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Yo Lci!!

big mario

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Friday was another great day at Lovey! ALGUNDERFOOT, Arneburner and myself enjoyed a morning of sunshine, firm snow and wide-open slopes, since Monday was a holiday and there were very few ski-racers in attendance! With the exception of only one true ice-patch near the bottom of Roulette, the runs were nice and grippy early, until the cover scraped off, then it was a little dicey in places! Called it about 11:00am and the main lot was only1/2 full!

Al, it was a pleasure meeting and making turns with you, sir! Let's do it again soon!

Also, Drifter and Fire Cut are open as of today, but not showing as groomed... and don't forget, 4-pack lift tickets are only available until Nov 24th for you occasional visitors!



James, you must have found the ice patch because I waited a while at chair 1 for you. I took one more run and headed to Copper. Sorry I missed you and Al at the end of our morning session. Good riding with you guys.


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Friday was another great day at Lovey! ALGUNDERFOOT, Arneburner and myself enjoyed a morning of sunshine, firm snow and wide-open slopes, since Monday was a holiday and there were very few ski-racers in attendance! With the exception of only one true ice-patch near the bottom of Roulette, the runs were nice and grippy early, until the cover scraped off, then it was a little dicey in places! Called it about 11:00am and the main lot was only1/2 full!

Al, it was a pleasure meeting and making turns with you, sir! Let's do it again soon!

Also, Drifter and Fire Cut are open as of today, but not showing as groomed... and don't forget, 4-pack lift tickets are only available until Nov 24th for you occasional visitors!



James, you old relic... :freak3: I probably can't make it up til after the holidays this year.

Sounds like things are looking up for you since last we spoke.


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Sunday Sunday Sunday

Highest turnout yet this season, Sunday saw the return of DT and Shelly from a minor hiatus last season, glad to see you two back out on the hill. Also in attendance where the usual suspects, James, Odd Job, The Dude, MR POSITIVE, ArneBurner, The Sheriff and myself. Less frequent visitors included Evenewsphoto, and the Eldo snowboard team, as well as few other random hardbooters. The Sheriff was making a his first reappearance on the proper conveyance since his bout of whining on opening day about not being able to reach the floor due to the new high tops in the Wedge. The only Initiative members we are missing are Ink, Kai, and Mr. AWESOME, with thier return we will be up to full strength

Conditions are outstanding for this time of the year, though today, snow was on the soft side. I pulled out the biga$$ virus for the day, The Dude was on his frankenstien combo of the Virus UFC mounted up with a donek mono plate, Odd Job was on softies till he gets new boots that will fit both his tiny feet and giant calves and not blow up. I think Arne had his entire quiver out, and MR. POSITVE absolutely killed it ( as per normal) on his orange coiler, while Dustin and Shelly where both ripping on their soft setups. A most excellent day was had by all, though things did not end well for Everette after he turned his rev into a tobaggen, or powder board, depending on your perspective

Thanks Giving morning:

As soon as I got up high enough to survey the available terrain, I knew I had to pull a Pete. I quickly ditched Odd Job and the Dude, and broke the promise I made to latecomers MR. POSITVE and Racer H. and went right to reload. In front of me lie the untouched and pristine canvas of firecut, which I quickly left my mark on. 4 solo runs worth, until I was about to lap Odd Job and the Dude. We hit Firecut for at least 4 more runs , with the Dude tailgunnning from my back pocket. There are only a handful of people that I feel comfortable with that close to me, The Dude is on the top of that list , especially when he is on those virus skis of his. By around the time that we hooked up with the late comers, the gong show was ramping up, and things where starting to get dicey on the hill. Upon spying my first specimen of a large Kantexahoman carhartus two plankerus of the season on Roulette, I knew our day was about over. We soon retired to the Rat, where our newest member had to be restrained from laying waste to a table of jibbers whom she had overheard besmirching our footware and style of riding earlier in the day. The irony in that is the comments where not unlike the same thing that was said about snowboards some 2 decades ago. In any event, Racer H has proven to be a feisty and welcome addition to our little band of bone heads

