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Look Mom, I Gots Me A Tazer!!!!!!!


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because my lazy ass could not cuff and stuff a 72 year old granny.

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The woman is obviously a dumb idiot (and a liar in the tv interview), but is a tazer the right level of force ? A good cop would not have let it get of of control.

It's a bit like Cheney's enhanced interrogation methods. Just because it doesn't leave bruises and broken bones like a night stick would, doesn't mean it's not excessively violent in these circumstances.


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yeah, I guess that's my point.

I don't think that she should of been such a pain in the ass but if you can't safely cuff a unarmed granny without electrocuting her you should not be a cop.

tasers are exceptionally dangerous to use on old timers.

cops don't think so and the company that makes the things litigates to keep studies that clearly show that just like when you get whacked from a outlet it could trigger heart failure.

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those final words, "im getting back into my car" were more than likely the final straw for the officer here. yes, the tazer is a bit excessive, as im sure a baton to the leg would have sufficed for the 6ft plus officer, but to allow the lady to initiate a high speed chase was simply not an option. further escalation would have put many more lives at risk than a surly old lady and an officer that felt he was doing exactly what he was trained to do.

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those final words, "im getting back into my car" were more than likely the final straw for the officer here. yes, the tazer is a bit excessive, as im sure a baton to the leg would have sufficed for the 6ft plus officer, but to allow the lady to initiate a high speed chase was simply not an option. further escalation would have put many more lives at risk than a surly old lady and an officer that felt he was doing exactly what he was trained to do.

and my point being is that the taser was hardly needed, or a baton for that matter. IF YOU'RE NOT CAPABLE OF SIMPLE PHYSICAL RESTRAINT YOU SHOULD NOT BE A COP.

tasers are specifically meant for less than lethal force, meaning, you don't have to shoot someone.

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The woman is obviously a dumb idiot (and a liar in the tv interview), but is a tazer the right level of force ? A good cop would not have let it get of of control.

It's a bit like Cheney's enhanced interrogation methods. Just because it doesn't leave bruises and broken bones like a night stick would, doesn't mean it's not excessively violent in these circumstances.


yes she is!

and officer Bieze is as well

There is a local deputy 'round here gots him beat though. She shot and killed a growling miniature dachshund

but wtf, over?

quite a differance between administering a lil fear of ala via waterboarding those three islamofascists hellbent on Killing innocent Americans by the thousands, and an beligerant but unarmed lil ole lady trying to limp back to her car and drive off to her whitehead/redhat meeting down at the bingo hall :freak3:

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The politics of a victimless crime like speeding aside, There is still no single scenario where this was appropriate short of her pulling a gun on him.:mad:

when are we going to say enough is enough?

law enforcement is now the largest industry in this country. we have more people incarcerated than any other country. Most for "crimes" with no victims.

I will take the old days of Peace officers and its only a crime if there is a victim over this **** any day!

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those final words, "im getting back into my car" were more than likely the final straw for the officer here. yes, the tazer is a bit excessive, as im sure a baton to the leg would have sufficed for the 6ft plus officer, but to allow the lady to initiate a high speed chase was simply not an option. further escalation would have put many more lives at risk than a surly old lady and an officer that felt he was doing exactly what he was trained to do.

The jagoff was administering a traffic citation (collecting taxes) mail her the ticket and let her go. avoid looking like a tool on youtube and still collect your thirty pieces of silver.

How would a baton to the leg be any less repulsive? Its an old lady who still remembers when policemen where there to help you. whats she gonna do hurt him?:rolleyes:

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The jagoff was administering a traffic citation (collecting taxes) mail her the ticket and let her go. avoid looking like a tool on youtube and still collect your thirty pieces of silver.

How would a baton to the leg be any less repulsive? Its an old lady who still remembers when policemen where there to help you. whats she gonna do hurt him?:rolleyes:

Dr. : My maternal Gramps was the first (white) cop in Jacksonville, Florida to be paired with an African-American cop to help ease tensions between the races (1954). He was accepted by the community and admired at times. His fellow officer was not given the same treatment by whites. Sad. Only 40 plus years since then. He lived in an age when a drunk was taken home to his wife, a young miscreant was watched over by the community and the police and given every opportunity to repair and change, and shots were fired as a last resort. I'm assuming here, I would think he'd be aghast at how law enforcement has become an extension of military law and procedure. The people who my gramps saw on his beat were his neighbors and friends.

I remember hearing it being said that America lost it's soul when houses started being built without front porches. I think it also coincides with the cops being taken off of foot beats and being put into patrol cars. Unless something changes in the next few years, I cannot see any hope for the future of relations between local cops and the citizenry they were formerly sworn to protect.

Now, it's just 'revenue enhancement' as shrugged off by the lawyers and advisors to government. Law enforcement officers have a long and proud history of service to their communities and it's sad to see it maligned by a new school of irreverence for freedom and liberty.

