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Probably the worst movie I've ever seen


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You guys haven't been making much of an effort to see bad movies. I think my all-time worst is "9 Deaths of the Ninja", a collection of Sho Kosugi ninja movie out-takes in 3 different film stock, cobbled together into a movie that had no plot and only one fight scene. "Crank" is high art in comparison. I thought it was a kick, myself.

I haven't seen Crank yet but now that I have HBLOW I don't rent much or see it in the theater....I remember "9 deaths of the Ninja" it was bad really I would rate Kung Fu Hustle at least 20 stories above it...another bad one is Adrian Paul's "The Breed" definitely one of the worst vampire movies I've ever seen and I collect ****ty vampire movies

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I haven't seen Crank, but the worst I have seen is Ultraviolet. Even with my brain turned off, it sucked. It was so bad it wasn't worth it for Milla Jovovich. Gun Kata, WTF. Bad story, bad plot, bad action, bad movie.

Ultraviolet was horrible as many comic book crossovers are.

as for Gun Katas, check out "Equilibrium" for a damn fine flick.

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Alien Resurrection.

I don't judge movies on their badness solely in a vacuum - it's all context.

You have Alien and Aliens, both of which were awesome, and Alien3 which sucked. So I thought, hey, they're making 4 after a terrible 3, so maybe they had a good idea and they're going to turn the series around.

I also thought, hey, here's Jean Pierre Juenet, who did City of Lost Children and Delicatessen, and he's here to make a movie in the Aliens series, so now it's got another thing going for it.

So expectations were moderately high, and then I saw the monstrous, stinky turd in the theater. Worst movie ever.

It still makes me mad that Jeunet did City of Lost Children and Delicatessen and after this steaming pile of crap went on to make (imo one of the best movies of all time) Amelie.

Part of me is a little embarrassed because maybe he thought Alien Resurrection was what the dumb Americans wanted. Does he really think we suck that much?

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how could anyone not like shakes the clown, its got roving bands of clowns dishing out a world of hurt to mimes. how could that not put a smile on your face? nobody i know likes mimes, i know i don't.


Just for you BM... the Avenging Unicorn from Archie McPhee.com (I'm a newbie -- hopefully the image I attached shows...)

PS My vote is Stargate.


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Great response to a "worst movie I've ever seen" thread ;) You and Lee hang out much? KIDDING. please don't get worked up.

I checked your link above, and this busted me up:

"Atonement is now in its first run in theatres, at least for another week, depending on how many women can drag their husbands/boyfriends/casual acquaintances/UPS men to go see it. Such was my fate last night, as I dutifully went to see the film against my own will. As the credits rolled and the theater emptied, I casually frisked myself to make sure my genetalia did not perish in light of my betrayal to my gender.

The thing is, the premise of the movie isn't terrible. The script just needs to be massaged a bit so that it's more presentable to a broader audience. If only there was some ******* with a little free time that could re-write the film in a way that the finished product would actually enhance one's manhood, rather than have one question it. Well, rejoice, dear reader, because I am that *******."

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Gun Kata makes me not want to watch it. Remember the gun threads a few months ago? (Please no one resurrect it)

No, I don't remember. There's a LOT of gunplay in Equilibrium so if you're a sissy...I mean...heh...sensitive...don't watch it. Great story though!

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For what it is worth, you started a good topic. :)


Shakes on blu ray, it's just a matter of time

Shakes: Look kid. You're a loser. Your parents had to pay grown men to come and play with you today, because kids collectively, on a whole, think you suck.



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Chuck the man!!Segal wears frilly pink panties compared to him.

+1 on that. Segal can't even play on the same field as Chuck. He'd have to wear adult pampers 'cause he would sh!t himself in the presence of Chuck. and Van Damme couldn't even make sparring partner for one of Chuck's sparring partners.

Great thread btw Dave. And you have shown tremenduous restraint on the board lately. Either you been snowboarding some ( I hope ) or you been getting ...... never mind.

But this...

Ultraviolet was horrible as many comic book crossovers are.

as for Gun Katas, check out "Equilibrium" for a damn fine flick.

I take exception too. There are all kinds of levels of not good. But horrible I just don't get. Mila wearing leather, latex, vinyl or ...... with an unlimited supply of guns that she can just think up. I have seen it about 5 times now and while I admit that no one is going to confuse this with an academy award performance, I liked it.

And pretty much anything with Keira in it I will watch regardless of how emasculated it may make some feel.

And to keep this on topic, one of the biggest stinkfest from Quentin was "Dawn of the Dead", which even still had it's redeeming moments, like when the Queen Vampiress did her little table dance. Pretty unwatchable after that.

and just to go off topic and poach something from Ais in the Patriots Rule post, this is one of the funniest things I have watched off the net.

thought you guys would like this one



i was high on life, but i built up a tolerance

Oh and Concussed Welcome to BOL.

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<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSbiL725hVQ&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSbiL725hVQ&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

pretty bad :smashfrea

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<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSbiL725hVQ&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSbiL725hVQ&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

pretty bad :smashfrea

EWWWWW Wahines!!!

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It's not that I'm sensitive, it's an ideological thing.

which makes you sensitive ;)

Totally kidding. Your call, completely. Do you boycott all movies with gunplay in them?

Equilibrium is a futuristic fascism-gone-wrong fantasy that combines martial arts with gunfights and is really a damn fine story AND production. I see your point and certainly wouldn't begrudge you your decision~

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I hated Little Miss Sunshine. I hated Superbad. I disliked Eastern Promises...

oh and carvedog...aside from the recent fiasco where a couple members went ballistic in a thread I started, I figure there's just no point anymore. Not that there ever was...

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