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Yo Lci!!

big mario

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YES yet another... Ice, Dustin, Dr. Scott, Chris, and wife, and myself did our best to cut it all up. @ 7:00 it was 17* and snowing hard. @ 11:00 sun breaks and 32*. Not very deep it felt firm. I think the groom will be fast and firm tomorrow. See ya'll A.M.


Feed the addiction...:eplus2:

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Today was....AWESOME! That is by far the best conditions I have encountered at Loveland. Great conditions to learn on. I got to witness the locust horde of hardbooters that is the LCI devour and destroy the groomed runs one by one leaving a rutted nightmare in their wake.

If for some reason I don't run into you guys again soon have a great summer!

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Today was....AWESOME! I got to witness the locust horde of hardbooters that is the LCI devour and destroy the groomed runs one by one leaving a rutted nightmare in their wake.

:eplus2: :eplus2: :eplus2: :eplus2: :eplus2: :eplus2: :eplus2: :eplus2: :eplus2::ices_ange :ices_ange :ices_ange :ices_ange :ices_ange :ices_ange :ices_ange


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Today was....AWESOME! I got to witness the locust horde of hardbooters that is the LCI devour and destroy the groomed runs one by one leaving a rutted nightmare in their wake.

That's beautiful, man. Well said.

To the rest of the LCI.... I had a blast hangin' with you guys. Thanks for letting the freak ride along.


Feed the addiction...:eplus2:

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That's beautiful, man. Well said.

To the rest of the LCI.... I had a blast hangin' with you guys. Thanks for letting the freak ride along.


Feed the addiction...:eplus2:--- "<i>Thanks for letting the freak ride along.</i>" PLUS THE FREAK'S BOY WONDER (moi) which will from now on be known as "Senior Carver". Notice has been given!

Today was totally fargin' <marquee><b>EPIC!!!!!!</b></marquee> <p>And to think that MonoDon had to bribe me with a ride up to convince me. <P>Hanging with Don, Pete, Dan, James, BM, the rest of the LCI locust horde, and especially being afforded the opportunity to watch J. Callen rail from edge to edge seamlessly like he was a slot car glued to the track made me accept that I am not worthy and <u>am indeed</u>,... a recreational senior carver! **sigh** Can only hope my kids grow up to fulfill my aspirations.

Bola, sorry I missed you today.

Everybody else, See ya in October/November! <p>Shaka!!!

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I want to thank the LCI for all of their support and cheering for me this season. Yesterday I accomplished my goal of 8 runs on the big hill with the help of you guys and gals. I had a lot of fun riding with you this season and can't wait till next season. My first goal for next season is more than 10 days riding on the big hill. I got 10 days this season but most of those were on the bunny slope.

It was also nice meeting others who aren't with the LCI.

Hopefully I will see some of you on bikes this summer. Till next time, have a great summer.

KarverKai :p

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almost, Derek Dustin and myself are headin to the basin next saturday for one more day of carving.

Man, what a season, first week in October to first week in May. A little light on snow, but awesome carving, great company, an all around blast. It was very cool to see Angie, Jeff, and Kai up their game week to week, anchors DT, Ice, Ink, and the Sheriff bringing their A game every week, watching The Dude rail on his virus ski's, having Greenleaf join us out of nowhere and absouloutly kill it on an ancient secret team and ski boots, and having riders show up from all over the continent to ride with us. I still cannot believe how many riders would show up on sundays, and the carnage that was left in our wake. I really enjoyed all of those trips on the short bus to the valley and making Angie laugh at all of my dumbass jokes. I have three turns that I made this season burned into my memory, The hover toeside I did in front of DT and Ink, the hip bouncing heelside on scrub, and the euroroostertail heelside I laid down in front Of Ice when I hit that soft groom on scrub.

Thanks to all of you whom came out and played this season, it was my most memorable so far.

See you in October!


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I just wanted to Thank ALL (LCI) of you again for jump-starting a good season for me! All of the places I could go this upcoming season, and I'm already thinking of Loveland in early December.

" What a Great Group of people to ride with :biggthump !!! "

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This was definitely a most epic season. I thought last year was a break through year for me until about midway through this year, and I can attribute a lot of both of those successful years to my fellow LCI.

I'm not sure what the coming season brings for me, but I plan to be joining you (hopefully frequently) regardless. Its like having 12 big brothers I never got to torment as a kid. How could I stay away :eplus2:

See some of you Saturday for play time at the Basin!

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great season! thanks to everyone for the encouragement and tutoring. Mario, Ice ,D.T., Ink, the Dude, Angie and Jim, James, Greenleaf, Arne,you guys make it what it is.

Pete, what can I say?You started me out on hard boots, Thanks.

Daniel, glad to have you on board. JP1, shredder Jen,and all the other folks who made this another season to remember, keep coming back!

Hope to see you guys sooner than later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So you know the menu, I will be firin' up the smoker for Sat May 29 for A what the hell it's my b-day and I havent seen y'all for a few weeks party. Let me know if you can make it 303 884 3768


The venue:


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So you know the menu, I will be firin' up the smoker for Sat May 29 for A what the hell it's my b-day and I havent seen y'all for a few weeks party. Let me know if you can make it 303 884 3768


The venue:


Hopefully, waiting to see what my mom has planned for my dads birthday.


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Sooo, the car went into the shop for a busted water pump and various other stuff.

Scenario 1: I get the car back and KarverKai and I show up.

Scenario 2: Concussed is going to a show, KK and I drop her off then show up.

Scenario 3: Concussed goes to show and KK and I are left at home to pedal.

If I don't make it then have a Happy Birthday Big Mario!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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