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Yo Lci!!

big mario

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Sunday was an odd day indeed! Cold, warm, cloudy, sunny, windy, calm, clear runs, crowded runs, crisp groom, grippy groom, offset groom, undulating groom, marbles and boiler plate. In attendance, in no particular order were Mario, Monodude, NoirX252 and myself. Fire Bowl invoked episodes of vertigo due to low hanging clouds, so clearer heads prevailed and it was “game-on” for Roulette. Multiple laps produced crisp furrows in the entirely carvalicious groom, as was evident when my hands were knocked squarely off the bars, as I navigated around a "wedger" and slammed into one of Mario’s artfully-crafted and entirely bodacious trenches. Well done, Sir! The Dude limped off first with some sort of possible distortion to the sacro-lumbar, thoracumbular-facia area(lower back), Mario slipped out a few runs later due to uncertain familial premonitions, I opted out after a few more repetitions (warm enough at home for an afternoon motorcycle ride), leaving Juwan to compete with the ever-increasing crowds, straight liners and groups of wanna-be racers. All in all, it was a good day, turns were made and next week will be here soon!


Edited by Dusty Bottle
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Solstice ride report

It was just puking snow this am when our band of merry mental midgets ( consisting of  Mr Positive, The Dude, a slightly subdued Odd Job, Jay the telemarker and myself ) where whisked up to the top of  Chair 1 for our first run of the day.  We hit reload, and proceeded to get media blasted  by the time we offloaded, after stopping several times, and weaving our way through a bunch of gapers and jibber wannabes packed shoulder to shoulder on the off ramp.  We rode by braille to fire cut, where (the most insane/dumb/ballsy/clueless) of us dropped in.  It was quite nice, actually. We repeated once more, and decided to head back to one. After a few runs on Richards, the snow and wind got even heavier, and 3 LCI stalwarts decided to hop on the short bus, where we feel most at home, and terrorize switchback for a while. It. Was. Awesome.  We had it to ourselves for a few runs, where Mr Positive and myself  were able to hit the after burners and leave the now less then subdued Odd Job in our vapor contrails, where he claimed "boot  issues" for his inability to keep up.  Riiiiiight.

Lots of ropes have been dropped, so it was pretty wide open.  If this current forecast  holds up, the ridge may be open next weekend, as well as 8, looking forward to getting the new coila out in some deep.

This post fueled by several (3)11% holiday beers


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yesterday was much better. Not that much new overnight for today, and what there was was windpacked and THICK and slow. Yesterday was much better. Deep but thick. STORMY as in whiteout occasionally. The Duret Mono was leaving trenches so deep they could have been used for a bobsled run !

Rode with Arne today. He was on some new big bad powder skiis. snow boarders stuck everywhere. people haveing to pole downhill.

Firecut was good, steep enough to have a little speed. Drifter not bad either. Wind blown/scraped here and there all over the mountain.


Feed the Addiction... :eplus2:

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That's what Ice and I did today, very good stuff. I just looked at today as a bonus day, happy to get any decent turns with all of the tourons out and about.  Felt colder than it was, might make it out again on Friday


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As per usual, I have not yet been up this season. My 2014 - 2015 season will likely be just a 2015 season.


Most everybody that I have spoken to here at work has tales of woe about I-70 over the last week. 


How has the drive been to & from Loveland for you guys? When did you make the trip?

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Hey John,

Since my knee surgery, I have not been out on the hill for long days.  I left Sunday a little after noon, and was home before 1. Right now the in early, ride hard and out early paradigm has still been working well for me


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A co-worker headed to A-Basin on 12/24. Took him 2 hours to get from Golden to Silverplume. He turned around. Another co-worker was leaving from Breckenridge on 12/22. He left Breck at 10AM and it was bumper to bumper all the way to Idaho Springs. Sounds like traffic is worse this year than in years past.

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Anyone planning on going up 1/1 - 1/4? 


How are carving conditions & crowds?


We'll be there tomorrow and maybe on Sunday (if my MC race is snowed-out).  Don't know about the conditions, just loaded three boards to ensure that I'm a happy camper...

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Probably head up Sunday. I assume some portion of the crew will be there. 


Anyone want to carpool from the Dino lots? I could be there about 6:15. 


I have no interest in the game so return time isn't important to me. I just like to avoid the return traffic.

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LCI Attendance: Season 2014/15.


It is with much regret that I must inform the LCI that I will not be joining them in season 2014/15.


I tore my left Achilles tendon in early summer 2014 (had a 1" gap in the tendon) and after surgery, spent the rest of summer and fall learning to walk again. Currently, I am walking well but I still have some swelling around the tendon and surgery site that will (hopefully) disappear in time.


I plan to get my boot liners re-molded late summer/early fall this year and I intend to return to the LCI for season 2015/16.






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