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"I'm driving".

"No, dude, I'm driving"

"I'm gonna kick your butt ..."

A friend sent me some pics from camping a couple of weekends back. A black bear, sitting up at the picnic table in the middle of the campground just like a person. "Dammit, where's my porridge??" It was awesome - shame I've deleted the email or I'd post it.

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I think the bear is pissed already - or getting there. Maybe the guy could run a little faster and shoot him right in the a**. Then he'd be really pissed.

I feel a chainsaw might be a more effective weapon but a 44 would certainly help. a 10 gauge with slugs maybe the best though

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i do not know how the final chase went but a .44 would have evened the game.

Unless you tore out one of those big arteries to the heart (aorta maybe - not going to pretend I know ) that bear would still be munching you while you empty your gun. And I love guns, love 'em but no match for mr polar bear.


He did get away.

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A 44 would probably piss it right off.

.44 special maybe if you can't shoot straight, which when looking at bear from close range is a probability, but the the impact force of a .44 rounds magnum or not will make nearly any animal think twice

I feel a chainsaw might be a more effective weapon but a 44 would certainly help. a 10 gauge with slugs maybe the best though

Have you ever shot a 10 gauge?????or for that matter a 12 with mag slugs??? that's impact...there is a reason why people hunted large game with big bore (nitro/alaskan) cartridges...hell even today rounds like .375 Alaskan are used for safety

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.44 special maybe if you can't shoot straight, which when looking at bear from close range is a probability, but the the impact force of a .44 rounds magnum or not will make nearly any animal think twice

Have you ever shot a 10 gauge?????or for that matter a 12 with mag slugs??? that's impact...there is a reason why people hunted large game with big bore (nitro/alaskan) cartridges...hell even today rounds like .375 Alaskan are used for safety

I have a Ruger #1 in .375 H&H -- great rifle. but I guess if you want firepower one would go with the .700 NitroExpress if one has the intestinal fortitude to handle such a manly man's weapon.

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have you ever used a chainsaw? :smashfrea

never underestimate the power of a hillbilly with a chainsaw and alot of extra time on his hands

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A .44 Magnum would probably keep him at bay for a little while don't ya think ;)

Or perhaps a 30-06 could work as well :)

My 2 cents--

First off the Chainsaw would be ok up till the time the bear swatted it away like a fly.

Second a rifle like a 30-06 is too long for close up work requiring pin point accuracy.

My pick would probably in the lines ( assuming of course we are legal in the weapon choice) of a Auto 12 ga Shotgun with 00 buck shot. Least you could blind the sucker so he could not find you so easy.

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maybe ya could throw him a sangwich and be your your way, mr bear doesn't look that aggressive

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that looks like a film camera tripod, the bear is probably just looking for his per diem:rolleyes:

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A .44 Magnum would probably keep him at bay for a little while don't ya think ;)

Or perhaps a 30-06 could work as well :)

I think they hit this poor lion three times before he made it to the men. And three or four times after before he went down.

They don't hunt lions:angryfire with a .44 or .30-06, don't remember the caliber but it was not small.

Average weight adult male African lion 400 to 500 lbs.

Average weight polar bear female 500 lbs and males tend to push closer to 900.

What do you think?

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what's up with all the hatin' on BEARS ?


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<embed src="http://www.ebaumsworld.com/mediaplayer.swf" flashvars="pageurl=http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/38858/&file=http://media.ebaumsworld.com/videos/2007/09/1190488645-110294-SNLDABEARSBULLS.wmv.flv&mediaid=38858&title=SNL Chris Farley DA BEARS&tags=michael,jordan,bears,football,foot,ball,drunk,snl,saturday,night,live,madtv,mad,chris,farley&description=DAAAAAAAA BEARS.&displayheight=325&backcolor=0x0d0d0d&lightoclor=0x336699&frontcolor=0xccccccℑ=http://media.ebaumsworld.com/thumbs/2007/09/38858-1190488645-110294-SNLDABEARSBULLS.wmv/0000000.jpg" wmode="transparent" loop="false" menu="false" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="425" height="345" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />

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never underestimate the power of a hillbilly with a chainsaw and alot of extra time on his hands

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How did I know that log was going to turn into an eagle before the guy even started up the Husquavarna? It seems like the national bird's most enduring fams are chainsaw sculptors and tow-truck companies. I wonder how the eagles feel about this?

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It has been my experience (personally) that if you have a federal military arms collectors ticket, that a full automatic MAC11 can take down (cut right through the trunk) an old apple tree about 16 inches diameter, With one full banana clip. I do sincerely believe that would also stop a Polar or even Grizzly bear. One thing with the MAC11, If you plan to fire a whole clip in one long burst, you have to hold on very very tight and hold on to the strap very very tight. If you don't do that you will waste most of your ammo shooting holes in the clouds. Grandfather Wolf

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How did I know that log was going to turn into an eagle before the guy even started up the Husquavarna? It seems like the national bird's most enduring fams are chainsaw sculptors and tow-truck companies. I wonder how the eagles feel about this?

Here is a Golden Eagle

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