See Youse on Sunday

Edited by big mario
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Sunday saw the return of MR. AWESOME to the slopes of lovey, and as usual he killed it from the first run of the day. He was in late season form on only his second day on the slopes. Impressive is an understatement. On the snow this weekend, in no particular order, the aforementioned MR. Awesome, MR. POSITIVE, Racer H, Odd Job, Odd job's Bitch, Dusty Bottle, The Right Reverend Dude, Ink, Karver Kai on his brandy new 137 virus gs board, Ms. Kate, and myself. Conditions where fast and firm, with a few patches of ice on fire cut. I found those myself on my first and only run. The few remaining race teams decided that 2 was the place to be, providing a significant level of sketchiness that we where not at all comfortable with. we abandoned 2 for 6, than decided that Richards was the place to be. It was Awesome, huge gaps, not a racer in sight, and relatively kook free. we finished out the day there and on mambo before partaking in our recovery and analgesic beverages. All in all a good solid morning of hard carving with everyone laying down some solid riding.

As I sat in holiday traffic on my way home, I began to think about our merry bunch of bone heads, and how little we have in common, other than our love of the edge and our passion for beautiful clean turns. We range from a 5th grader to a 60 plus year old retired engineer with an artificial hip. Really cannot get much more diverse than that, especially with Odd Job in the mix .

John, are you planning on going to the session? we will surely cross trenches there if you are. Aaron, that would be awesome to ride with you again, just make sure you are not coming in on the weekend after the session, some of us may still be playing in Aspen. I hope you have gotten over that hands in the snow thing you where doing last time you where out, how is that shoulder by the way?:eplus2:

See most of youse next sunday,maybe 4 and 8 will be running


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Sunday saw the return of MR. AWESOME to the slopes of lovey, and as usual he killed it from the first run of the day. He was in late season form on only his second day on the slopes. Impressive is an understatement. On the snow this weekend, in no particular order, the aforementioned MR. Awesome, MR. POSITIVE, Racer H, Odd Job, Odd job's Bitch, Dusty Bottle, The Right Reverend Dude, Ink, Karver Kai on his brandy new 137 virus gs board, Ms. Kate, and myself. Conditions where fast and firm, with a few patches of ice on fire cut. I found those myself on my first and only run. The few remaining race teams decided that 2 was the place to be, providing a significant level of sketchiness that we where not at all comfortable with. we abandoned 2 for 6, than decided that Richards was the place to be. It was Awesome, huge gaps, not a racer in sight, and relatively kook free. we finished out the day there and on mambo before partaking in our recovery and analgesic beverages. All in all a good solid morning of hard carving with everyone laying down some solid riding.

As I sat in holiday traffic on my way home, I began to think about our merry bunch of bone heads, and how little we have in common, other than our love of the edge and our passion for beautiful clean turns. We range from a 5th grader to a 60 plus year old retired engineer with an artificial hip. Really cannot get much more diverse than that, especially with Odd Job in the mix .

John, are you planning on going to the session? we will surely cross trenches there if you are. Aaron, that would be awesome to ride with you again, just make sure you are not coming in on the weekend after the session, some of us may still be playing in Aspen. I hope you have gotten over that hands in the snow thing you where doing last time you where out, how is that shoulder by the way?:eplus2:

See most of youse next sunday,maybe 4 and 8 will be running


Who is the 5th grader? Me or Kai?

Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle... YEAH

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Sunday saw the return of MR. AWESOME to the slopes of lovey, and as usual he killed it from the first run of the day. He was in late season form on only his second day on the slopes. Impressive is an understatement. On the snow this weekend, in no particular order, the aforementioned MR. Awesome, MR. POSITIVE, Racer H, Odd Job, Odd job's Bitch, Dusty Bottle, The Right Reverend Dude, Ink, Karver Kai on his brandy new 137 virus gs board, Ms. Kate, and myself. Conditions where fast and firm, with a few patches of ice on fire cut. I found those myself on my first and only run. The few remaining race teams decided that 2 was the place to be, providing a significant level of sketchiness that we where not at all comfortable with. we abandoned 2 for 6, than decided that Richards was the place to be. It was Awesome, huge gaps, not a racer in sight, and relatively kook free. we finished out the day there and on mambo before partaking in our recovery and analgesic beverages. All in all a good solid morning of hard carving with everyone laying down some solid riding.

