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Do you worry about global warming?

Sultan Guy

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All this talk about global warming and decreased snowpacks leading to shorter seasons on the hills has me thinking.

What is the future of our sport?

Will the same slopes have enough snow 50-100 years from now?

Maybe by then we will have powered anti gravity carving boards that don't need snow.:cool:

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"Do you worry about global warming?"

What will be, will be. I do feel sad for our kids, but hopefully they won't be as ignorant and pompous as we were. Growing up in the sixties and seventies, the world was full of absolutes and constants. Future generations won't be able to take their way of life for granted or assume that people in Africa and Asia are happy with their simple and impoverished lot.

What does worry me, is the slow pace we are preparing for the future. We should be building indoor ski areas now ;)


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you're crazy

global warming has been debunked by great scientific minds like Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney and Joe Scarborough.

Bob -- you forgot that guy named Bush or something like that.. I can't quite remember him now.

I do worry about Global warming but Prostate Cancer worries me more.

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"Do you worry about global warming?"



beings as IF it is now happening, it isn't man-made anyway, I suppose future folks will just have to learn to deal with it in much the same ways our early ancestors dealt with the ending of the last ice age


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I read an article about the glaciers in the French alps. They were installing large areas of reflective cloth to help keep the sun off of the snow.

how lovely that must look... :1luvu:

btw, I wonder who will clean up the litter when the wind tears the cute lil multi million dollar to manufacture, provide & install 'space blanket-tarps' to shreads and tosses them over on the Italian Alps :cool:

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I'm not a worrier, I just keep praying for snow; not that it matters, if Schwietzer will close down with over 100 inches they'll close with 300 inches.

on a related note; when going to the sun road was built thru glacier park in the '20s there were 120 year round glaciers, there is now 20+, down from 30+ ten years ago, pretty hard to deny that kind of evidence.

edit: I just watched NOW on pbs, experts in the park expect all the year round glaciers to be gone by 2020, glacier park won't have any glaciers, irony or just a sign of the times?

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I'm not a worrier, .....

edit: I just watched NOW on pbs, experts in the park expect all the year round glaciers to be gone by 2020, glacier park won't have any glaciers, irony or just a sign of the times?

me neighter...

btw, it is said that 16k yrs ago, although glaciers were retreating, much of the midwestern U.S. was still under ice...

mort folks should wonder what warmed things up back then to 'cause' such...

was it all the co2 from premitive folks camp fires, or was it the sun... and what does that have to do with the Billions upon Billions of dollars, property and rights being upscounched in the name of 'saving-the-planet' today?


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If it's a man-made problem, we need to solve it. Let's all drive to the Black Rock playa in our CO2-belching art cars and burn down a big pile of wood and talk about a solution :lol:

During your solution meeting - can you talk about all the CO2 it takes to make a bicycle? It seems there are too many bikes in the world and they were not here during the ice age. Also- the number of older women is on the rise with hot flashes.. it has to add up to heating the earth.

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Dam straight I do.

Will I do my very small bit to try to do something about it? yes

Will a lot of people do their small bits to try to do something about it? of course

Will enough people do enough small bits to make much of a difference? almost certainly not

Enlightened self interest? Taking the long view? Acting with restraint for the common good?

You're talking 'bout the wrong species, man!

Moral of the story - celebrate, nurture, and cherish what we got, as long as we got it. Lead, humbly, by example, and urge others to follow suit. Vote Green, and hold the elected to their promises. And maybe, just maybe, we'll all get lucky....


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That's the easiest way to deal with things that threaten our material and economic way of life.The fact remains that we are consuming much of what was beautiful and necessary about the Earth and,as a matter of fact very little will be left for our grandchildren.

Great example;mountaintop removal to make mining cheaper.

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. Also- the number of older women is on the rise with hot flashes.. it has to add up to heating the earth.

Sure, blame it on us cougars, how brave of you!:nono:

Everyone knows it's all the methane from those "hamburgers on the hoof", otherwise known as cows to people from rural areas......

Geez, it's getting hot in here....

Actually, the proposed average earth temp during an ice age is 42 F degrees. Our current average temp is 52. The proposed average ocean temp during the period of circumpolar oil deposit formation was 72 degrees F. We've got a ways to go. I think we'll see snow in the lower 48 much like the ski resorts in the SE see it-for a few weeks and rarely sticking. Will we have a ski industry in the lower 48?-No. I think this will come to pass in our kids' lifetimes. I agree with the proposal to push the indoor ski domes. I looked into the cost of something like that for Houston, rather casually, and figured I wouldn't get financing without a major ski player getting involved. Like Intrawest....Of course, nothing like that is going to happen as long as financing is tight.

Now, I recently discovered the ski hill in College Station-seems as if you can take skiing as a course at Texas A&M. The hill is made of white astroturf so actual skis/boards with P-Tex probably would be a bad idea, but an alternative could be figured out pretty easily

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The whole "manmade" global warming debate makes me puke. Al Gore got an Emmy and a peace prize for a "documentary" based on flawed if not fraudulent information.

Is it warming? It most certainly has, but maybe turning the corner. It will take a decade or so before you could call it a trend. (Notice they have changed the hysteria from global warming to global climate change.)

Did mankind cause it? We couldn't if we wanted to.

CO2 does not cause global warming. To some extent it can be a byproduct of warming seas. If you look at the historic records in fine detail, (years or decades, not centuries) you will find CO2 increases FOLLOW temperature rises, not the other way around.

