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SES 09 - Let us know you'll be in Aspen!


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Sunday getaway w/my honi, I get an extra day! see you at snowmass!

I am curious, every time I have been to snowmass it has been nasty and snowing to beat the band, so I have no idea where to carve on that mountain. Could I get a little help?


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Sunday getaway w/my honi, I get an extra day! see you at snowmass!

I am curious, every time I have been to snowmass it has been nasty and snowing to beat the band, so I have no idea where to carve on that mountain. Could I get a little help?



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Yehaa, got a hall pass! I'll be there for the whole week. I'm getting into town early on Fri. the 6th, anyone planning on riding on Friday? Ya know, just cause six days in a row on snow isn't enough!!

Sounds like the late Jan. dump has commenced in the high country, digging out the pow board!!

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Okay, here's another Colorado n00b question for you guys...

Assuming several feet of snow per day continues to drop from the skies over Aspen...could this actually be a bad thing if I *don't* have a "pow board" and have zero experience riding in "pow" (to use the hipster expression)?

I guess I'm just wondering how well Aspen/Snowmass can keep the slopes groomed when it's pouring down? Do they have a vast fleet of groomers combing the mountain 24/7? Or can all the slopes become buried in powder by noon?

(It might be a dumb question...but like I said, I'm a Colorado n00b!)

I know most people seem orgasmic over massive amounts of powder...but believe it or not, I couldn't care less about "pow." I'm orgasmic over acres and acres of pristine, untrammeled corduroy—so that's what I'm hoping to find in Aspen! :)


PS - My seeming-to-poke-fun at the word "pow" wasn't aimed at you Mr. T! :)

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm just proud to be a hipster!

The quick answer is that it just depends on how much and how fast it snows over a given time frame. Aspen does have a fleet of groomers going, what seems like 24/7, but if it's dumping, conditions will be soft. Forecast for the next ten days is bluebird so grooms should be good coming into the session.

In soft conditions you will just have to change riding style on a hard boot setup to adapt to conditions. Depending on just how much snow there is, you will likely ride in a more upright defensive stance and try to adapt to sort of planing or floating on the snow, or dodging the push piles. I tend to ride a longer board on a snow day. On piste will be rideable, it just may be more difficult to do full layed out carves. Oh yeah, it's also harder to see when it's snowing.

I feel like I'm of the minority at the SES that loves it when it snows, as Aspen has a lots and lots of off piste fun. Sorry gang, I'm praying for snow, O.K. not the whole week. . . .

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Thanks for the info Mr. T—I'd love to get better riding in the soft stuff...but I almost see that as a whole separate discipline...and right now one discipline (carving groomers) is enough! :)

And I only have one (164cm) carving board. I do have a freeride board with softboots...but wasn't planning to bring it. (Is that a mistake? I never ride the thing anymore...)


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Yehaa, got a hall pass! I'll be there for the whole week. I'm getting into town early on Fri. the 6th, anyone planning on riding on Friday? Ya know, just cause six days in a row on snow isn't enough!!

Sounds like the late Jan. dump has commenced in the high country, digging out the pow board!!

Mr T (or your alternate name, Tommy-2-guns), looking forward to seeing your mug for an entire week! Was just staying in your room in Aspen last weekend, hanging with the kids there.
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