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Everything posted by D.T.

  1. great ride if you weigh ~130lbs or less. You'll overpower it with the slightest input. Effective edge is comparable to a 145cm-is AM board. If I'm not careful, I overpower my D1+ without thinking about it. The 6' has an effective edge comparable to an AM in the high 150's/low 160's
  2. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    Whateva, you still suck a$$! and yes, if I had my laptop I'd be working you over, so don't think I'm getting soft!
  3. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    Planning on both. Will be on softies if the conditions warrant. Please everyone, don't hate me if I cross to the darkside.:o ;)
  4. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    Sunday was decent. Groom was ok, but there were lots of soft pockets in which you could/would get burried.
  5. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    ANYTIME your ready, let me know! yea, that's what I thought! plenty of time to respond and nothin'. heard a rumor that you got you scared, entered the witness protection program and hopped a plane out of town. PHAWKING NEWBIES!
  6. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    don't worry about me. if shelly doesn't join, i'll ride with tony.
  7. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    ANYTIME your ready, let me know! photoshop?!? photoshop?!? WTF! That's an absolute BS claim! Why can't you give me credit for hacking your machine, finding your "hidden stash" of photos, and sending one back to you?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're the one who attend the S&M convention! You're the one who posed for photos! What, you don’t want people to see “Karena after Dark”?!? Afraid that your side career as a Dominatrix will be exposed?!? Quit your , I’ll be nice and only show a PG version, when convenient, of course!
  8. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    the manwhore sent me a text asking me where he was. wtf?!?
  9. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    now that I think about it, maybe TVW and Tony were separated at birth?!?
  10. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    oops, posted the wrong image quit being so damned impatient!
  11. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    separated at birth?!? I'll let you be the judge!
  12. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    last time you did that, you broke your board, Miyagi-san dude... I'm guessing your times might have been a little better if you had left the cart at home !?!
  13. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    come on Petunia, I see you lookin' at this page! what you got to say, huh? nothing? that's right, that's what I thought!
  14. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    that's what you think... I may just drag you in for the he(( of it!
  15. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    both barrels are loaded and I'm ready. anyone who wants it, here I am. i'll beat you down just like I beat down that pansy Thor von Whippingboy. That wuss doesn’t bother showing his face anymore! then again, he did look better wearing the gimp mask! all I gots to say is, you won't know where, you won't know when
  16. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    wtf? you were supposed to be working! did you do anything yesterday other than buy yourself some foofy chick clothes and give me sh!t? where's the love? You just wait... I'll do something... something evil... yeah Soon we'll be calling you Karena Butthole! yeah that's right, you know what's coming... You ready for it?!? IT’S ON!
  17. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    sorry to hear about your mishap get well soon
  18. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    stop! you're going to get me laughing again
  19. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    I may be up for carpooling also. I anticipate that I'll be flying solo on Sunday.
  20. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    cause money can't buy you skill
  21. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    i must sadly report that you did not miss much :(
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