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New to carving/ Good board company?

Guest Boarder1388

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Guest Boarder1388

Hey everyone, I have been snowboarding for over 6 years now and I want to get into carving and get a new board, however I have found there has been a major decline in carving boards. I am trying to find the best place to purchase one, I live out in MI and from what I've read out west looks like the best place to find one. It sounds like most of the people here have said good things about Donek boards, however when I try to go to their site, it won't load. Are they still in business (I did try searching for that). Any recomendations of good companies to purchase from? TIA

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You're gonna get a ton of (more knowledgeable) replies on this, but here's my two cents.

Donek's still very much in business, as are Prior and Coiler (both Canadian). Take a look at the Bomber Online store for several of these brands. "Stock" versions of their limited-production boards are readily available, as are lots of gently used boards on this Site's classifieds.

The alpine board manufacturing community seems to be doing very well right now. I suspect that hardbooting is growing gradually in popularity, though it'll probably never be a large market segment.

If you haven't filled out your profile here - height, weight, shoe size, etc., do so. You'll get many recommendations on specific rides fast.

There are also introductory articles on this site that will ease your process.

Welcome, Good Luck, and Have Fun!

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Coiler, Prior, Kessler, Swoard, volkl, f2 and virus are all great!

I highly reccomend Prior, Kessler and Coiler I own a Prior and a few Coilers all are incredible boards, Kesslers are the absolute champs when it comes to race gear they have dominated the race scene for a couple years now.

Donek should still be around, I'm assuming the site is just down for a unknown reason.

If you can afford it, go with a Titanal construction board if you can afford it, it's a metal alloy that makes boards real damp and perform much much better. Prior, Coiler, Kessler, SG and Virus all offer this material in some models. totally worth it! Metal boards are just plain easier to ride.

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Guest Boarder1388

Thanks for the replys. I will make sure to update my profile. I was talking to a friend and they told me alpine/race (if thats the right word) boards were really hard to find and not to purchase any online due to not knowing what you are going to get. I am thinking I will try to find a rental or demo out here before I purchase my own, but I am thinking of waiting until next year. When is the best time of year to purchase as board?

Also whats the rough estimate for total cost of board, boots and bindings? Im thinking it will be between 1000-1500.

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The first priority is getting a good pair of boots. This is my suggestion when starting regardless if its on a freeride or alpine when starting out. Do abit of research on here or better yet if you can find someone local on this site to help you out and give you pointers.

Getting an alpine board online is pretty much standard practice since shops in my area have no knowledge on the subject. By all means jump right in the deep end if money is no object. A good question to ask is what board is good for learning on and filling out your profile will give a clearer picture what would suit you.

The season is just starting and you should have little trouble finding a good used board to start with on here. people who frequent this site go out of their way to help someone new to carving.

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Thanks for the replys. I will make sure to update my profile. I was talking to a friend and they told me alpine/race (if thats the right word) boards were really hard to find and not to purchase any online due to not knowing what you are going to get. I am thinking I will try to find a rental or demo out here before I purchase my own, but I am thinking of waiting until next year. When is the best time of year to purchase as board?

Also whats the rough estimate for total cost of board, boots and bindings? Im thinking it will be between 1000-1500.

if you don't purchase online you'll never get one!

If you call Coiler, Donek or Prior (if you call Prior I highly suggest talking with Dean and no one else unless it's Chris Prior himself) they will all get you on the right board because they are dependant on repeat business. Also, Dave Tille at hardbooter.net and Michelle here at Bomber will help you out if you call or email. RJ at exotic boards also will go out of his way to get you on the right gear. I have dealt with all these people and all of them will go out of their way to make you happy.

Bola at all board sports in CO help you out too!

In the case of Coiler if you're gonna get a board for next year that would be perfect if you put in a order now as the wait is a few months to get a board built but Bruce builds the board to your weight and style. To have a new coiler means that both you and Bruce have put some thought into your board and the guy helping you decide is also the one building the very board you will have.

for board, boots and bindings you can have a incredible setup for 1500. but if you were to watch the classified here like a hawk and made educated choices you could do it allot cheaper with used gear.

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Your In the right place/ Wealth of knowledge here & plenty of used gear/ Put your money in good boots(Bomber store) & buy a used stick to get started/ You may ride several before you find one to your liking! & there will be plenty of time to drain your bank account latter! Some may disagree but I say don't go too narrow in the beginning/ as steep binding angles are hard at first.. If you can find Carvers on your local mountain/ don't be shy/ they will go out of there way to help you & eagerly share knowledge & most likely their Rides/ most will have A board they do not ride much & will give you a good deal! Welcome To the addiction!!

