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Yo Lci!!

big mario

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I was planning to be there today, but the "stupidity factor" took me out on Friday. On my last run (one more than I planned to do, of course), a skier slammed into me from behind, and I wound up with a concussion and whiplash. At the hospital, they thought I was confused because I said I was snowboarding but had on "ski boots."

Sadly, I'm heading home to Illinois and not sure when I'll get to ride again, but I started to get a good rhythm with my "new" setup. I'll hit the midwest slopes when my doctor clears me.

Well that explains why I couldn't find you out there today, really sorry to hear that your day ended that way, Sad way to end your trip,take it real easy for a while. We always toast to no injuries in the rat when we are done for the day, it can be down right scary on the slopes. Heal well, and look us up next time you are out this way


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mo --

sorry to hear that, and i hope you heal fast. no question that other riders

are our biggest danger.

I can surely attest to this statement. rest up and don't rush back, there is plenty of time for more sliding.

Should be on snow this coming weekend. Probably Sunday but who knows at this point. Gonna hit the DJs the next couple days while I have the chance.


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mo - sorry to hear about your incident, that's never good...

New Years Day - in typical Lovey fashion, it was cold, it was windy, and best of all, it was empty! I had the JJA out - I made a few tweaks to the plate placement in the off-season and, man, am I glad it was empty. I was basically along for the ride; granted, that ride was super smooth, incredibly stable and at mach-schnell speeds. The carving conditions were nearly perfect! Time to head downstairs and move that plate again. I am psyched that the board/plate combo is readily tunable!

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My soft-boot buddy Gregory is up to try some hard boots this Sunday. James is going to loan him some boots and a board but the only bindings we have are step-ins.

Does any of the crew have a spare set of standard bindings that they could loan to Gregory for the day and plan on being there on Sunday (Mario)?

- John

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sorry, I only have SI'S

hoping to make it up both days this weekend...

Cool, I can race you on the virus on sunday!


I have heel and toe bails I can loan, call me @ seven 2 zero 469 8748 and lets figure out how we want to set Greg up


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Including Karver Kai making his 2012-13 inaugural apperarance. They tilled deep last night, 'cause it was not as firm as I was expecting with the current lack of snow, heavy holliday traffic,and cold temps. I was expecting a little bit firmer, a bit more grippy carvalicious instead of the softer hero we were on today. There are still a few random obliviots roaming the slopes from the holiday, but that should change in the coming week(s) and things should get back to normal until presidents week at least. Cannot wait. For one of the first times in recent memory, I was actually over dressed in the first week in January at lovey, and I had fewer layers than normal. All in all a rockin' good day, I would put it in my top ten. Lovin' that monster virus, alot. Enjoy your new stick Mr. Awesome, your purchase will definately help with my visit to ses.


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Fun day. Great riding with a big crew. I should have quit when the rest of you did. I took about 3 more runs and almost got hit by a skier straightliner on Roulette.

Ink - thanks for the assurances. It means a lot coming from you. Hope to see all of you again soon.

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Hey guys, can you tell me, what is so special about this final banquet on SES? Is it worth 65dollars? What do you do there?

Decent food, all the beer you can drink, and the chance to win some cool schwag at the raffle

Jibbers 1 LCI 0

It looks like we will no longer have the opportunity to carve turns on Roulette for the remainder of the season with the construction of the terrain park now underway. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

I saw that on the public face book stuff earlier this week. They say that skiers right will be unparked and still useable. Glad we wrecked it like we did on sunday, I'm sure we could leave some grafitti in the park to show our displeasure:eplus2::angryfire:AR15firin:D

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Hey guys, can you tell me, what is so special about this final banquet on SES? Is it worth 65dollars? What do you do there?

It is a great time and ever year I try to come up with something "entertaining" for the banquette. Let's just say this year I am going to do something along the lines of "American Chopper" and "Biker Build Off". Gotta be there to see.

And the raffle is over the top. Last year, for five bucks, you could win a ton of gear that included a snowboard from Donek, Coiler, and Kessler. And a pile of Bomber hardware.

And you know the party is over and time to leave when Mario's pants come off :D

Hope you can make it.

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Hey guys, can you tell me, what is so special about this final banquet on SES? Is it worth 65 dollars? What do you do there?

Last year my wife won a custom Donek, and in years past I have won a custom Donek as well as a Bozi Longboard when they were being produced. Plus, tons of fun recapping the whole week with good people.

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The banquet is a MUST DO! No questions asked. I scored a set of bindings there along with a second board kit, wax and scrapers. All for the price of ?? I dont' remember the price as it has been too long since I have been to SES but you must attend the banquet.

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