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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. I don't know of any modern day protests that are done in a non-******* manner that have ended violently. I didn't say its right, I just said thats how it is. I just believe all that happend to the kid, that he deserved it. He pushed the person in front of him that wasn't done speaking out of the way to get the mic. The reason I do believe in the permit to protest is that so the surrounding areas could be prepared for it, and to make sure the protest is not done in a disruptive manner. Imagine what Boston would be like if you had to get to work, but the bus/train/traffic isn't moving because people are blocking the streets. I live near longwood ave, which has at many hospitals on it that do very controversial research. Imagine if 1,000 protesters clogged up the street to protest stem cell research while blocking the dozens of ambulences that travel up and down that street everyday. Also, if they do deny you the right to protest, they have to tell you why, so in reality, anyone could protest anything they want if they wanted to... Maybe I'm pretty bitter about this because of all the anti-stem cell research, and animal testing activist I see that DO occassionally get in my way. And also the fact that I'm against everything they stand for, and many of them are extremely hipacritical. I guess my point is, I hate douchbags. That kid had all the right in the world to ask those questions, but the fact is, he didn't do it in a civilized manner, and he displayed all the characteristics of a sh*t stirring douchebag-telling his friend to film the drama-being fine off camera-pushing the first speaker aside... I do not support what Kerry has done/is doing, just to make sure thats clear.
  2. LOL!!!!! Thats pretty interesting about the max VO2. During my wrestling days, if I got hammered on a saturday night, I'd feel it for at least 2 weeks. One time I came into a saturday morning practice kind of drunk with my co-captain (we were good examples) and while running, the smell of captain morgans grew stronger and stronger because we were sweating it out, which I thought was a myth. We had to keep our distance from the coach or else we'd be running laps till we puke. The good thing is that I kicked ass that practice :D
  3. September 22, 1992 I arrived with my parents, sister and both sets of grandparents at Logan Airport from a long trip from Russia (with a layover in JFK). Coming to America is the best choice my parents ever made. America is sweet!!! Thanks to everyone that made my time here so far awesome.
  4. Could not have said it better myself. I'm not a John Kerry supporter but that kid had no intention other than to start some trouble. There really is no "true" freedom of speech. To protest, you need a permit. No permit and you resist arrest, you'll have thousands of volts running through your body in no time. They could have pepper sprayed or maced him. That in my opinion is way worse. The tazer is one of the best inventions in a cop's or anyone's non-lethal arsenal. I'm just really pissed off at this kid because he wanted his 15 minutes of fame. "The Gainesville Sun, meanwhile, reported Wednesday that from the perspective of eight arresting officers, Meyer would only resist when cameras were present." That makes me furious. link to the story
  5. I got myself a dervish and its the closest to feeling like I'm on a snowboard I've ever had this summer. The carveboard looks sweet but I've never tried it. The downside of the carveboard is that you can't slide so it would make it hard to do what you want to do safetly. I don't know aboute the carvestic though. From what I've seen, the dervish can carve the hell out of 90% of boards out there. if you want to do what are doing, id say a Landyachtz DH race or evo, but thats because they look stable. For carving, defintly the Loaded Dervish or Vangard. Good luck man.
  6. no need for a pharmacist? I can see it now...pick up your performance enhancing drugs and your bindings at the same time. We can even get some guy to spit shine your boots for you, free of charge* *restrictions apply
  7. you know it man! I am not a fan of the cops though. I am a fan of monty python. I just hate drama queens. Like I really, really hate drama queens. They keep knocking on our doors to make the 90+ ppl in my house leave but we got no doorbell and the music is too load. I guess we can't see the flashing lights either =P
  8. well now that I think about it more, sure, roids could become a part of snowboarding. Not only do they improve strength, but also endurance. In a PSL event, they gotta do like 6 brutal runs. A little juice might make their last run a little more powerful. Right?
  9. LOL!!! :lol: what i heard is that after the cameras were out of there, he was just calmly talking to them saying things like "I know you guys are just doing your jobs and all..." He was out to get attention like that kid in UCLA I think. Then when the cameras came back on him, he started flipping out again. Drama queen is what I'm thinking. Should they have taken him off the mic initially? Of course. This wasn't an open forum for conversation, it was a Q&A. The cops were going to escort him out, not arrest him. He was then resisting them, which puts them into a position to arrest him. Should they have tasered him? Absolutly, because he was fighting back. If they fought back with fists, that would be brutality. They were totally in line I believe.
  10. good start but since I think you can feel the most g force in a jet, so maybe go with something like that. Or maybe a street bike carving up a course in the same angle as the rider. I also agree about the pic being on cord and with a rooster tail. I'm psyced for you though! Congrats.
  11. Gleb

