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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. I'm saving up the rest of my money for my titanal board, hopefully coming in time for winter break. So a purchase of another board is doubtful till spring. I know that in all friendly competitive sports, people are always willing to help, and that has never been a worry for me. The guys at wheelabrator were super friendly and told me all I needed to know, and they still managed to keep a friendly competitive atmosphere. Willy, any sign of your board =\ Glad you were able to make it. You gotta try the dh next time. Its like standing on a board and all of the sudden its windy. Its so stable you don't feel the speed at all. I'm a huge fan of having a quiver. In just 2 years of snowboarding I already have 6 boards...7th on the way. 2 will be loaned to friends i'm getting into alpine. None are really worth selling. I'll probably contact sk8tkings to make me one, because I rather start learning on something thats right, right off the bat. They're pricey though. I'll be getting a fat tax return for the spring, and i'm almost all set with my gear for kiteboarding for next summer, so I should be able to swing it.
  2. Like always, I bet you're right. The DH didn't really enjoy turning too much, so I'll give the evo a shot next time I'm there. I want to see someone bomb on my dervish, since I don't have those type of balls, yet. The weight of the DH is crazy, like 17 pounds. That will wear anyone out carrying it up a hill.
  3. oh i know i'll be trying it out for sure. I just loosened my trucks on my dervish and I'm loving the fast turns, even though its hard to hold it steady at a higher speed. no one said you can't do it all, and thats exactly what I want be able to do. Let me know when you guys have a slalom session planned.
  4. its in the basement so the windows are already pretty much in the ceiling and putting them lower means he would have to dig out around the house somehow and it would not be up to code because the integrity of the structure is at stake. now one of my roommates' parents want to sue the landlord. I'm totally against it and will have nothing to do with it.
  5. thats the pic I was waiting for!!! Awesome day today. Hope your hip is feeling better soon. Nice meeting you. Too bad me and willy got there on the late side. We did a bunch of bike path runs and I tried the landyachtz dh board one of the guys had, and that thing kicked ass!!!!!! I'll definitley be picking one up soon. The dervish is pretty sweet on the bike path which gets going pretty fast, and can turn ugly even faster. Can't wait for next time when I grow some balls and do a full out tuck! I'll bring my inline skates and we can have people drafting behind me, since 45 mph is nothing on them compared to a board...but its not nearly as exciting.
  6. the windows were too small in the rooms, so we couldn't get out in an emergency. When the landlord bought the house, he thought it was already inspected. Sucks for him. Before, he was able to get rent from 10 people for 2 apartments, now he's stuck with only 7, for a house he paid probably $1 million for. Out here, you can donate your furniture by simply putting it out on trash day. It'll get picked up by someone before the dump truck gets it. I'll be just moving 2 floors above, so it won't be too much of a problem.
  7. Odd thing is, I getting kinda shipped out of boston.
  8. I live in a newly renovated apartment with 5 other roomies that go to my school or a school around here. We picked out of a hat for the best room. I got first pick, which is sweet, because I get the biggest room in the 2 floor apartment (1st floor and basement) so I can fit all my boards and stuff. It took me a month but the day after I got my fridge all set up and at the perfect temperature for my beers, my bamboo plant and cactus settled in, and my pink floyd, and Led Zeppelin posters hung up, I find out we had a building inspector come by. The basement is now condemned, and the 3 of us that live there have to be relocated, ASAP. I get lucky and live in my sister's sweet condo down the street for the time being but my other 2 roommates are stuck in the living room. We had the sickest place to live, and now without a nice basement, its only average. I'm just kinda bummed/pissed right now and needed to vent. I do feel bad for the landlord (who lives above us). He is going to be put in a tight spot finanically. Moving blows.
  9. how does someone get a money shot of a girl like that? Damn! Willy, call me anytime to figure out whats up for tomorrow. 508 265 1974
  10. :lol: :lol: :lol: WTF! All thats missing is the helmet I borrowed from bob dea when I went skateboarding with and skipuppy this past summer.