As I sat in holiday traffic on my way home, I began to think about our merry bunch of bone heads, and how little we have in common, other than our love of the edge and our passion for beautiful clean turns. We range from a 5th grader to a 60 plus year old retired engineer with an artificial hip. Really cannot get much more diverse than that, especially with Odd Job in the mix .

John, are you planning on going to the session? we will surely cross trenches there if you are. Aaron, that would be awesome to ride with you again, just make sure you are not coming in on the weekend after the session, some of us may still be playing in Aspen. I hope you have gotten over that hands in the snow thing you where doing last time you where out, how is that shoulder by the way?:eplus2:

See most of youse next sunday,maybe 4 and 8 will be running


I resemble that. I have two artificial hips and am a retired city and county planner. Sorry I missed the Sunday festivities due to a last minute trip to Steamboat. Riding Wed. and Sunday. Dress warm!

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" John, are you planning on going to the session? "

Bigs, I wasn't planning on it, but I was coerced into buying airline tickets, so guess I'll have to use them :biggthump. Hope to see many of The LCI Crew represented...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since a bunch of youse couldn't sack up and come out and play last weekend, I am wondering how many of you nancyboys are going to make it out sunday? since its going to be at least 30 degrees warmer, I will be waiting @ 1 with my beach chair @ 8:30 on sunday


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Since a bunch of youse couldn't sack up and come out and play last weekend, I am wondering how many of you nancyboys are going to make it out sunday? since its going to be at least 30 degrees warmer, I will be waiting @ 1 with my beach chair @ 8:30 on sunday


Hope to make it up this weekend. Bailed on last weekend because Bruin had emergency surgery on Saturday AM. It's amazing how quickly the old man is springing back!

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Hope to make it up this weekend. Bailed on last weekend because Bruin had emergency surgery on Saturday AM. It's amazing how quickly the old man is springing back!

Sorry to hear that about the old fella, glad he is doing better, see you on sunday


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Today's attendence... Big Mario, John, James, Kevin, and me. Windy and cold for an hour and a half. The wind dropped below hurricane force, the sun came out and we hit 6. Amazing conditions. So much so that we all stayed there and made like 15 or 20 runs. At least it felt that way.

I was on a new to me 180 LaCroix Skwal. Got to a new level on it today. I was getting motion sick from nearly full laid out carves. AND for the first time my crutches,(poles), felt in the way... HUH ! Did I say that out loud ?


Feed the addiction...

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After the slackers retired to the Rat, I did 4 more runs (Richards + Fire Bowl / Turtle Creek 3 times). After that, my legs were completely shot. FB / TC were great. Almost nobody on it & the snow was great. By the time I got back to the parking lot, the pros had already consumed all of the stout.

Hope to see you all again soon.

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The buzz still hasn't worn off from sunday, firecut was a little soft, roulette was astounding, about the best I can remember. What a phenomenal day, one for the books for certain. Dude, keep riding that lacroix, you look like you have a home on that thing, and it seems to be helping with your flexibility.

Odd Job, you missed some incredible riding while you where sleeping, looks like you need to work on you priorities. And now the bitchslap, you need to create a text template that you can send out to all concerned that says:

"Due to the fact that I was up all night ( insert one of the following: ) surfing porn, stalking Dave Espi, drinking, ect... , I will not be able to partake in tomorrow's planned festivities, therefore, if you are waiting for me to pick you up for that carpool we planned on, please proceed without me", and send it out before you nod off for what is left of the evening. That way no one is burning daylight waiting for you, or worrying that you fell asleep and ran off the road into a ditch on the way to the appointed pick up spot. Be respectful towards your fellow rida and team mate.

Riding the fine line:

Bad A$$


Dumb A$$

Edited by big mario
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