Thanks for listening,


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I just came from an hour meeting with the city manager of whitefish. A meeting referencing police harrassment.

I attended a city council meeting in which a friend of mine had requested the city council investigate our chief of police for felony intimidation and harrassment. I was witness to some of these acts so I attended to see what would happen. The council declined the request and while we sat through all the other stuff leading up to that item the chief was taking pictures of me and some others with his cellphone. It was humorous at first because he was trying to hide his actions from the council but still be obvious to us. He was on his radio and cellphone throughout the meeting and called a young officer in at one point and gave him instructions of some kind. When we departed the building the meeting was still in session. no less than 5 cops exited the building and got into their cars after we left. This is a small town at 11 at nite we were the only people on the street that nite. the cops proceeded to circle the blocks around us even driving slow enough to follow a man on foot at some points. we spread out and the split and followed each of us for nearly an hour.

I am a professional respected member of the community and I was treated that way because I dared attend a city council meeting?!?? Chief got off without a slap on the hand so he stepped it up a notch.

I spent an hour reaming the city manager and city attorney and I feel better now. We'll see if it changes anything

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I just came from an hour meeting with the city manager of whitefish. A meeting referencing police harrassment.

I attended a city council meeting in which a friend of mine had requested the city council investigate our chief of police for felony intimidation and harrassment. I was witness to some of these acts so I attended to see what would happen. The council declined the request and while we sat through all the other stuff leading up to that item the chief was taking pictures of me and some others with his cellphone. It was humorous at first because he was trying to hide his actions from the council but still be obvious to us. He was on his radio and cellphone throughout the meeting and called a young officer in at one point and gave him instructions of some kind. When we departed the building the meeting was still in session. no less than 5 cops exited the building and got into their cars after we left. This is a small town at 11 at nite we were the only people on the street that nite. the cops proceeded to circle the blocks around us even driving slow enough to follow a man on foot at some points. we spread out and the split and followed each of us for nearly an hour.

I am a professional respected member of the community and I was treated that way because I dared attend a city council meeting?!?? Chief got off without a slap on the hand so he stepped it up a notch.

I spent an hour reaming the city manager and city attorney and I feel better now. We'll see if it changes anything

All depends on your definition of harassment. Does the City have a lawyer named Alberto Gonzales by chance :lol:


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No he's a little redheaded irishmen who had to deal with a little intimidation coming from me:eplus2: I am not a small man and it didn't take much more than a narrowed glance to set him as far back in his chair as he could go!

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So he grabs her and breaks her arm, or he grabs her, she falls and hits her head. Or, she fights him and they both fall into traffic.

Swell if that last scenario went down... Everybody would be saying that he should have just tased her.

Dumb **** for getting into a slanging match with a cop. Just take your ticket and leave.

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So he grabs her and breaks her arm, or he grabs her, she falls and hits her head. Or, she fights him and they both fall into traffic.

Swell if that last scenario went down... Everybody would be saying that he should have just tased her.

Dumb **** for getting into a slanging match with a cop. Just take your ticket and leave.

clearly we have some basic philisophical differences. somewhere back in history someone said "OH just take your yellow star and be quiet and subservient" and later they said "oh just take your nice shower"

The point is that traffic stops are almost entirely victimless crimes and clearly just a revenue raising measure by the state. IT shouldn't be a crime in the first place and as it stands now a traffic misdemeanor does not warrant physical assault by an officer. All he had to do was let her go and turn in the ticket with a refused to sign noted at the bottom and let the judge deal with it. Instead he assaulted an old woman. Which is what oh yeah a crime with an actual victim.:nono:

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On that point, I'm not speaking philosophically.

The point I'm making is that if you've already decided to physically restrain someone, all the methods have their risks. Whether or not physical restraint was called for is not for me to decide after looking at a grainy video, but I'm not sure if as a cop I wouldn't want someone that aggravated getting back behind the wheel. If her attitude was "**** you, I'm out of here", as a cop, what do you do then?

As for the comparisons to Nazi Germany, well, I don't see how this exchange leads directly to a "Krystallnacht". Law enforcement does require both a certain degree of intimidation and empathy, with balanced public oversight to be effective. Too much of one or the other and you have problems. Slipping into Facism doesn't happen overnight, as we'll see when govenments try to "re-educate" Arabic and Persian citizens of our two countries. That's when folks of good conscience get to stand up.

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It must be awesome to be a cop now. You get to be judged by every fat slob keyboard carver I mean cowboy in his mom's basement.

Nice, TT, we all know you're a tiny man and that's okay. sure is funny though, queer midgets are always funny.

BTW, those little heart shaped pasties you got there are cute midget.jpg

on a more serious note, as a public servant you must alway expect to be judged, plain and simple.

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