    Fenway Pic

    I went out to walk the dog, came back and my jaw dropped. "What the f*** happend?!" At least this past pats game was SHWEET!!!!! I'm still amazed a 14 game lead is blown...
  12. what slots? I have another friend who is now interested in alpine boarding. He might be taking over my boots. Although I tried them on and they seemed oh so comfy. I might just get a custom footbed though since my arch seems to kill 1 out of 5 days. I'll have to wait and see.
  13. Instead of going to montana (sorry Dr. D) my friends convinced me to go to SLC with them. It'll be cheaper with hotel room and travel to go there than Big Mountain, unfortunatly. We haven't got our hotel room yet, but does anyone know of any good ski and stay packages. We don't care about the quality of the room, we just need a place to put our stuff. Also, hows the night life?
  14. neil, I really like that forum. I'm gonna look over it in detail tonight. Looks like its full of all sorts of good stuff. Thanks Also, the few extra $ I save by going down in resolution would not even be noticed in 3 years of payments. Managerial approval...LOL! KJL, cnet's advice was to do just that; more than 50'' def go for plasma. They said the burn in problem was almost completly gone, but you are still at risk. cail, thats a good idea I've never thought of. I'm going to give myself more time and look more into that now. But I doubt spending $1000 on a processor than more $ on the tv will actually work out. 7stg, I decided to go with your advice and not go with a best buy card. I'll be applying for a lukoil card this weekend since they have the cheapest gas in boston by sometimes 10 cents. Its also where I dropped way over $1000 on gas last winter since its down the street. Trailertrash, thats why I want to get the best thing avaliable now. Jack, I decided to wait a bit till probably after winter. No need to put financial stress on myself with my favorite season approaching when I already have everything i need for next summer (3 kiteboards and 4 kites-I got a sweet package deal from a friend) and my Loaded Dervish (thank you bomer) Maybe if there are some sweet christmas deals, I may bite. We'll see. Thanks to everyone for your help. You all have given me something to think about.
  15. anyone know anything about the Vizio L42 HDTV? link: http://www.circuitcity.com/rpsm/oid/188805/catOid/-12867/rpem/ccd/productDetail.do I preffer best buy's plan with the 3 years no interest so the westinghouse 42'' looks more favorable.
  16. I'm in school for 4 more years since i'm in a 6 year program. For the most part, I can predict my income since most pharmacist earn the same when they graduate. I just have to get through school. I don't plan to have any debt other than student loans when I'm out. Only thing I have to becareful of is the 25%+ compounded interest i would get hit with if I didn't pay it all off in 3 years. I plan to have it completly covered by next summer.
  17. wow thanks for all the input. spil, I think that the tv and chair deal is for online only and the 3 year no interest is for instore only. when I'm done with classes for the day, I'll be looking into it more. That chair is sweet though. tex, I think i'm going to be sticking with an lcd because I'm weary with anything with a bulb. cail, thanks for that link, and info, i'll be reading it throughly tonight. Fleaman, xxguitarist and Buell, I'm decently good with my money. I fill my Jewish stereotype well :) . I plan to only buy this and then pretty much throw the card out. I also need to start building my credit up, and this seems like a good place to start. bob, I'll be still getting my Prior, no worries there. If i spend $2,500 on this set up, my payments will be like $70/month. I'll be calling you bout the ps3. willy, I remember that thread. I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on some of the new stuff that came out since then. 7stg, thats a nice website. I'm still confused how it would negativly impact me even though i'll be making the payments. I don't the amount owed will make much of a difference since by the end of this year i'll have $75K in student loans. Are student loans counted in on this? Neil, I'm with you on Sharp having good stuff. Westinghouse also has some sweet stuff. off to class i go
  18. in the past, you guys and gals have been a great help in making expensive purchases. We just moved into a new apartment and I want to hook my room up with a nice tv and speaker system as well as a ps3. I will be applying for a 3 year no interest card at best buy. I've read through plenty of reviews on cnet to confuse myself on what to get. my criteria for the tv is: 1. around 42'' lcd 2. $1200 max 3. 2 or more hdmi ports 4. 1080p 5. has to be at best buy for the speakers, I just want something that won't blow the walls down for under $250, and that you're able to turn the bass all the way down. Thanks for your help.
  19. its nice that we have people like you looking out for our stuff, tex. I've been robbed twice, but luckily nothing except video games were taking from me. If anyone stole my stuff out here, they'd have a hard time pawning or selling it off without people on bomber finding it. Its sweet having unique equipment
  20. Gleb

    Cup Holders

    sorry man, they already got them at our stop & shop. Haven't used them yet, but its probably to encourage people to buy stuff at the dunkin donuts
  21. I was actually going to post the same thing when I saw them. Congrats to the bomber crew.
  22. hey jd, I got a quick question for ya. please shoot me an email to theglob@gmail.com thanks man
  23. Willy, I got your email about the hill on ferncroft rd next to my house. I totally forgot about it and is a kick ass hill. I have limited internet access right now since we're moving in a week or so and we didn't bother paying comcast. also, once september starts, I'll be able to go where ever pretty often too.
  24. I tried out bob's idea with the crack head...that was a no go. They just asked for some help on the way out of 7-11 even though they have better clothes and shoes than I do sometimes. So I got my camera the other day....a shiny refurb of a Canon SD700IS showed up. This thing is sweet!!! I read through the manual today and played around with all the options. Its gonna be able to take some sweet pictures and videos this season! Thanks Jack, I owe ya some at ECES. Eastcoastrider, I got one of those skins for my camera too. Totally worth the $15 or so. Plus, I'll probably be getting the underwater cover for next summer too.
  25. I know what you're saying bob. Aunt Jemima is the way to go
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