is a careless individual to not check their blind side and drive right into you, or a dangerous/underskilled one to be driving too fast and slam into the back of you. Unfortunately on the hill you don't have all that metal surrounding you to provide some protection.

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I think there is a natural assumption, that if you are going to pass the rider/skier below you, that you must be going much faster than they are. The fact that they are covering twice the ground making turns is not obvious. I think this leads to people being surprised by how fast a carver who has just carved away from their path, suddenly is coming back into their path.

I do think it is getting better, as more skiers carve turns now, wider turns are becoming the expectation for regular skiers. Having said that, three of the five times I have been hit from behind, were ski racers on warm up runs.


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I don't think we are slow the problem is that we are traveling fast but sometimes we are traveling fast sideways to the run.

Thanks to everyone. Little update on the bionic shoulder. I'm suprised, it's lot better after only 5 days, I'm regaining some range of motion and pain is slowly going down. Still far from making turns as I want this to heal properly and I'm a phys ed teacher so I need my arm. Tomorrow I'm meeting with a sports physio and hopefully we can make things work.

For now there is Ice, pills and beer... what a great mix !

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