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Whoever I talked to a while back about Alpine being more of a "nitch" sport than windsurfing is out of his gourde. Windsurfing is WEIGH... or WAY more of a "nich" sport. And it's more technical. (Keep in mind, this post is for only a few and not meant to be directed toward the majority of the community, only the wind haters)

ONE: I've searched the intraweb and if you could direct me to a larger forum for windsurfing than this EC forum then post the link.

TWO: I've been able to buy windsurfing gear online that is so friggin' cheap in comparison to retail value it's a crime. I've spent more on 20 year old carving gear than more modern windsurfing gear within the last 2 years it's ridiculous. Ex.: 1 Mistral Equipe board, 1 Power Ex 490 mast, 1 Neil Pryde boom (180-240cm), 3 Sails... 1 Wind Wing 7.5, 1 UP 8.4, and 1 Hood River 7.0, 1 Dakine harness. Total retail value new? Over 4.000 dollars new. What I paid putting everything together through multiple purchases online and hand outs? Less than 1/10th the total value. Yes, I paid less than 400 bucks. I couldn't get last years Coiler bare bones for that.

THREE: No attitude. "PRICELESS". I had one guy give me the Wind Wing sail just because he thought I could use it. I had another guy give me a Neil Pryde boom because I bought his UP sail and he knew my boom was too short. And in turn, I gave my entire setup I bought starting out to a friend that wanted to learn. That was 1 Bic Astro Roc, 1 Fiberspar 430 mast, 2 sails... 1 Gaastra 4.2 trainer and 1 Neil Pryde 4.0 RAF, and 1 Mistral boom. Island attitude beats hillbilly scruff anyday.

Maybe that's why there isn't a windsurfing forum as large as this EC forum. Nobody sits around talking smack and the glory days.

FYI, I may not get back to your flames for a couple weeks. I'll be out surfing the gusts. Shaka Bra!

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I think a big part of the reason for cheap or even free used windsurfing gear is that when people are done with it for whatever reason, the gear takes up a ton of space. People *need* to get rid of it. It takes up valuable garage/shed space, or sits outside killing grass and causing an eyesore, or even serves to remind and mock the former user of their failed attempts to get good at it, or their fall from physical condition, or the disappearance of their free time. Taking used gear off someone's hands is actually doing them a big favor as well. I never windsurfed, but my dad and some friends went through a windsurfing phase and this is what happened.

Snowboard decks take up relatively little space, and the cool ones can be hung on a wall or made into a bench, or sold to Bryan. ;)

Attitude? I think this forum has some of the least attitude on the net. Sure, we talk shop and argue about it, but people overall are very cool here. And people are very generous with their gear and advice and meeting up in person to help. I think if you did find a windsurfing forum as active as this one, you'd find about as much tude.

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I think a big part of the reason for cheap or even free used windsurfing gear is that when people are done with it for whatever reason, the gear takes up a ton of space. People *need* to get rid of it. It takes up valuable garage/shed space, or sits outside killing grass and causing an eyesore, or even serves to remind and mock the former user of their failed attempts to get good at it, or their fall from physical condition, or the disappearance of their free time. Taking used gear off someone's hands is actually doing them a big favor as well. I never windsurfed, but my dad and some friends went through a windsurfing phase and this is what happened.

Snowboard decks take up relatively little space, and the cool ones can be hung on a wall or made into a bench, or sold to Bryan. ;)

Attitude? I think this forum has some of the least attitude on the net. Sure, we talk shop and argue about it, but people overall are very cool here. And people are very generous with their gear and advice and meeting up in person to help. I think if you did find a windsurfing forum as active as this one, you'd find about as much tude.

Plus Windsurfing sucks, as A guy who started windsurfing in 82, I have some insite,

People buy new gear in the windsurfing world since it gets better, the wind wing sale some dude gives up is out dated and useless to that guy, just like wood snowboards are worthless to me, but would provide fun for some newbie who doesn't know any better, so away it goes.

Plus many poleboarders have gone to the far more friendly and much better performing kite! Myself included.

I think the real story is you like cheap gear and since there is plenty of outdated windsurfing crap out there you are very happy to ride it. Just like so many riders do. You see this in Alpine snowboarding also, of course most people involved in alpine riding have a little money since lift tickets are required.

All the gear you listed is crap and not much of it is "New School" I think you are really just fruggle so you place a unrealistic value on crappy gear I could buy up all that stuff for half what you paid anyday of the week, If I asked some friends I bet I could get the same gear for a hundred bucks or so? I gave away three rigs and 10 plus sails,to a boy scout camp just last year.

Oh yea there are huge windsurfing forums. Check out iwindsurf.com for starters, Kiteforum.com is filled with lots of old wind surfers. Silly that you are such a "gust rider" but have no idea about the windsurfing world.

Windsurfing was replaced by kiteboarding, enjoy the old guy sport.....go kiting!!!!! , Sure it cost money but it has a much lower end, I can plane in 8 knots and jump in 10. The high end can be better in windsurfing, kiting gets scary in over 40k, but it can be done I have a 4m Ozone instinct light that I am willing to launch if its hairball. Plus the air is unmatched.

Come on TEX I never check spelling and don't ever plan on it all my post are unedited, snowboard forum not english class.....:freak3:

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... THREE: No attitude. ... Maybe that's why there isn't a windsurfing forum as large as this EC forum. Nobody sits around talking smack and the glory days ... FYI, I may not get back to your flames for a couple weeks. I'll be out surfing the gusts. Shaka Bra!

"No attititude", says the trolling flame-baiter ...

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"No attititude", says the trolling flame-baiter ...

