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Im boored... I need some shiney boards to drool over. I know theres a few arbors and such floating around here... so who's got a woodie? doesnt need to be alpine or full wood, inlays are acceptable.

heres mine:cool:


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niice Derf... i wasnt expecting anything like that, but still very cool:biggthump

Mats... do they allow boards in that lodge? or do they just have an exception for all the cool gear?

If you leave your good looking board by the entrance in order to attract customers to Bumps in Buttermilk you get extra chicken on your ceasar sallad…


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tex beat me to it.

Doug Dryer threw a wood topsheet on a board...I think it was a Blast.

looked gorgeous. He wouldnt ride it though

any woodworkers know if this would be practical? thin veneer expoxied to a sanded topsheet?

The board Doug worked over is the MLY 183cm :Race", he did a sweet job on it. Koa , hand rubbed wax.

FYI. Saw his new 252cm finally, however I could not get the OK to post photos yet. It is a beauty! Frankly, it looks like my 203cm except it is frikin huge!!! It actually looks totally reasonable and rideable. Going to be murder in the lift lines.

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I used to have a Freesurf Highlander and it had a nice wood topsheet. I don't have it anymore (I sold it), but here is a pic I took from oldsnowboards gallery.

Cool, that one goes back a while. Before I was cropping photos. No longer in the collection. Nice board though , too small/ soft for me to ride.

I might have one of the ugliest Swell Panic boards?

Most are absolutely gorgeous! Mine is awefull lime green.

But still cool!

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In the top photo the board on the far left is an A55 alpine board with all koa wood, and the other two are A55 and A65 Munoz boards with maple and koa wood. I'm pretty sure that the munoz boards are different years because they have different bases. One of then has a cool image of a surfer on a wave. I'll get a picture of it tonight.

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already put that online somewhere :) but here is my wood quiver!


left is the 196 custom Amok, and right is the 185 Magistral that i found a bit short ! Right is a cruising Chronic Crew deck.

I am going to order myself a Miura asap, and a new Amok too...( dreams!)


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The Munoz carvingboard! I would give anything for one of those. Anyone now what lenghts they came?


I have only ever seen the 155 and 165's. It would be sweet to have a bigger one, but I don't know if any other sizes were ever made.

Here is the base of my 155. I think this is such a cool base.


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I have only ever seen the 155 and 165's. It would be sweet to have a bigger one, but I don't know if any other sizes were ever made.

Here is the base of my 155. I think this is such a cool base.

I picked up a 155 NOS this past winter. Haven't put bindings on it yet because it's really soft, (much softer than my 162 Munoz) and I'm not so sure it's going to be a good ride.. It feels almost like a freestyle or soft freeride board, just in an alpine shape.

At any rate, it had a sticker on the base listing the product lineup for that season--I'll try to get a picture of it this weekend. Not positive off the top of my head, but I think that Randy's right and it doesn't show anything longer than 165.

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