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Big Mountain Daily Rub in Part III

Shred Gruumer

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1) Thursday before you arrived. Sunny, warm. Hellroaring deck weather. "You shoulda been here yesterday...."

2) Aaron (West)

3) Steve (Cuban)

P.S. The camera is an Olympus 1050SW. Traded a Fish 160 for it when my Cannon broke. Nice to be waterproof, shockproof, and freezeproof, but do not buy this camera if you want good pictures too.




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1) Battle scar on the Violator.*

2) Cuban relaxing in the sun on Ed's Run.

3) Eric the SkwalGuy tearing up Toni Matt.

* Took a head-on tackle to the chest from a boarder (no helmet) blind jumping a roller onto Bench Run into the middle of my toe to heel transition. One of us could have gotten seriously hurt, but we got lucky and walked away with only board scars.

P.S. Love the Violator Shred. It's right at home on the groomers of Big Mountain, where old long, non-metal boards come to retire. Keep me posted when you want to sell more boards.




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All the snow ghosts passed on during last weeks inversion, but here's an old pic. And shadows from the chair today.

Shred, if you want to unleash the video potential of that Canon, have a look at what SteadyHand software can do. Here are two samples from my youtube site. The first shows how far it can go if you let it; notice how steady the lake in the background remains. The second is from the same video but dialed back a bit for less frame motion.

I've got 30+ videos on there, all shot with a Canon Powershot pocket camera, and just about every one of them was made possible/palatable by the SteadyHand software. Best money I've spent on software.

Here's one of my favorites, and it helps explain why that camera finally went the way of the snow ghosts a few weeks ago. There is a limit to the abuse those Elphs can take.



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sorry paulk it was decided that no pictures would be taken due to "extreme cold temps" affecting camera function.

Personally I think they don't want to document soft boots in the 65/60 range:eplus2:

Sweet ride tho, I am in love:1luvu:

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