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Picture of perfect toeside


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How would you critique the Klug picture w.r.t. Jack's article? He's bent at the waist, hips almost higher than shoulders, the main difference that I see from some of the "don't" pictures in the article is that the hands aren't touching the snow. Inside shoulder still dropped in a bit. Otherwise it seems almost the opposite of the Karol picture from the top.. and there the hands seem to hold up the shoulders so that they're semi-parallel to the slope.

That's Jasey Jay Anderson.

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How would you critique the Jasey picture w.r.t. Jack's article? He's bent at the waist, hips almost higher than shoulders, the main difference that I see from some of the "don't" pictures in the article is that the hands aren't touching the snow. Inside shoulder still dropped in a bit. Otherwise it seems almost the opposite of the Karol picture from the top.. and there the hands seem to hold up the shoulders so that they're semi-parallel to the slope.
Jasey-Jay is compressed overall a lot more, he's in a much harder turn at higher speed. But overall I think he is demonstrating the same principles. The lines you drew are not apples and oranges as you didn't follow the bend of Chris's leg.
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Tex? Whats that about?

I was responding to dshack's nitpicking comments.

It's just a little ridiculous to pick apart a guy's technique from one still frame. I always try to make the smoothest transitions and use the best technique I know for the slope and conditions of the moment when I'm riding. Not that I'm the best carver out there, but I guarantee I'm having more fun and enjoying the ride more than people who stress out about their hand being 1/8" out of position.

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I was responding to dshack's nitpicking comments.

I didn't mean to come off as nitpicky or negative. As a beginner, I was taking the picture I saw and trying to figure out what technique pointers I could get from it. No offense or judgment was intended whatsoever.

Right now I'm caught between trying to super-rotate on toesides, bringing my torso towards the center of the sidecut (which makes me more likely to stick my butt out, I think), and not rotating enough (which might rob me of some of that "pulling the board through the turn" feeling). To me, Chris looks like he's rotated about exactly in line with his binding angles, but majorly kinked at the waist. The racer looks like he's pointed about halfway between the board's long axis and his bindings, and the Sword guy is super-rotated.

Is there an inverse relationship between rotation and angulation? It seems like the more you rotate, the more laid out you can get, and the more compact/angulated you get, the less you have to rotate, no?

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I was responding to dshack's nitpicking comments.

It's just a little ridiculous to pick apart a guy's technique from one still frame. I always try to make the smoothest transitions and use the best technique I know for the slope and conditions of the moment when I'm riding. Not that I'm the best carver out there, but I guarantee I'm having more fun and enjoying the ride more than people who stress out about their hand being 1/8" out of position.

1)you need to relax

2)you need to work on those interpretation skills. Guy was NOT being negative at all, and was saying, basically, "so, what makes this an ideal?" and then tried to figure it out for himself

3)there's nothing wrong with a beginner aspiring to improved technical perspective

4)you need to relax ;)

dshack...while I dont understand why tex misinterpreted your post, just keep in mind that he kinda has a point...you'll see riders out who are incredibly rigid, trying SO hard to get that "perfect" body position, and they lose almost all fluidity and any semblance of style. Practice technique of course, but don't forget that this is for FUN, and the better you look doing something the more fun you have ;)

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It's just a little ridiculous to pick apart a guy's technique from one still frame.

I've got same opinion: how can you say, from just one frame, if that riders is using a technique instead of another? Maybe he was just using the same techinque but few tenths od second before the board skid and then he is compressed to "absorbe" the event; maybe he's just absorbing with legs someting he had under the board...

We should see the video.


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Or is it the other way around? (The more fun you are having, the better you look) :argue:

no no. The more fun you're having, the better you think you look!


I don't disagree that a still shot is insufficient, BUT as a moment frozen in time, its logical to look at it and say "would I be better if I were able to attain that position?"

still don't think dshack was being "nitpicky" just analytical in an effort to improve. Shouldn't be attacked for that

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"De gustibus non est disputandum"

How would you critique the Jasey picture w.r.t. Jack's article? He's bent at the waist, hips almost higher than shoulders, the main difference that I see from some of the "don't" pictures in the article is that the hands aren't touching the snow. Inside shoulder still dropped in a bit. Otherwise it seems almost the opposite of the Karol picture from the top.. and there the hands seem to hold up the shoulders so that they're semi-parallel to the slope.

tpalka, I disagree with your assessment of Jasey Jay Anderson's technique in that pic. He is going a lot faster than Karol, and is stacked and compressed. His hips are down. He's bent at the waist but forward, not towards the toeside edge, and not excessively. Your red lines are not in the right places. His knees are apart, shoulders level, hands off the snow, it's a great pic. It's basically what someone riding like Karol would look like at 3x the speed.

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That looks like one of those 16cm Rossi prototypes that I don't believe ever saw production.

They where 18cm and 19cm 180-185 very fun.. white top sheet team only, around 94to97 Jermey Jones ride of choice. Of course same time Greenwood showed up on stock throttles and won world cups.....

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I think the top one looks way beeter to me. Extreme carving only looks cool in video form.

I agree top pic looks way better....IMO extreme carving(even in video) doesnt have as smooth of flow.....as a good rider that can punch hard through the turns without dropping both hands to the snow!!!!!!!

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Heres an old pic of Will Garrow. Not as high as Chris, not as low as Jasey Jay and def not Eurocarving.

Where you get this photo? Im disappointed I never got to ride for him as a team rider recently. (Political issue, but not with him, but with the team manager-- so dont ask.)

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