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Everything posted by dantheman0177

  1. Is it anything like love with a kink in it???
  2. I agree. Bill is an awesome rider. I stayed with him at SES the last two years and rode with him a number of times and it is amazing how much better I could push myself to be just trying to keep up with him (and not look like too much of a gumby in the process). That's why the sessions are just awesome. Amazing people to ride with and you improve with almost every single run.
  3. I was referring to the edges of the tie down straps, but I guess my comment applies to boards too. If they edges start to fray, just throw them out and get new ones!!!
  4. You can get cheap ones from your local department store or hardware store probably. Try Walmart or somewhere like that. You don't need to spend massive bucks on the super good ones if you don't want. Just keep an eye on the edges (not the end, that doesn't matter, but the sides along the middle of the webbing) and if they start to fray, throw them out and get new ones.
  5. Just use flat tie-downs rather than bungee cords and pull them really tight. You know the ones with the spring loaded grip lock thingee (I know what I mean, even if you don't). I tie things on my roof with those that are WAY bigger than a sport tube and don't have any place holds, and they stay on fine. Also, if you put a thin-ish piece of rubber between your roof racks and your sport tube, this will also help stop it from sliding around, either sideways or forwards/backwards.
  6. If it's on Fin, live it up in the Presidential Suite!!! Just as long as it doesn't result in an increase in the price of the TD3. In that case, it's the Holiday Inn for you girl!
  7. Come to Australia. Fight massive bushfires. Swelter in 40+ degree heat. Have a snowfight on Christmas Day. All within 48 hours, all at one our most frequented ski resorts! http://www.theage.com.au/frontpage/2006/12/26/frontpage.pdf
  8. http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=-274981837129821058
  9. I'll make sure I bring a good stash this year again. I'll even see what good dark chocolate I can find over here especially for you. Just don't let Kim eat it all this time, ok!
  10. OK, just got the confirmation that the website is up and running. Check out the details, etc at www.podmx.com
  11. They are full carbon fibre brace with some sort of new kevlar strand technology in the hinge which improves the breaking strain to way beyond anything currently in the market. Put these two factors together and there is basically zero flex through the brace, particularly the hinge. They only go where they are meant to go. At least, that was my feeling when I used them.
  12. I've seen independent testing of the Asterix and it is good but not great. Still, it is the best that is on the market to date. Fox are doing a new one called Pod which I have a couple of samples of (it is an Aussie design). In fact it should be almost available by now in the US. I have used that riding and it was awesome. It didn't affect my Deeluxe fit at all (and I have very short legs). If you want some details e-mail gm@sonicaustralia.com
  13. Teacher: "Children, tomorrows assignment is to give me an example of a new development being built near your home and what are the advantages of this new development. At the end of the class, the teacher asks that all girls remain behind for 5 minutes. Teacher: "Young ladies, I have received numerous complaints concerning Little Johnny's' crude remarks. It is very likely tomorrow he is going to say something dirty. If he says anything that appears rude, I would like you all to get up and leave the classroom." Everybody agreed to this plan. Next day - Teacher: "Is everybody ready with their assignment? Go ahead Anita." Anita: "Near my home, a supermarket is being built. Now my mommy doesn't have to walk so far to get the groceries." Teacher: "Very good Anita! Next - Suzie!" Suzie: "Near my home, they are building a furniture factory. My daddy is a carpenter so now he can work near home." Teacher: "Excellent" Little Johnny's hand keeps shooting up so eventually the Teacher asks: "OK, Johnny tell me what new development is being built near your home." Little Johnny: "Near my home, they are building a brothel." All the young girls get up to leave. Little Johnny says, "Hey relax slu*ts .......... its not open yet!"
  14. Jim would probably know better cos he lives in Aspen, but my research (based on an Aussie dollar being worth only US50 cents the first time I came over) found that St Moritz was by far the most economical place to stay. After staying two years in a row I can highly recommend it, particularly if you are on a budget. Oh yeah, and the St Moritz crew are a pretty fun bunch, isn't that right Bill / Jon!!!!
  15. Simple. Look for the one with the highest possible number followed by a % sign on the label. That should do the trick. Can't make any guarantees on taste using this theory though.
  16. As much as it sounds like fun, I have lived on a farm nearly all my life and I just don't believe in it as a concept. Cows sleep lying down. Sorry to disappoint but you might need to find another first date idea.
  17. Gee, and here we were all under the impression that you were a good old fashioned, no-sex-before-marraige type and you have blown away all our misconceptions!!! :p Not a #@$&(% chance!
  18. Gee Allee, and I was thinking that I was amongst friends here... :p
  19. Hey, there's an idea! Do you want to be our travel and moving consultant? :D
  20. Hey personally I like the concept of two homes and seeing each other on weekends and a couple of times during the week but the other half doesn't agree. We have friends who do just that and it seems to work, but I don't think I will win that one. As for what we are going to do once we get married, the plan is first to go to the UK to work for 12 months - 2 years and then take it from there. We will be moving just after Easter 07 and we are getting married on 31 March so it isn't a big deal for the time being. I think I'll just put off making a decision for as long as possible. The best thing to come from it though will be the opportunity to ride in Europe and because we have Round The World airfares that have a 12 month expiry, come back via the US in Feb 08, just in time to ride at SES.
  21. Yep, I'm the same. Vanessa lives in Melbourne and I live in Torquay. She likes being in the city, I like being on the coast. It is only an hour and a half drive at the most and so we see each other pretty much every weekend. It's worked ok for us for 6 1/2 years, but then we don't like being in each other's pockets 24/7.
  22. Geez it is too early to be at work and I have been up for way too long already. Notice how bad my grammar was and the number of times I used the word "big"!!!
  23. How far do you class as long distance? That is the big question. If it necessitates flying to get together, I think there are big issues. If it can be done by driving (say up to 4 hours) it is probably do-able. The biggest problem is that say you use the 3.2 month rule, how well do you really know them in 3.2 months of hardly ever seeing them?
  24. Booked my airfare. Booked my room at the St Moritz. I'm there! P.S. Anyone wanting a ride from Denver (assuming you would trust an Aussie driving on the wrong side of the road) I might have a spare seat. Give me a yell.
  25. Mike, you should have replied with... "Yeah I am. Do you?"
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