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I got one of the first generation cateks way back when, after years of riding soft ( supple?) burtons all those years it was a lot to get used to.

Stayed with the hard interface ( td1's) and then even harder with intecs.

I don't remember at the time if i really liked the harder feel of the td's or whether i was just so jazzed with the industrial strength bindings. The burtons quickly fell out of favor even though i never broke one.

I switched back to F2's a couple of years ago and and much happier with the feel. Wish i hadn't sold all those old burtons :p

I can see the point that Bordy's requirements for a binding would be different from a recreational carver ( EC'er ?:ices_ange) But seriously, enough of you guys have ridden with him . Does ability buy any credibility these days ?

Maybe all these racers riding icy rutted out race courses at speeds we can only dream about are wrong eh?

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Not attacking....right....honestly that's all you do lately is:boxing_sm and:smashfrea

Billy you've been very cranky lately buddy, I thought being a new dad would have calmed you down a bit.

What exactly am I promoting? All I said is that Erik can provide some great knowledge to our little alpine community regardless of old school or new school riding gear.

Yes of course there will be differences in opinions and riders can pick and chose what they want to process and try out.

You are a racer and will have different needs for equipment than myself or most riders on this forum who are freecarvers. This does not mean that I disagree with you because I am open to trying any gear. After I've tried it I will make a decision if racing gear will work for my free carve needs.

This debate is the whole point of Jacks comparison of a Kessler, Coiler, Donek and Pior's new shapes. Jack wants to see if the Kessler will work for freecarving or if our local board builders serve that purpose better. Try to be open minded and take a deep breath before you dive in here. Your negativity on posts is a big downer and will steer people away. Your credibility is slowly slipping because your just not a pleasant poster any more. What's up man, what happened to the happy go lucky Billy I met years ago?

I am just so dissapointed in the info being spread on the site, if it comes across as cranky then so be it, its not my intent. My intent is the same to promote alpine, now latley there has been a trend of the same info aim toward everyone, And watching new posters oh and ahh over outdated gear promoted by the same few folks is starting to effect the boards purpose. Now to start and see old outdated theroys pop up just kills me. It really crappy to have you say, heres a new poster that deserves respect, then that poster feeds a newbie crap.

I cam glad Eric is posting here, I sat and listen to his ideas at eces, there was nothing new. I think I now understand why Jack can be so closeminded, your post shows some insite with this statement.

This does not mean that I disagree with you because I am open to trying any gear. After I've tried it I will make a decision if racing gear will work for my free carve needs.

You statement shows you don't know what you like and are willing to find out.

Lots of the post by Jack have read as though he knows what is best, this is the only issue I ever devolop with Jack online, we both know that in person jack doesn't say the same thing over and over, but here on line its difffereft, Just as though you know I write how i speak, and In person I speak very nicley. That how I feel even if you don't read it that way.

Here again lies the core root of the problem, you, Jack and others have a "gone rouge" claim that free carving has differnt needs, than a carving board some one races on, you guy continue to slow progress, by sticking to this comment. And here it shows up again, any one racing is on a carving board. The needs of a free carve board is only change based on turn shape, while race boards may be built to haul ass, a free carver may enjoy a smaller turn with slower speed, the technology in the board, on the board and on the riders feet are the same. Everytime you think my needs are differnt then yours, you wroung, becuase while not in the race course I am out there playing wide open like I enjoy, therefor free carving?????

My next poll will follow to see what the board thinks?

I think in around about way I am just trying to say since 03 Jack and others have been saying the same thing on the BOL board, how is it six years later it still the same comments, when we have been through, 2 generations of Bomber Binding, 2 generation of Cateks, Several Board shapes and ideas about camber profiles, New metal boards and riser plate rtechnology, and several manufactors styles of boots. But the moderator on the forum still pitchs the same thing, the same style, the same ideas???

You can go and ride old school all you want its a ton of fun!

I have a ton of old school boards I love and ride. You can ride anybinding you want, with any boot, thats sweet have fun.

But as a moderator on the forum how many times do you need to drive home your old scholl ideas when ever some one pitches new school progress. To do so with experance would be valid info for the board, but to do so, with out experance is just bogus info being spread by a moderator, and people beleave him since he is such.

Jack, understand its the same issue we always have, you can not pimp only your likes if your a represntative of this website and the sport. People here assume you have the background to make these statements, right now you don't. I am sorry if as always this seems harsh, but its how I feel.

If you noticed Geoff, and Jack I have really tried to explain my self here, cuz I like riding and hanging with you boys, I am talking snowboarding and promotion of alpine riding to people on this board, not what I personally think of you, Jack or Eric but please stop thinking that I want my gear to be differnt becuase I was rode alpine for almost 10 years before ever racing, then went on to race, I had one run in a race course last year. Me and Trappy at nationals. So for the rest of the year everyturn I made was for fun my need where no differnt then yours, why do you suggest differntly. Or continue to promote it as such on the board? this does bother me???

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Not attacking....right....honestly that's all you do lately is:boxing_sm and:smashfrea

That is not fair to Bordy. Unfortunately he was attacking in that post, but for roughly the past month, he has been extremely good and helpful. Many posters have commented on it. He deserves some credit.

You are a racer and will have different needs for equipment than myself or most riders on this forum who are freecarvers.