  11. enjoy your day of "rest." I got a patho/physio test on 100 pages of textbook material to study for. My only resting day will be sunday at the Wheelabrator in CT. back to the topic, I think someone needs to tell that reporter to take it easy on the creativity and just report the story.
  12. I read it over like 3 times and I'm still confused. Maybe a bit too much school for me here. When is winter break going to come???
  13. anyone have any spare knee pads to borrow? I got a helmet and gloves, but I'm not sure what to order when itcomes to knee pads.
  14. Thanks for all that info. I'll be looking into those shops. Bola, I wish you were right near me. Your shop looks packed! For any larger purchase, I will always support a shop that stocks alpine stuff. I waited quite a while for Bomber to get the Dervish so I could order it from than instead of some other online non-alpine shop. For small things like bushings and even cheaper longboard wheels, I'd rather go to a skateshop so I won't have to pay shipping charges. Don't worry, my support will mainly go toward alpine
  15. being a lil bitch is just an example. He wasn't asking questions, he was ranting... If he really wanted to, he would just go and publish what he wants in a newspaper or something. Bob, I think it was in his best interest to get tazed. Once you get tazed, you fall down and it doesn't really hurt that much anymore, or at least for too long. but if the try to just over power him violently, he'd feel it for a week or two for sure.
  16. right down the street from me. Wish I didn't have a test on monday
  17. I'm down for the 7th. Gecko, i'll go with your advice and just get some harder bushings for now. See ya there.
  18. I found one right next to my house but they are very limited with their selection, and knowledge of longboards. I searched online and came up with shops in the boston area, but nothing noteworthy in boston within a skating distance away. any clues? Willy?
  19. hell ya man! way to go. I guess you guys had a good lawyer, just like I did to get me back into school =P long story for another thread. Losing all that money sure does blow though. Think of all the bindings you could've given to poor college students for free :rolleyes: oh well. I'll be placing my order soon.
  20. nice, now that is an early start. turns out Jonathan Cheever is from the town right next to me. Seems like he just missed the podium a few times. At least we have someone repping the north shore.
  21. Gleb

    It's a boy!

    hell ya!!! Congrats! My parents are grandparents too. My sister has a boston terrier and a pug, while I have a pitbull/boxer. Its not the same, but kinda is. Hurry up and teach the little one to shred!
  22. anytime I'm at a party where cops show up, all you gotta do is chill out and do as they say. Even if everyone is 21 (extremely rare), just "yes sir" your way outta there. 2 weekends ago the cops here definitely over stepped their boundrys, but I understand why they did. We were heading to a large kegger going on down the street. 2 of my friends were carrying cups full of rum and coke. Now, they didn't have bottles, so it could've been water in there. They came up to us, knocked the cups out of their hands after one of them spilled everything out in the grass, and yelled at us for 10 minutes. I just stood there, and listened knowing they had no right to randomly check us like that. plus they had no proof it was booze in the cups. There was no point in talking back since they got enough real crap to deal with, and there is no point in making a scene. I've never seen a short or non-massive cop on mission hill yet, so I'm not going to start any trouble with these guys. Were my friends stupid to go out with an open container of alcohol, yes. I say, just get out of their presence as fast and unsuspiciously as possible. I'm not going to make a scene because it will prove nothing.
  23. nice! I'm in for the next one. Let me know.
  24. :lol: Borat = my dad, i'll post a pic when I get one. Thanks guys. Definitely not a perfect country but its good enough for me for now, and I'm way better off here than there. I think being an immigrant gave me a perspecitve some of my filthy rich friends don't, and will never understand. I think immigrants kick ass, although as of now, I'm a fake russian. I can speak it well, but i'm pretty poor at writing. Also, we've lived in the most non-Russian community for the past 13-14 years, so I'm not really in the whole Russian culture at all. Oh well. Borsh (beet soup) is not something I'd preffer.
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