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Hardbooter Census


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I just did a bunch of pruning - deleting spammers (over 4000! :eek: ) and members with 0 posts who also haven't logged-in in 90 days, and members with less than 10 posts who haven't logged-in in over 2 years.

As of right now we have 2320 registered users.

132 have 0 posts.

692 haven't logged-in in over a year.

There are some interesting users out there... like some who registered over a year ago, last activity was this month, 0 posts. Some big-time lurkers out there!

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I just did a bunch of pruning - deleting spammers (over 4000! :eek: ) and members with 0 posts who also haven't logged-in in 90 days, and members with less than 10 posts who haven't logged-in in over 2 years.

As of right now we have 2320 registered users.

132 have 0 posts.

692 haven't logged-in in over a year.

There are some interesting users out there... like some who registered over a year ago, last activity was this month, 0 posts. Some big-time lurkers out there!

As a BOL-BTL, I've often wondered how many of us (BTL's) there are. I've been lurking around enough to recognize most of the user's, and it's great to read what's going on, but I usually don't have much to add. Like this thread, though. Any other BTL's out there who want to come forward? JP

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As of right now we have 2320 registered users.

132 have 0 posts.

692 haven't logged-in in over a year.

There are some interesting users out there... like some who registered over a year ago, last activity was this month, 0 posts. Some big-time lurkers out there!

One of the big time lurkers is Jake Burton. When membership hits 100,000 then Burton jumps back into the Alpine market. It's true, Jake sent me a memo.

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If my area is any indication then there are 2-3 HB's out there for every one on bomber. This is of course not counting the lurkers. we have at least a two to one ratio of HB's not online to those who are. I met 2 new guys yesterday that liver here and hardboot. we probably have 14 total that hardboot at least part time.

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One of the big time lurkers is Jake Burton. When membership hits 100,000 then Burton jumps back into the Alpine market. It's true, Jake sent me a memo.

Ha, hope I didn't just prune him! Well, he can still lurk without a membership. If he even had one, that is.

Hmm... we're up to 2320 after 5 years with VBulletin.... So we'll see Burton alpine boards in 2223 AD.

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World wide hardbooter census 14687 ( obtained using the patented Dave* SWAG** method ) .

Percentage of HBers 0.0132 of a percentage point locally.

Local Vancouver Hbers , about 10 that I know, maybe about 5 more that come out once in a while.

Local Whistler HBers , about 5-6 that I know, maybe about 5 more that come out once in a while.

This means I know 0.11574% of the worlds hardbooter population

** scientific wild a## guess

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You have a point King C. Location does have a large impact on the number of HBs. At Winter Park (my home mtn) I see very few, MAYBE one a day, sometimes none. At Copper, it's more common. Europe and Japan lots of them and places like Echo Mtn and Mountain High, none.

I believe I was the first HB at Echo, um... it wasnt worth the drive up!

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i think ive only seen about a dozen here on ontario, and most do seem to have bombers, id day ten of the 12. couldnt we get and estimate by the amount of bombers sold and consider the amount to be a percentage of the total riders out there, maybe figure some percentages for catek, F2,.... keeping in mind that most people have multiple pairs

just my 2 cents.

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If my area is any indication then there are 2-3 HB's out there for every one on bomber. This is of course not counting the lurkers. we have at least a two to one ratio of HB's not online to those who are. I met 2 new guys yesterday that liver here and hardboot. we probably have 14 total that hardboot at least part time.

This is probably the most accurate. Saw a guy on a woodie snowboard in those minty colored Raichles (223?). Either a Munoz or a Maverick, couldn't tell.

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How many jobbers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Three. One to screw it in and two to hold up his pants.

But seriously, if hardbooters are 2% of the snowboarding population, then just find out how many snowboarders there are in the world and do the math.

2% seems very optimistic to me. I'd guess more like 0.02%. :(

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In Metro Vancouver, I estimate that there are between 18-24 hardbooters, based on personally meeting 12 of them.

Most times when I go to my local ski hill, I'm the only plate rider on the hill-or at most, two of us. When our carving posse gets together, like at the Whistler Expression Sessions, we can usually bring out between 8-12 riders.

Chris Prior could probably estimate more accurately, based on the boards that he has sold.

Due to Metro Vancouver having 50% of the population of the Province, I think that BC might have between 40-50 hardbooters.


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I would guess about 100 in Vt, at least 3 or 4 work at Okemo. my brother and 3 of my cousins ride HB as well.

One of the big time lurkers is Jake Burton. When membership hits 100,000 then Burton jumps back into the Alpine market. It's true, Jake sent me a memo.

If he did, do you think anyone would buy them? I know I wouldn't. He obviously has no loyalty to the sport that he played a large part in creating.

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