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Yo Lci!!

big mario

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I am in.

What a clusterphuck this morning, I have never seen lovey so crowded, looked like those abay opening day pics. Odd Job, we didn't ditch you, we went up around 2 and had had enough. 4 runs in an hour and a half.  Ridiculous, now I remember why I like sundays better

see you tomorrow

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You are a kook for going back!  I do, however, applaud your optimism and tenacity. I would not, and do not have the patience for that kind of shitshow, reminds me of skiing the east on weeekends


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Being that this is Loveland, they should have dropped the ropes on the run directly facing the line. That would have thinned the herd a bit. And offered some much needed entertainment for those in the corral. I'm thinking Loveland needs a new, more accurate tagline: "Loveland, assisting Darwin since 1936!"

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Being that this is Loveland, they should have dropped the ropes on the run directly facing the line. That would have thinned the herd a bit. And offered some much needed entertainment , especially for those in the corral. I'm thinking Loveland needs a new, more accurate tagline: "Loveland, assisting Darwin since 1936!"

Especially with Clear Creek still open and flowing....

speaking of which, Same Shit, Different day

Crowds were just slightly lighter today, and the lovey lifties where much more proactive in rounding up and corralling all the strays, ropes were up early and extended all the way to the lodge, while ski patrol hung menacingly on the fringes brandishing  cattle prods, keeping the unruly in line

Short day for all today, just too much activity and people in too little terrain.  I spent most of the day riding fairly easy, working on my heelside, which( wait for it....) is finally coming around. On the slopes today we  were a disjointed bunch, we couldn't seem to keep tabs on each other to tell one another how awesome our turns were. The Dude, Odd Job, that Summit county Racer Chick, AKA Racer H, Mr and Mrs. Bomber, and myself, may have laid a few down, I just can't be too sure, I couldn't find any one else thru the teeming masses.

Grooming was moving some of the wales around on 6,and  7-13 predicted for Tuesday/Wednesday and cold temps all week, we should see some more terrain open next weekend. If we are lucky, maybe some of the ski teams will leave and clog up their home mountains


Edited by big mario
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That summit county racer chick?

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I meant that in the nicest and flattering way possible! Racer H doesn't do your riding justice... though it does conjure up images of speed racer

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Yo!  Might have to actually get up on the snow before too long...

Shelly had surgery on her other knee 4 weeks ago, so it'll be another month or so before she can ride.


On another note, back in August, on a remote piece of singletrack a few miles from nowhere, I ran into none other than Blue Bird.  He's back in CO and looking to get on the mountain.  Keep your eyes open for him wandering around the lodge looking lost.  :cool: 

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Sorry to hear about Shelly's Knee.  I am glad to hear you will be riding again, kinda been missing riding with you, having you fall in my trenches, and all the other silliness that accompanies a day on the slope with you.  I suggest waiting a touch longer til  the teams of entitlement are down the road


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Collision reported on 6.


Was that something other than Geoff's?  I did see a clear creek ambulance heading that way on my way down.

Nov 15

What a difference a week and a little more terrain can make.  Notably absent this week where the New Mexico Lobos, The Nakiska Ski team, the Buck hill team and a few more I am sure, though the Waterville Valley and Telluride teams were there to take their place  I must say, It was interesting to hear a multidimensional straightliningteleskier bitch about getting strafed by a racer. Liftlines were much closer to the nonexistent normal

I am happy to report that despite  signing 4 autographs,  and having his monopolooza table moved from the dark recesses of 2nd floor of the boulder theater to a more prominent space in the lobby, Don "monodude" Paeth,prominently featured in the current warren miller movie, Chasing  Shadows, was able to still get his head into his helmet without having to upsize it. ( the helmet, that is)

Short but sweet day today. despite some pretty decent early season coverage, some pointy little rocks are finding their way up and out, and providing us with some free base structure.I was on the new coiler for the first 2/3rds of the day, and switched to the new to me /old speedster for the final runs of the day. Burly single radius glass boards can be very entertaining to ride.

Joing our merry band of misfits today( the aforementioned Monodude, Odd Job, Mr Positive, and myself) were Racer Nicole,as well as Grommet Racer Walker and his dad, Ryan from steam boat.  The kid was laying them down, and dad was seriously carving on a tele setup,it was impressive.

With 10-20" in the forecast, and the possibility of even less teams and more terrain,  I am really looking forward to riding next weekend.



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Was that something other than Geoff's? I did see a clear creek ambulance heading that way on my way down.

Nov 15

What a difference a week and a little more terrain can make. Notably absent this week where the New Mexico Lobos, The Nakiska Ski team, the Buck hill team and a few more I am sure, though the Waterville Valley and Telluride teams were there to take their place I must say, It was interesting to hear a multidimensional straightliningteleskier bitch about getting strafed by a racer. Liftlines were much closer to the nonexistent normal

I am happy to report that despite signing 4 autographs, and having his monopolooza table moved from the dark recesses of 2nd floor of the boulder theater to a more prominent space in the lobby, Don "monodude" Paeth,prominently featured in the current warren miller movie, Chasing Shadows, was able to still get his head into his helmet without having to upsize it. ( the helmet, that is)

Short but sweet day today. despite some pretty decent early season coverage, some pointy little rocks are finding their way up and out, and providing us with some free base structure.I was on the new coiler for the first 2/3rds of the day, and switched to the new to me /old speedster for the final runs of the day. Burly single radius glass boards can be very entertaining to ride.

Joing our merry band of misfits today( the aforementioned Monodude, Odd Job, Mr Positive, and myself) were Racer Nicole,as well as Grommet Racer Walker and his dad, Ryan from steam boat. The kid was laying them down, and dad was seriously carving on a tele setup,it was impressive.

With 10-20" in the forecast, and the possibility of even less teams and more terrain, I am really looking forward to riding next weekend.


Who is Geoff? I heard about it from the radio as I rode the lift with a ski patroller. He was interested in trying hardboots too. Weeeeee.... One dimensional gaper groom is the best!
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Aloha, LCI folks!


Is anyone headed up on Tuesday or Wednesday or Friday??? I'm ususally knocking around about 0730 or so, and should be there the whole day (That Bloody Mary won't drink itself, right?). Think of all the advantages...no singles line, no grumpy skier chair-mates, I'll be learning to ride the Swoard (hilarity is guaranteed to ensue)...c'mon, how could you pass that up?


Hope to see y'all there,


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