CO2 makes up a VERY small portion of our atmosphere. The most abundant greenhouse gas is water vapor, but they don't even plug that into their "gloom and doom" models. Guess the EPA should list water as a pollutant also.

While they're teaching our kids that greenhouse gasses are BAD, they forget to mention that life on earth is impossible without them.

History has shown for centuries that when the climate warms, life on earth prospers. When the earth cools, life suffers. The real concern is the next cooling cycle. That's when you get crop failures, die outs, etc, etc.

The problem is this is a political debate, not a scientific one. It's about power and money, not science. If you want to understand the REAL science behind global temperature cycles, not the political crap, read this book:

Unstoppable Global Warming every 1500 years

It is well researched, all the facts are documented, and it's based on actual science. It will amaze you when you see how this has all been manipulated for political means. Everybody that cares about this topic should read this book, then make up their OWN mind.

It's pretty amazing that this whole "cap and trade thing" (which will destroy our economy) is based on a threat that doesn't exist.

As socialism marches forward.

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If it's a man-made problem, we need to solve it. Let's all drive to the Black Rock playa in our CO2-belching art cars and burn down a big pile of wood and talk about a solution :lol:


f-in burning man. funny stuff.

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Maybe I should get my local ski area to put these out during the week so we can all ride later in the spring on the weekends. :cool:

Blanketing glaciers to continue, despite good snow

by Jeremy Allen

Geneva - 16 March 2009 | 11:30

Saas Fee resort tells Swisster that despite high levels of snow this ski season, protective blankets which prevent glacier melt will still be employed this summer. The protection saves money and avoids CO2 emissions says the resort. But the International Commission for the Protection of the Alps (CIPRA) says there are still unanswered questions about the practice of blanketing.

<!-- barbar: *1* -->As temperatures rise and spring begins, alpine ski resorts are already planning how to protect their glaciers from the effects of climate change. Recently, Zurich university's laboratory of hydraulics, hydrology and glaciology predicted the disappearence of many of Switzerland's glaciers by the end of 2050.

Many ski stations in Europe such as Andermatt and Saas Fee employ an ultra-thin blanket (manufactured by Landholt, a company based in Laax) that prevents sections of their glaciers from receding.

Bernhard Pfammatter, technical chief from Saas Fee, told Swisster despite the chances of snow remaining on the skiable part of the Fee glacier throughout the summer (thanks to an exceptional season), the resort will still cover a section with an“ice protector” blanket to prevent excessive melting.

At the end of May, the rolls will be unravelled. Each strip is 100 metres long and 2.5 metres wide, and when laid out will make up an area of 10,000 square metres. The 2.5 millimetre thin blankets feature ultra-violet protection, which ensures snow underneath does not melt during warmer months. The 400,000 Swiss franc blankets are removed in September.

The alpine resort first experimented with the cover on a section called the Längfluh in 2005, a part of the overall Fee glacier, which in 2005 was 4.7 kilometres long.

However, the covers do save on CO2 emissions. “The glacier recedes 2 metres per year, except for on this part of the ice. Before, in order to retain snow cover, we needed four or five machines over two to three weeks to spray artificial snow, and this burned diesel,” said Pfammatter, who added that the operation had cost the resort 50,000 francs per year.

The current procedure to lay out the blanket requires only one snow vehicle and takes two days.

Meanwhile, CIPRA, is not convinced about the environmental impact of the blankets. “Covering glaciers can sometimes cause important repercussions on nature and the countryside,” the Alpine protection group said in a document published on the subject in 2007.

Given that little is known about the possible effects on the glacial ecosystems, such measures should be accompanied by scientific research into possible damage, the report said.

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While I'm in favor of doing all the warm fuzzy stuff (recycling, biking to work, less reliance on fuels, less destruction of environment, etc)...the reality is that the earth has rebuilt itself many times.

Guess what? Sooner or later, regardless of our interference, the world as we know it will be wiped out.


What would the dinosaurs do?

Poor guys.

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socialism? fascism? who cares?

get on board or suffer :flamethro

Who cares? Anybody that really gives a damn about this country cares.

Your kids and grand kids will care, believe me!

Tex, he's pretty spot on. The report the IIPC used was doctored to get the desired result AFTER the scientists signed off on it. It was discredited by the scientific community after the fact and ultimately changed back. Of course, this was after Al Gore and the UN used it to state their cases.

The original report stated that they could not find any link between human activity and global warming. This paragraph was stricken from the report and replaced with one that said there WAS a link between human activity and global warming. As I said above, the author eventually had to retract this statement, but the damage was already done.

Politics, not science.

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Who cares? Anybody that really gives a damn about this country cares.

Your kids and grand kids will care, believe me!

Tex, he's pretty spot on. The report the IIPC used was doctored to get the desired result AFTER the scientists signed off on it. It was discredited by the scientific community after the fact and ultimately changed back. Of course, this was after Al Gore and the UN used it to state their cases.

The original report stated that they could not find any link between human activity and global warming. This paragraph was stricken from the report and replaced with one that said there WAS a link between human activity and global warming. As I said above, the author eventually had to retract this statement, but the damage was already done.

Politics, not science.

Notice.... that isn't the earf flaming the non-conformist smiley...

it is in fact one of the conspiratorial alarmists who have tirelessly worked to destroy our economy, private property rights and pursuits of happiness


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