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Everything posted by D.T.

  1. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    8" reported at Lovey (translation: 12" to 16" in the stashes ;)) = vacation day for me :D:D:D:D
  2. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    I have been informed that TVR has been kidnapped; therefore, he cannot respond at this time. Expect an update tomorrow or the day after.
  3. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    Sad day :( RIP BDFCII BTW, I think I know what may have caused the untimely death... some smartarse kicking the board around at ~15mph and carving fakie?!?
  4. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    everything was bulletproof until ~10:00, after that it depended on slope aspect: Roulette and Deuces Wild (E-tow) were really good but became kook infested Drifter was pretty soft and kook infested Spillway and Lower Richards remained very firm but empty Homerun was mashed potatoes
  5. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    After Mario hit himself the first time, it was funny. After the second time, I was literally crying on the chair. Then Petunia starts trying to throw me off the chair. That was the hardest I've laughed in a very long time, and yes... it was all at the expense of Petunia!!! Translation - now you will have to clean dirt from your facial wounds?!?!?! :D
  6. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    petunia and I are riding Lovey tomorrow. maybe hit Eldora before season if over
  7. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    quit your effing whining or else I'll call in the Sheriff and we get all Red Foreman on your ass. just do what you are told. no independent thought is allowed here!
  8. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    quit your blubbering the rules are on a need to know basis; you effed up, now you know. We'll go easy on you... say twenty Hail-Marys, make one high speed run into a lift tower, then clobber three kooks. After that, all will be forgiven!
  9. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    didja beg for forgiveness from the remainder of the LCI hierarchy for da error in ya ways?!? ya know, bylaws state you haveta get permission to be changin' yer mind! WTF ya thinkin?!?
  10. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    whatchu sayin?!? you ridin' on Saturday?!? thought you were skippin' Sunday school and ridin'.
  11. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    planning on Saturday this weekend. Not sure if it will be Lovey or Eldora
  12. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    I see a board and a road bike in my future (read: plans for the upcoming weekend). What day is everyone riding this weekend? I know PC will be hanging out with the elite in Aspen.
  13. edit - just saw jp1's post Since the Head pin is a smaller diameter, I converted to the larger pin. Small pin in large hole equals increased potential for the pin to back out. Not worth it, IMO.
  14. D.T.

    loveland warning

    BTW, if you had been facing down the hill rather than up the hill you would have seen how crappy the conditions were. thanks!
  15. your loose arms show that your upper body is relaxed. that is a good thing
  16. This mod is necessary. Make sure you radius the corners as shown by BlueB. With a square corner the shell will continue to crack.
  17. John, Order the BTS kit and 4 Raichle long pins. You will have enlarge the bottom holes in the boot, drill new holes for the top of the BTS kit to attach and make the notch shown by BlueB. Total time to make the BTS mod will be ~20 minutes.
  18. D.T.

    loveland warning

    one other thing... Ski Patrol has consistently not been stringing the fence at the bottom of Richards; therefore, the gapers have been blasting the jump from Home Run onto lower Richards. I almost got hit mid-carve yesterday by a Starter jacket wearing fool. It's good insurance to stay right at the bottom of Richards and avoid these dumba$$es!
  19. D.T.

    loveland warning

    Well you know... some of us did ride for 6 hours on Saturday and for 2 hours before you graced us with your presence on Sunday. :D
  20. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    wtf?!? You drive the last 10+ times and are now asking me to do it?!? Fine you whiny little beyotch, I'll drive! ;)
  21. As Buell said, drop Bruce an e-mail or give him a call. His designs are constantly evolving - it would be impossible for a one-man-show to keep a website up to date and still crank out the boards.
  22. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    planning on both days give me a head-up as to which day KK is coming so that I can bring my softies
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