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for board, boots and bindings you can have a incredible setup for 1500. but if you were to watch the classified here like a hawk and made educated choices you could do it allot cheaper with used gear.

Very true...I bought my whole setup on Bomber for around $600. Boots Raichle 413's, Catek OS1's and a Coiler RC175

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This is my first season on my alpine setup and I bought everything on the classifieds here. So you get an idea of how much it could cost:

$400 - Prior ATV 171

$125 - Deeluxe Le Mans boots

$125 - TrenchDigger 1


Total: $650

Not too shabby! Btw, I love it so far :)

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welcome to bomber! :)

Alpine gear is pretty hard to find in your normal stores but thankfully we have some great online options.

If you would rather do a rental type thing before spending any cash try to link up with some people from the ride boards and see if anybody would be willing to let you try their board out. Rentals in most areas is going to be next to impossible unfortunately.

The other option you have is just jumping right into it Buying a board right now is good time - tons of options for used gear. If you wanted to buy new you are pretty much going to pay current season gear prices since last years stock has pretty sold out. Don't be afraid of getting used gear, this isn't nameless ebay and the members here sell good quality gear. Used is also a great way to cut down on the initial price of getting into the sport.

I would say ride a few different boards to get the feeling of what type of board would be best for your area before spending 600-700+ on a new board. But if you decide to buy new you can't go wrong with many of the builders mentioned here already.

I just recently started hardbooting after many years in softies and here was my cost breakdown:

board (used) = 350

intech heels (used) = 40

TD2 step-in bindings (used) = 225

boots (brand new) = 485

= 1100

I couldn't find used boots in my size so I ended up spending the bulk of my budget on new boots. I would consider all this gear pretty much higher end even though it was used. If you are more budget focused you could spend as low as 500$ if you hunted around a bit.

Happy shopping and post back when you pick up some gear and let us know how you like hardbooting!

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beware of scraping the bottom of the barrel though, a 1998 burton factory prime was a alright board in it's time but now you're just holding yourself back if you can afford something better. In this sport like most others but probably more importantly in this one: buy the best gear you can afford. It's the boards that have evolved the most. the boots are pretty much the same as they were a decade ago, bindings, snopro or f2 will do the trick.

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1st year for me. Here is what I have spent so far.

$35 Rossi SL board with broken burton rat traps at swap meet

$100 for some Burton Reactor boots from BOL classifieds (Thanks Divebomber)

$80 for some almost new Snowpro Race plate bindings from BOL classifieds (forgot who I bought them from now)

$90 for a new Generics Peak 60 on E-bay

$320 for a new set of TD2 from Bomber site (Now have set of bindings that will last forever and 2 boards to choose from. Of course used ones showed up in the BOL classifieds the day after recieving my new TD2's:o.

So, if you shop around, you can get started for pretty cheap. I'm sure I'll be upgrading stuff like the board once I get going with this. Just got some stuff that would be good to learn on to start that didn't totally bust my budget.

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Ok welcome to Bomber first off.

Alot of the gear being mentioned here is "boutique" or higher-end. You need to try some stuff out first and get comfortable with hardbooting before going custom and getting metal upgrades. A '98 burton is fine to start on, you can then snag a deal at the end of the season and upgrade if you'd like...which will start the "quiver" formation!

Check out www.alpinecarving.com Scott has done well with giving good manufacturer recommendations and descriptions to get you started.

Good luck and we'll see you out on the hills sometime.


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Ok welcome to Bomber first off.

Alot of the gear being mentioned here is "boutique" or higher-end. You need to try some stuff out first and get comfortable with hardbooting before going custom and getting metal upgrades. A '98 burton is fine to start on, you can then snag a deal at the end of the season and upgrade if you'd like...which will start the "quiver" formation!


If you have the means and you figure you'd be sticking with it, why in the world would you not get a board that actually performs?

Metal upgrade? Probably one thing that all riders will benefit from.

Who said custom? If in regard to coiler a stock coiler has the flex adjusted to the rider.

There is a huge danger in getting a setup that's going to hurt the rider more than help. If you can only drop $100 on a board, yeah, ride burton or oxygen. don't pay over 150 for any burton even if it's new.

At least try to buy something made in this decade that's almost over.

If you buy new stuff from the people that are actually gonna build it for you I promise you that it will suit you better than Bob Dea's Coiler built extra stiff in the middle or Jack's Madd 180 in the stiff flex. Or from someone who's got a selection of gear for you to choose from and runs a their business selling this stuff. THIS WAY YOU HAVE SUPPORT IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS.

If you need anything PM me, I'd be more than willing to help you with gear selection if you decide to go used.

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