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Yo Lci!!

big mario

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Dang fellas!!

James, good to hear your ok. That one should heal fine. Did you need a scew to hold it together? That is what I got with mine and you may need a new molding on that boot liner.

Dude, take it easy brudda.

I have been out this season as well with a strained calf/achilies. KarverKai has been out with a strained ligament in his elbow and soft carver had back surgery just before the holidays.

Payin' the price for living life.


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Another rider down

OddJob is out with a jacked up ankle, but today saw the return of 3 of the walking wounded, The Dude, Inky, and Karver Kai.

Mr Positve and Everett have returned from their racing jaunt on the east coast, and we were treated by are rare appearance of Mr Awesome. I even got an "awesomely smooth riding" from Mr Awesome.  Conditions were mixed, with Roulette wind  burnished nice and firm, and firecut groomed, variable on the soft side. Everyone was laying down some nice turns despite the 150mph winds laced with 00 buckshot sized ice pellets.  Oh, it was sunny for once as well, and relatively empty, we didn't even need to hop on the short bus today. I could say that I will miss all of you when I am in Aspen next week, but I would be lying


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Another rider down

OddJob is out with a jacked up ankle, but today saw the return of 3 of the walking wounded, The Dude, Inky, and Karver Kai.

Mr Positve and Everett have returned from their racing jaunt on the east coast, and we were treated by are rare appearance of Mr Awesome. I even got an "awesomely smooth riding" from Mr Awesome.  Conditions were mixed, with Roulette wind  burnished nice and firm, and firecut groomed, variable on the soft side. Everyone was laying down some nice turns despite the 150mph winds laced with 00 buckshot sized ice pellets.  Oh, it was sunny for once as well, and relatively empty, we didn't even need to hop on the short bus today. I could say that I will miss all of you when I am in Aspen next week, but I would be lying


Mario, I will see you in Aspen if I survive the banked sl at copper tomorrow. Still healing from Fridays crash off the bank.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Back from glittergulch in one piece.  except for the SG, may it rest in piece(s)

Ha! I made a funny

What a difference a week makes, last day I rode it was 55 degrees, sunny, blah blah blah....  Pulled into the parking lot to around -9, which I found to be rather bracing.  Still had warm wax on the coiler, couldn't flex my boots, or any of my body for that matter, yet I still managed to make a turn or two. Most of the snow stayed on the front range, so I still haven't had the chance to ride any powder on the coiler. Left a lot of heinously deep trenches wherever I went, Just ask the Dude. Short day due to a feeling of general wimpyness amongst all in attendance, I think the temps had climbed to 0 by the time we called it and headed to the Rat. It was nice having Richards to ourselves, but the grooming was  a touch on the wavy side, should be real nice by the time the next storm rolls in to soften things up again


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I looked at the forecast for Sunday. Looked like they would get a little bit of snow - but not as much as the Denver area. Thought the visibility might be too low for carving and not enough new for soft snow riding. That coupled with the traffic nightmares of late convinced me to stay home. Getting harder to get motivated. Maybe next weekend.

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Leg is elevated and healing well, but I find myself re-reading and carving vicariously through the turn by turn postings, so post some more!  I'd love to sit in some I-70 traffic, in order to be able to make just a couple of turns!  If you need motivation, come on over and I'll kick you square in the butt with my cast!  No excuses!  Just go, have fun, don't whine, make turns and be thankful you can!  The season is shorter than you think!




Edited by Dusty Bottle
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So I was right, sorta

early groomed slopes had a boatload more than the reported 2" overnight, we where blowing thru 12" plus push piles on Richards all morning. Snow totals where all over the place, I hit keno after a whole bunch of Kooks decided it would be a good Idea to stop under the roller on roulette , and shut me out. I was in a foot in places, while over on Bennett's face, there was maybe 6" on firm wind pack. Firecut was grippy carvaliciousness with about 3" of dust on a nice firm crust. Too bad reload had a 3 mile long line waiting for chairs, Or I would have kept hitting it due to its awesomeness, but It was a crowded mess.  The kitchen never recovered from the 7am onslaught due to cdots bombing of the seven sisters, and the basin lot was full by lifts opening.

Openings could be found, but the sketch-o-rama really ramped up by 11. We decided to hit the rat before a protruding lower lip became the face of the day. Where are all of these people coming from? Many long time lovey riders are wondering the same thing.

