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Jack M

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Uhhh.... since I suspect a fair number of people simply skip past those "sticky" threads at the top of the forum.....

Did you know that at the ECES we will be raffling off boards from <b>DONEK, COILER,</B> and for the first time, <b>VIRUS</b>?!?

And <b>TWO</b> pairs of <b>Bomber TD2s</b> and <b>TWO</b> pairs of <b>Catek OS2s</b>?!?

And Tex is buying everyone a round on him?!? (well, he offered, but we'll see how far that goes!)

<i>BUT...</i> we are still short by a big number on the minimum we need to hold the banquet. Please, don't make us eat the deposit. If you are going to be there and you want in, please please please sign up and pay your fee by credit card or paypal by clicking the paypal button here: www.eces.us/info.htm

The deadline for signing up for the banquet is <b>February 8</b>. We cannot accept payment at the door.



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The accommodations Geoff has arranged at a group discount are <b>first come, first served</b>. We do NOT have a block of rooms set aside - they simply wouldn't do that. We (read: you) are competing with the general public for available rooms. Once the Village Green and Golden Eagle are sold out, the group rates are gone and you'll have to figure something else out. cha-ching.

Don't delay!


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Jack - I/we are going to try to make it up. I unexpectedly had to take a long trip home to PA in October because my mom wasn't doing so well, and I burned through all of my saved up vacation time. I'm trying to swing at least a day or two up there, and if we come - we'll definitely be there for the banquet. We just need to look into lodging options for 2 or 3 nights, if we decide we can make it. I'll decide before the sign up deadline, so we can be part of the headcount!

I added us to the voucher list on the eces forum board just in case, and with high hopes!

Plus, I want to make Tex buy a few more beers than he planned on :D


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You have a deal. I'm planning on coming up Thursday morning to get some runs in before the banquet. I'm trying to get the other half to join me, who knows what he'll want to do. I'll coordinate with you over email.


Jack, you're one closer to your goal :)

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Angie - i am so glad !

Jack - I signed up for the banquet too - did not sign on to ECES website to say so cause my computer keeps crashing and all I needed was banquet tix - I got two tickets - I'm going to bring a pal - she skis but maybe we can bring her over to the dark side - and anyway she is single, cute and an eye doc

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  • 2 weeks later...


numbers are still low and our next payment is due next week.

We have 50+ signed up for ticket vouchers but less than 50% have signed up for the banquet


I repeat there will be NO WALK-UPS at the door

cut of date is in 2 weeks on 2/8


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Yup, come on folks, step up! We've got another banquet deposit due next week.

I really didn't want to say this, but....... if it comes down to it we will have to resort to <b>ASSIGNED SEATING!!!</b>

Imagine the humiliation of being forced against your will to sit with such nerds as Fin Doyle.... Dave Morgan.... Shred Gruumer.... Ben Schurman..... I could go on. Oh the humanity! They'll bore you to tears with minutia of numerically controlled machining, Information Technology, digital photography, aeronautical fuel pumps, and whatever the hell Dave really does.

So let's go folks, ante up. Oh, and there's an outside chance a Warren Miller film crew might show up.

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Imagine the humiliation of being forced against your will to sit with such nerds as Fin Doyle.... Dave Morgan.... Shred Gruumer.... Ben Schurman..... I could go on. Oh the humanity! They'll bore you to tears with minutia of numerically controlled machining, Information Technology, digital photography, aeronautical fuel pumps, and whatever the hell Dave really does.

I could only dream of that. Like I said, not even sure I can come.:(

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