Yes, but only to a point. Freecarving is derivative of racing. As freecarvers, we have a lot more freedom to ride different types of gear and use looser techniques, but for the most part we are doing the same thing. Alpine racing is where the development is for turning hard and going fast on a snowboard.

This debate is the whole point of Jacks comparison of a Kessler, Coiler, Donek and Pior's new shapes. Jack wants to see if the Kessler will work for freecarving or if our local board builders serve that purpose better.

Jack is not the first freecarver to ride those boards. From the feedback I have heard, it is already pretty clear that a Kessler is an extremely good freecarving board. That does not mean that everyone will like how it rides, but it is one good option among several and for some, it might be the top choice.

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Jack is not the first freecarver to ride those boards. From the feedback I have heard, it is already pretty clear that a Kessler is an extremely good freecarving board. That does not mean that everyone will like how it rides, but it is one good option among several and for some, it might be the top choice.

I did not claim that Jack is the first to ride these boards. To my knowledge no one has stacked up a HB designed Prior, Coiler NSR and Donek's new shapes and done a complete written review of these boards. These are all the new shapes and new materials. Actually it would be great if Billy could do the same review as I would be VERY interested to see the differences in opinions from Jack to Billy on the same boards.

It's been well established that Jack and Billy come from different riding backgrounds, both of you will be able to provide different opinions on the boards and it would be good to hear it. Heck if Fin had the time I'd add him to the testing crew and we'd have ourselves plenty of info to read up on. The review section has been dead for years and is in need of an update bad, you guys could bring it back to life.

This would actually be really good for BOL to to get some reviews from both you guys. Billy you up to the task? Heck we could toss a vote out there for who the BOL community would want to hear a review from and start gathering some names and get the boards sent around. Heck make it real interesting and add the TD3's, TD3 racers, Cateks and F2's to the mix.


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Actually it would be great if Billy could do the same review as I would be VERY interested to see the differences in opinions from Jack to Billy on the same boards.


I would love to see that. I consider it really important to have different riders' reviews of those boards.

Certainly Jack would not mind shipping his new Kessler around the country. ;)

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I would love to see that. I consider it really important to have different riders' reviews of those boards.

Certainly Jack would not mind shipping his new Kessler around the country. ;)

There are plenty of Kesslers out there. I'm sure Billy's got access to one. I assure you Jack will not be shipping his new GF around the country

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Some time ago I suggested that maybe a Review section just get added here to the forum. Not quite as formal but still a place to post reviews.

Last season I started to post reviews here after testing a couple of boards from Bola. I plan to do the same this season for anything that I test which could be a end up being Kessler, SG race, Virus, Donek and Coiler. We will see what I have time to get my feet on but I am looking forward to checking out more of the newer shapes this season.


Oh Yeah, Billy has spent plenty of time on Kesslers

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I strongly believe we should incorporate riders of all sizes on different snow conditions as well.

Since I fit that bill I gladly volunteer!! :eplus2:

In all seriousness what metrics could one use to review equipment that "we" would all agree on???

Quickness to first carve by a beginner?

Depth of carve?

Who's having the most fun?

The setup that requires the least effort?

The setup that costs the least and allows the rider to access/carve the most terrain?

The setup that is most eco-friendly? (forget I typed that!)

Yeah not very quantifiable...

"Ooo, I liked how that felt." -reviewer :barf:

Since speed down a race course is the only thing that is truly objective I guess we are left with that... sux. :(

PS- I didn't start the :flamethro... it's been burning since the boards have been turning... (all apologies to Billy Joel)

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...Bordy, and what did I say to upset you so?

Given that your responses to my posts had very little to do with said posts, perhaps you have some other agenda?

Not sure I was espousing any particular theory...

If you regard fairly coherent explanations as 'crap', then I suppose I should take that evaluation as a compliment?

If so, thanks.

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You can have it when I'm done with the review. Just send $1400 for shipping.

AND MUCH MORE, you should also put the family/career on hold so you have time to test all the newest rocker designs, exotic materials/binding/boot/bts/dampening combinations in all trail conditions, at all the ski resorts, and all the race courses. Don't forget to get duplicate boards to test out different edge/base tuning styles as well...

Then just MAYBE you can make every condecending jackass accept your opinion on the way YOU have the NERVE to believe carving should be done with your LIMITED experience.

ps: Can I have your outdated schtubby? I like old crap...

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As a newcomer to this forum, I really liked Jack's articles. I've read some of Bordy's stuff too and he definitely knows his shiz. Now, which direction are you guys steering me in? Do I get a metal or ride old skool? Is this new metal technology supposed to make me a better rider? cus I can skool on my old skool stick...which way do i turn? Oh dear...where is PSR when I need him?:p

Can I borrow somebody's metal and show yis how it's done? oh geesh ..decisions..decisions.

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As a newcomer to this forum, I really liked Jack's articles. I've read some of Bordy's stuff too and he definitely knows his shiz. Now, which direction are you guys steering me in? Do I get a metal or ride old skool? Is this new metal technology supposed to make me a better rider? cus I can skool on my old skool stick...which way do i turn? Oh dear...where is PSR when I need him?:p

Can I borrow somebody's metal and show yis how it's done? oh geesh ..decisions..decisions.

Which banned former member are you? :eplus2::cool:

If you know PSR, you are not lilkely the dweeb you are funning about. :confused::biggthump :o :freak3:

PS, Welcome (back) to the forum.

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