Ice, Odd Job, Shelly the gnar shredder, DT, Terry and myself in attendance today, Whilst The Dude is off in Wyoming with his posse of misfits whoring it up for the Warren Miller Peeps.  For the gozzillionth time, bomber cards where handed out, and a patient explanation of what we do and its incredible interplanetary awesomeness was delivered by yours truly 


Edited by big mario
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Based on snow predictions for Loveland, I decided that I didn't want to fight I-70 traffic and that I would try a hike up / board down trip at Dowdy Draw south of Boulder (east of Eldorado Springs). I had done this several years ago and it was a lot of work but quite fun. There are few times when there is enough snow to do this but last weekend was one of those times. I did the 20 minute drive out there, suited up, grabbed my board & snowshoes and started to hike in. I got about 1/2 mile in - just to the point where I began to head up the slope and I heard a voice behind me. A couple of Rangers asked me if I had a snowboard. I said yes & they said that was not allowed. I replied that I knew that they didn't make the rules but could they explain why? They came up with a lame explanation that snowboarding (and alpine skiing) was available nearby (Eldora) and so the open space commissioners decided that snowboarding & downhill skiing were not allowed in Boulder County Open Space. Plus they said something about the damage it might do to the ground. It is OK to cross-country ski, snowshoe, hike, mountain bike & ride horses but not snowboard. I gave up & went back to my car. 


Should have gone to Loveland. When did you leave Loveland & how was the drive back? It seems like the drive is much worse this year than previous. 

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A Loveland First


was at loveland this AM, and caught 9 when it opened.

great run: powder, windblown powder, windblown junk, etc.


got back to 9 and it was closed: "too cold," said the liftie.


ok, the light was marginal, the wind was gusting, the snow was variable, but too cold?

loveland was too cold?  is that possible ?

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The light was marginal, the wind was gusting, the snow was variable, but too cold? loveland was too cold?  is that possible ?

Erm, I was pretty sure bone shattering cold was part of the Loveland Mystique. I guess my stack of "Loveland: So Cold You'll Cry For Your Mammy" bumper stickers may go unsold.

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Sorry - 


Didn't mean to abandon you guys yesterday but the close calls on Roulette and my preference for the snow & runs off the top of #2 lead me back there. I ran into Ink & Kai at reload. I followed them to Bennet's. The upper portion of Bennet's probably had the best runs of the day. I lapped the upper portion of #2 many times until about 1:30 when my legs started to give out. I figured you guys would have left the Rat by then. I-70 was pretty clear until about 1 PM. By 1:45, it had backed up and was slow & go all the way to Idaho Springs. 


Good to ride with the crew again.

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Angie, I am in

Grooming: Inconsistency is key


very firm on spillway, firm on mambo, stupidly soft on fire cut, as several of you witnessed. Spring break madness is upon us, so keep checking your six, especially after 2 near misses on Roulette.

On the hill: Ink, Kai,  Mr. Awesome and Mr. Positive, John E, The Dude, myself and

Terry from Castle rock


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Grooming: Inconsistency is key

Today featured a reported 7" of fluff on glazed porcelain. It got mashed down pretty good and the groom may set up nicely for the weekend. Bennett's, Fire Bowl and Firecut were nice, but were picking off tourists like sniper fire. The terrain off of 8 was fluffy. Though getting back to the base area from there was harrowing. The Sunburst Chutes were like riding over a jumble of Easter Island statues after an earthquake. For the sake of simplicity, Loveland should just rename them all "Ballbuster" or "Taking You Down A Peg." Have fun terrorizing the locals!

Edited by lordmetroland
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Nothing elicits oooohs and aaaahs from the lift like great riding, or a great wipeout.

Combine a great wipeout with so so riding under a lift, and you have released a crescendo across the mountain.  More on this later.

With temps expected to hit close to 80f in town (that's 27c to any wayward Canadians that have found their way over here) Lovey was mostly back to normal today, so I can park the whambulance for now.  We had a nice crew with us today, stalwarts Odd Job, the Dude, Ice and myself where joined by multi 4 pak holder John E, the ocassional Mr. Awesome, aspen fancy lad Jim and lass Angie Callen( thanks for the cronut Jim!) as well as recently off ir/game time decision Ink and Karver Kai.

Whilst waiting paitently for the other side of the divide crew to saunter up to the lift, I happened to glance up at lift 4 and see that scrub had been groomed.  One of our rules states that if it is groomed, we must ride it, (unless we don't want to).  Scrub is usually a  steep, big ass bump field that is only groomed on special occasion's.  When it is groomed, it is usually a  narrow path bordered by big ass bumps.

After lapping 1 for a run waiting for the latecomers, and then again for a bathroom break and a board swap(me, I love my big virus!) we headed over to 4. after one run on scrub, another was in order. I rolled it from the top with a few speed check slarves, and made it about 3/4's of the way down without incident.  I ran out of room after a screaming heelside before I could make the transition to toe, and launched ass over teakettle, cartwheeling into the bumps. I pivoted off of my massive cranium at least once.  According to the Dude, at least 3 full chairs witnessed the carnage, and commented accordingly. when the guys on the 4th  chair saw I was alright, I was rewarded with " that was awesome" .  I could deny It happened, no one else I was riding with saw it happen, so maybe it didn't. Except for the pain my ribs.

More laps where done here, there, and everywhere, Including a foray up to the ridge. We rode until lift 1 went down and was running at 1/2 speed. It was decided that  beer was a good idea at this point.

Smiles abounded, and a good time had by all


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