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Death of a Donek.....

big mario

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......Or that Jbird is no more!! I had a bittersweeet day on the hill today. Whilst heavily partaking in the return of the grippy carvaliciousness that the Rockies are famous for, I killed one of my Boards:( I was halfway down one of my favorite runs at lovey, transitioning from heel to toe when I looked uphill. Less than 40 yards above me and closing fast was a ski jibber in full twin tip tuck( hunched over, hands at the kneessaggypantsbeltline, poles pointing staight out) heading straight for me. After a millisecond of wiley e coyote confusion and panic, with full on exclamation points and questionmarks floating above my head, I took evasive action. I dove towards the nose of my board in an attempt to pull off a super heelside that would whisk me away from the path of the oncoming clueless steeze missle and to safety. Instead I got a less than artfully executed front flip complete with head bonk, and a hard landing on the tail of my board and my butt. The steeze missle blazed passed me less than ten feet away, oblivious to the carnage he had just initiated. As I sat on my a$$ taking inventory an checking body parts, I looked down at my feet and my newly wrinkled topsheet and severly decamberd board, thankful that I was okay and still had two more sticks in the car, but bummed that I just destroyed a board I was really enjoying. Beware the B-liners



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F*&*&&g space invaders. That's why we should be allowed to carry guns, or at least the stuff that Galleger the comedian spoke of. Dart guns that had a flag saying "IDIOT". Somebody cuts you off, hit him with a dart. Weaving in and out of traffic, dart him. Cop sees a car with four or five darts on it pulls him over.

In reality, that sucks. Just glad you avoided injury. But, it would be nice if the idiot had to pay.

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Dang it!! That is the board I wanted to use when I came up there later this month!!! I looked at that thing on the classifieds axin' myself, "should I or shouldn't I?" It appears that you moved on it.

Well now since the board is no good I guess my trip is off!!!

Sorry to hear that happened to your board, glad you are okay though. Last year was the unplanned trip into the trees on the F2. This year, nearly being taken out by a straightliner, in a tuck no less!!!

Mario, be careful out there!!!

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My cro mag bone structure once again kept me from getting jacked up. I still have the vamp, tanker, the ax and the f2. Aarron, between my self and the hoover we still have enough stuff for you to ride, so come on out, the snow is most excellent. I would have liked to have had a chat with the jacka$$, but he was long gone by the time I cleared the adrenaline, got the ice and snow out of my goggles and babied my now crippled ride down the hill. I rode the ax for another hour our so afterwards. It was still a good day on the hill, and I am planning on many many more:biggthump

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I have Mario's old Gold Bling Bling FCII that you rode last time out. You can ride a familiar board if you would like to ride it again. I also have a bunch of stiff old raceboards if you feel like getting beat up. Definately come out.


Oh yeah, sorry again about your breakup BM but glad you are ok. See you next weekend. :)

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****. That sucks.

Dart guns that had a flag saying "IDIOT". Somebody cuts you off, hit him with a dart. Weaving in and out of traffic, dart him. Cop sees a car with four or five darts on it pulls him over.

When I was riding despatch in London, it was gummi bears. Lick, stick to the back of the car that just cut you up at the lights. See a car with a couple of gummi bears stuck to it, "accidentally" run your MX boots down the side.

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Same thing happened here a couple yrs ago

as I reached the end of a deep toe carve/ 2 straight liner Jibbers & I collided

no one was hurt-- but they commenced to reaming me out for hitting them & I was on the downhill side---------Well-- I could not help but to respond back with power & authority-- it escalated to the point where I removed my board/ posed to use it as a weapon/ at such point/ they backed down

When youth comes head to head with knowledge/ experience

It will lose!!!

Soooooooooooooooo tell the truth----------- did something like this happen

did you break it over a Jibber??? Do You have carnage pictures??????

Was the sound of the Ambulance gratifying?

Was it worth it?

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I know that it would make a much better story to say that I broke the board over the douches head, but I had the oppurtunity to get out of the way, so I took it. For the most part, I am fairly easy going, but I do have a wicked temper with a very high boiling point. Had there actually been a collision, the damages might have been much greater than a broken board. I was hit from behind once and I totally came unglued on the guy, and that was a gentle tap compared to what this was shaping up to be. Avoiding the hit was the best option I had, so I took it. I guess I am becoming a bit more pragmatic in my advancing age, though I really would have liked to have had the oppurtunity to chat with the idiot, it just never presented itself


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I had a guy hit me in Switzerland last year, I was just leaning into a healside (left) turn as the guy hit me. It couldn't have been a worse time for him as it was like a football hit where you put your shoulder into some guy running at you. It was a total yard sale for him, I just lost my edge and ended up sitting on the snow. There were two girls who were private instructors that were standing there watching and came and asked me if I was ok, ignoring the guy now laid out in the snow. It made me laugh. He didn't get up for a minute and when I rode by him I pretended to be concerned as he was picking up his stuff. Me=1, stupid, out of control skiers=-1

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****. That sucks.

When I was riding despatch in London, it was gummi bears. Lick, stick to the back of the car that just cut you up at the lights. See a car with a couple of gummi bears stuck to it, "accidentally" run your MX boots down the side.

Distributed retribution. Frickin' awesome.

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Mario, so sorry for your loss :(

Over the weekend I saw my buddy's "new" (barely ridden)Axxess 172. I guess I should ask Sean but it's got this weird ripple type bump across the topsheet near the tail. Prob just cosmetic when it was laid up, I dunno. Ken doesn't post here so I told him I'd find out. anybuddy know ? maybe we'll just email Sean.

I can take a pic and post it. He's just afraid it might start to delam.

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Mario, so sorry for your loss :(

Over the weekend I saw my buddy's "new" (barely ridden)Axxess 172. I guess I should ask Sean but it's got this weird ripple type bump across the topsheet near the tail. Prob just cosmetic when it was laid up, I dunno. Ken doesn't post here so I told him I'd find out. anybuddy know ? maybe we'll just email Sean.

I can take a pic and post it. He's just afraid it might start to delam.

I have a Wide 161 (freeride deck) from the 01/02 season. It has a ripple that sounds similar, toward the tail. (Sean told me about it before shipping and offered to either discount it for me or build a new one, my choice... obviously I took the former). It has lasted 7 seasons and no delamination to speak of. The last few seasons it's been a rock board, and I have thoroughly abused it. To the point where doing home base grinds with an 18/3 small belt sander actually *improves* the board's condition. And still no delams.

Mario, breaking a Donek is pretty impressive!

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Mario, breaking a Donek is pretty impressive!

There is a reason he is called "Big Mario". He is not the svelt little butterfly he leads you all to believe he is. He should be on some of the old stiff race stock we rode in the early 90's. :)

BTW Big, I have a couple of BS boards or my Secret Team you can borrow. I'm quite sure you can flex them. Well, maybe not the Secret Team.


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