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big mario

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Everything posted by big mario

  1. Sunday mornings 8:30 at Chets Dream for carve church Mario
  2. And a big A$$ protein drink at the end of the day really helps with next day soreness
  3. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    Looks like they are finally grooming fire cut, hope they do it tonight, I am so in
  4. This might alleviate that asymmetry... https://www.google.com/search?q=scooch+leg&oq=scooch+leg&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30i625j0i390l4.10252j0j4&sourceid=silk&ie=UTF-8
  5. glad you found a nice, new home, congratulations!!
  6. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    Quick one today, I was just looking to get a few turns in and regain some confidence from my wide world of sports agony of defeat crash at mcc. Mission accomplished. Ink, Lance, Katie and I ended up parked next to one another in the race lot, we lapped a few on 3 before the growing crowds, cold winds, blowing snow and flat light made inky and I call it early. It was worth it, I'm feeling like I know how to ride again. With spring break looming, I hope we get a quiet Sunday or two before the invasion. Mario
  7. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    Ink and I are planning on going to the race lot and riding 3 tomorrow for a bit, forecast is looking a little breezy to say the least
  8. Looks like you were a bit busy today!
  9. Last time I got stuff he was in a condo in Georgetown. He met me in the parking lot with my stuff. Running a very low overhead operation. Call first Mario
  10. Not a sage, but I would recommend visiting a health care professional with some kind of experiance in that type of thing, ie; your a$$ doctor
  11. Holds like crazy, rides like a short board. Fun as all hell. Been my go to all season, it’s magic. I’ve only have one day on another board, and that’s my sf. I just gifted one of my doneks, my donek secret is collecting dust, as is my virus mario
  12. Nice work as always Bob, much Aloha to you and your Ohana!
  13. Hip deep mcc#1, one day at lovey in '07 or '08, I missed my turn for the lift I wanted, and came to a full stop. I pulled the release on my back foot, stepped down, and promptly sat on the tail of my board. Ended up having to lay on my stick and paddle out
  14. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    Its cold, its windy, you wouldn't like it... I think I have a shirt that says that Before management decided to be all safety conscious and $hit and shut things down when things got a wee bit bracing, we would ride in wind chills of -25f and greater. I was never accused of being a smart man...
  15. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    I think that might have been one of mine. I have taken myself out as well as a few of my teammates in the past. mario upon further review of the full clip, it was in fact my trench that got that poor unsuspecting skier. I like how she drops in, hooks up, and totally takes off in a totally unintended direction before she biffs
  16. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    First a roll call: 007, Ice, Inky, J49 akaFNG, Kyle, KTV, Lake Effect Mike, Lance, Mr. Infectious Grin from wrong island, pow4evah, Ms. Shelly, SVR, Yasu, and lil' ol me Once again, we didn't Just knife the phuckin' place haaahrd, we butchered it, sloppily. 14 riders turned the soft groom into a feature filled wasteland in mere moments. The park monkeys were grateful for our work, cheering us on for all the extra hits we were providing, while some of the one leg wiggling death wedge newbs had to be extricated by multiple patrollers on belay from some of the rather cavernous trenches some of us were leaving. Not really sure who was doing that. It was another awesome day with a great crew. I love it when we get riders from all over the states, or even from all over the world, that chose to drop in at our little area, and spend a day playing with us, often creating a little impromptu mini session. To those who have, thank you! To those who are thinking of it, make sure it's on a Sunday, for carve church, its sorta fun Mario
  17. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    Meh, I just have an affinity for east coasters...
  18. Next you’ll be asking me to do yoga, are you insane?
  19. You and I should start a club. As you know, I have the same issue
  20. How nice of you to add features to the features!
  21. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    Flat light, firm, funky, and fun! We are definitely deep in the heart of the season, crazy traffic stupid early, loads of beginner's, first time out for the season, and a few freaks sking in jeans. Thank Goodness many of those Johnny come lately's have to rent equipment, and the rental shop is horribly inefficient, giving us a few hours of relatively kook free carving. Of all the runs we hit, Roulette was by far the best, though the onslaught of Harry and Harriet Holiday tended to put a damper on things after 10. Such is the plight of a weekend warrior, c'est la vie... Another good, solid, complement of riders out today, regulars Sandy, Inky, Ice, and myself were joined by D.T. Ms. Shelly, Justin the FNG, and his Honey, Lisa. As always, everyone was killing it. Lift hoots and call outs were given out freely by the masses watching from above as we all slayed the terrain under 6, a little bit of ego stroking is always nice. Sandy, that was awesome of you to give out your retirement coins to those of us that will not be able to make your retirement ceremony, I am deeply honored, thank you! Mario ps, time to make a 4 noses con leche imperial stout beer milkshake, like i really need it...
  22. so jealous of your various canvas's Bob, such beautiful work my friend!
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