I think hes just stoked on windsurfing and is on such a "High" that he wanted to share it. Once you travel the "wind world" sailing sports will never die or be that small, they still make 10,000 dollar sales for wind surfers.

It hard for me not to get sucked into a sailing thread!!!! I love to SAIL!!!!

Kiteboarding is the simplest form of sailing to me...WING+board+rider!!!!

Thats all you need!

Are you getting, this Tex I keep spelling Sail, .. Sale I think its subcouncious, great now I got that wroung...bummer I suck. At least I clean up the typos!!!:biggthump

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Kiteboarding is the simplest form of sailing to me...WING+board+rider!!!!

Thats all you need!

This was what attracted my brother and might have me had I not already turned to skateboarding as my summer(all season) sport. Everything he needs to sail goes in a bag that he can take nearly anywhere...

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Kiteboarding is the simplest form of sailing to me...WING+board+rider!!!!

You mean good old wing sailing ?


or did you meant to type Kite+boad+rider?

Typed by guy who bought his first yellow Tencate Windsurfer somewhere dark North at mid seventies :ices_ange

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Whoever I talked to a while back about Alpine being more of a "nitch" sport than windsurfing is out of his gourde. Windsurfing is WEIGH... or WAY more of a "nich" sport.

I'm not to shure about this... Vancouver is a city with equally easy access to the good sailing beaches and the mountains. At peak season at Cypress, on the weekend, we get 5 alpine riders, when all the stars are alligned. More likely 2-3... At the Jericho Beach, in the summer, when the breeze is up, you'll have at least 5+ windsurfers. Tony "Couzin" can give you better numbers as he is a very active winsurfewer, too. However, he's out there chasing the wind, probably not reading BOL in the summer...

Windsurfing (and sailing in general) had a lot more of development then the snowboarding. From the old heavy boards with clumsy triangular sails to the rockets we have today... I can mention several brake-throughs:

From heavy oval boards to the more efficient shapes and lighter structures;

From aluminum to composite masts;

Foot straps;

Hawaaian Trapeze;

Elimination of the centerboard;



From dacron to Mylar sails;

From triangular, non-battened sail to "wing" sail;

Self-depowering sails;

Super-wide boards...

Experts will excuse me if I missed out on something - I actually didn't follow much over many many years...

As for me, I learned to "seriously" sail on a windsurfer. Holly smokes! It's been 30 years since I windsurfed over to a nearby island and freaked out my mom... Then I moved on to keel boats and racing dinghies and never had time to windsurf again. I watched the development a bit, more as the part of general interest in sailing sport.

Now I sail so very little that I wander if I still deserve to be called a sailor... :(

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I think the real story is you like cheap gear and since there is plenty of outdated windsurfing crap out there you are very happy to ride it. Just like so many riders do. You see this in Alpine snowboarding also, of course most people involved in alpine riding have a little money since lift tickets are required.

OK, just my two cents here, and a bit of a thread-jack... The quote above is something that I have been wondering about quite a bit lately... In my perusal of this message board I have been starting to think that I don't have enough money to be included in this, what seems to be, club for financially well-endowed sports enthusiasts. (Just look at, for instance, the thread entitled "Post your summer ride.") I have never been financially well endowed, but still have managed to learn to snowboard, wind surf, scuba dive, surf, mountain bike and to do them all at a half way decent level of performance. I just have to be creative and do it all on the cheap. As a result, I almost never own the latest, newest, sparkliest, best performing gear in any of the sports that I do, but I still get the job done and make sure that my gear is 110% safe for use. Being a low-budget snowboarder to me means that I have to work that much harder to perform well. I don't consider that a bad thing necessarily - hard work is good, right? :o

I'm guessing that the original poster here doesn't WANT or LIKE to own older, un-snazzy gear, but that like me, he is happy when he is outside, using what he has available to him, and is glad that he is fortunate enough to be able to do the things that he likes to do at all.

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OK, just my two cents here, and a bit of a thread-jack... The quote above is something that I have been wondering about quite a bit lately... In my perusal of this message board I have been starting to think that I don't have enough money to be included in this, what seems to be, club for financially well-endowed sports enthusiasts.

This forum really has nothing to do with money. It is all about passion for snowboarding with emphasis on the carve and hard boot end of the spectrum. I am among the most dirt bag of anyone on here. My car has 345K miles on it. I have never spent more than $330 on any piece of snowboarding gear ever, and until last year the max was $250.

(Just look at, for instance, the thread entitled "Post your summer ride.") I have never been financially well endowed, but still have managed to learn to snowboard, wind surf, scuba dive, surf, mountain bike and to do them all at a half way decent level of performance. I just have to be creative and do it all on the cheap.

The thing that is cool is that my old, totally out dated wood core boards, when ridden properly, still turns heads and keeps up with the guys on their NSR shapes and I still have tons of people come up to me each winter asking what the heck is that thing? How do you do that? Where can I find gear like that?

Love of the sport is the great equalizer. Everything else is secondary.

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Don't get me wrong please... I wasn't trying to put anyone down or insinuate anything insipidous... I was more or less just trying to point out that not everyone needs the newest gear to perform well, and you clearly agree with this viewpoint. I was sticking up for the original poster a bit, (not sure why since he clearly was calling out invitations to a flame fest with his post) but I like to play devil's advocate. :)

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It's a 2005, and only came in one stiffness. It's pretty stiff, let's call it medium-well. Doesn't have many days on her. Every time I ride it it blows me away, but time marches on and I have to make room for the metals. It wouldn't kill me to just give it to my newbie hb'er brother-in-law, as he's about 200lbs so he could make it work. Would be nice to keep it in the family and have it accessible, if only to gaze upon the iconic graphics. But for $400 I'd part with it.

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