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Everything posted by D.T.

  1. I'm back in town. I'll get you pics tonight or tomorrow. To what email address should I sent the pics?
  2. I've got a 185cm Oldenburg that I'd consider selling. Waist is ~20.2cm, SCR is just over 15m. Overall condition is very good. Oldenburg was one of the first, if not the first, manufacturer to decamber the nose. You probably don't recognize the name, but they were building Klug's raceboards in the final years he was with Burton. The flex is right for me at 210-lbs, riding fairly aggressively. This board is non-metal. If you're interested or want pics, drop me a note. I'm traveling, but can get photos later in the week. We can discuss price, but it will be in the range you mention. PS - Bordy had a review of the Oldenburg somewhere, but I am having trouble finding it while on my mobile...
  3. I like the rivet repair job shown at 00:10
  4. some guy named RICHARD went to the "toy store" today and sent me this pic: he'll have to provide the details... notice that being the narcissistic person that he is, he had to include himself in the photo.
  5. The Nyberg Axxess is just a Donek's AM board built to Mort Nyberg's specs.
  6. Consider the board sold - thanks for the interest!
  7. The board has sold I have Donek Nyberg Axxess that I picked up last January that I would be willing to sell. I bought it to play around with, but I need another board like I need a hole in the head. I have not ridden the board. Here is the link to the thread where I purchased the board. The specs are: * Length: 182cm * Effective Edge: 158cm * SCR: 12m * Waist Width: 22.5cm I had someone interested in the board at the end of last season, so the board is currently boxed. I can unpack it and take pics if requested. Looking for $300USD + shipping.
  8. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    heck, doesn't that mean he'll be ready to hit the slopes this year?
  9. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    hey mario - do you remember that one time we were snowboarding and you fell? yeah, that was funny!
  10. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    that light ought to last at least five minutes, up until you try your ostrich impersonation :D
  11. Hey Rick, Give Bola @ All Boards Sports a call - 303.415.1600 He had several floating around.
  12. The same is true for Deeluxe and UPZ - the whole size and half size share the same shell.
  13. Loveland has formally announced their pricing for the 2011-2012 season. 4-Paks are $129
  14. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    Hey, I owe you a return message. I've been hiding in Northern Canada the last couple of weeks. Tell your friend yes, he can contact me.
  15. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    Actually Angie, Mario's butt misses you, hence it has dialed you repeatedly. And having the opportunity to hang with Mario over the years, be glad that his butt was not "talking" to you on that message!!! :D:D
  16. With no provision for bumpers, the bindings sound like the original Bomber binding, pre-TD1. The diameter of the center disk will confirm this - if it's tiny, then it's a Bomber. (I'm on my mobile, so I can't tell from your photos)
  17. Watch out for that Jersey freek. All big mario does is fly around the mountain, taking perople out, listening to his favorite song: <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/lDK9QqIzhwk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D In the preseason Loveland sells 4-paks of tickets. Pricese are not listed for this coming season, but will likely be ~$130 for the four tickets. This is the lowest price you will find anywhere; in the past they would ship the tickets to you, as is you did not have to be present to purchase. Watch this link for info. as a matter of fact, yes, i does! PS - yes, it's windy, and yes, it's typically cold, so, if you come out, pack accordingly
  18. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    smarta$$ :D have decided that I'm going to ride local tomorrow
  19. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    depending on Shelly's training schedule, I may be interested in joining... If I do, yes, I'll be walking the technical stuff.
  20. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    thanks for the grub, Bigs!!! It was good to see everyone last night
  21. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    starting to drool already
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